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81. AT/Web Exclusive Articles/Top 10 Media Relations TipsÂand More! genXers - Born between 1960 and 1980, they were born into a rapidly changing Understand and use the older worker s preferred communication style. http://www.advisortoday.com/CurrentMonth/WebExclusiveArticles/webexart_seven.htm |
82. The School Library Media Specialist A professional organization that provides a community for school library media Michigan Association for media in Education http//www.mame.gen.mi.us/ http://eduscapes.com/sms/orgs.html | |
83. Full Circle Online Interaction Blog: Target Requires Blogging Skills For Media R Target is looking for a new Senior Manager of media Relations. However, Iam still a strong believer that online communications skills and I don t http://www.fullcirc.com/weblog/2005/05/target-requires-blogging-skills-for.htm | |
84. Gen-Probe: News: Media genPROBE INCORPORATED, FOUNDED IN 1983, IS A GLOBAL LEADER IN THE Most ofall, clinicians are now able to provide patients and the community with more http://www.gen-probe.com/news/mediakit.htm | |
85. COLAGE Online Resources COLAGE maintains a fairly exhaustive list of links to Internet resources. The 2nd gen will be moderated by Ryn Gluckman, a 2nd generation dyke from http://www.colage.org/online-resources.html | |
86. TLN Resources | Coaching Resources Developed in collaboration with EDC Center for media Community, the mediaKid DDN is a rich, wellsupported resource with a global perspective. http://www.teacherleaders.org/Resources/technology.html | |
87. New College Of Caifornia - Center For Education & Social Change The internship will include attending a workshop on media advocacy, EarthTeam,or ET, also channels community resources to high school environmental http://www.newcollege.edu/cesa/internship.cfm | |
88. Projects - 911 Media Arts Center DWord Community Is an useful site for independent documentary filmmakers in Atlanta providing resources and opportunity to the independent media makers http://www.911media.org/projects/web_resources/links.html | |
89. MediaRights mediaRights.org is a community Web site that helps media makers, educators, The genY Studio at the Sundance Film Festival In acknowledgement of the http://www.mediarights.org/workshop/youth_1.php | |
90. Cultural Studies, Hypertext, Critical Theory, Media Studies At Erratic Impact Communication Studies Cultural Studies resources (KarlaTonella) Techno-CulturalMedia resources (Wendy Gale Robinson). Communication, Cultural Studies http://www.erraticimpact.com/~topics/html/cultural_studies.htm | |
91. Networking Protocols SIP A networking community for IT professionals, Focusing on connectivity, NGN resources such as gateways, routers, presence and media servers in order to http://networking.ittoolbox.com/nav/t.asp?t=493&p=493&h1=493 |
92. EDUCAUSE | Resources | Preparing The Academy Of Today For The Learner Of Tomorro The behaviors of the Net gen (multitasking, alwayson communication, engagement with Web-only Chapter resources. Center for generational Studies, http://www.educause.edu/PreparingtheAcademyofTodayfortheLearnerofTomorrow/6062 | |
93. IMedia Connection: Generation Y Provides Wireless Potential gen YÂers need to be in control of the communication. This youth demographic doesnot respond well to Interactive Escort Video and media Operations http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/2570.asp | |
94. Student Job Opportunities Language Learning Resource Center Assistants Filled The major responsibilitiesof this position include classroom media equipment maintenance and http://www.uri.edu/ois/gen/sjobs.html | |
95. Teachers.Net - TEACHER RESOURCES - The Most Active Teacher Chatboards & Teacher Saturdays, 2pm NBPTS MC gen.4 pm NBPTS EC-gen, 8pmE NBPTS Middle School Teacher resources. Article Insider is a global community forum where real-life http://teachers.net/ | |
96. USF School Of Library And Information Science Academic Information LIS 6303 PREPARING INSTRUCTIONAL media (3) Fundamentals of preparing and usingaudiovisuals as they relate to the communication process. basic sources of http://www.cas.usf.edu/lis/gen/courses.html | |
97. Ecovillage, Intentional Community, Cohousing, Cooperatives, Sustainable Communit See our Alternative media, Resource Networking Guide for many links to alternative resources for getting started (forming an intentional community) http://www.planetfriendly.net/community.html | |
98. TELEPHONY Magazine | TelephonyOnline.com: Telecom Business News: Wireless, Inter Telephony s Nextgen Networks Supplement uncovers the mystery of this evolutionary The convergence of communications and computer access technologies is http://www.telephonyonline.com/ | |
99. Harris Interactive | News Room - Upoc's Gen Wireless News Bureau Uncovers The "E also found that gen Wireless is deeply committed to wireless communication . Upoc has devoted substantial resources to researching and understanding http://www.harrisinteractive.com/news/allnewsbydate.asp?NewsID=137 |
100. Pacific Journalism Online Hotlinks USP campus community radio; Email Radiopasifik@usp.ac.fj Radio Polynesia Other media resources. AsiaPacific Network. Independent news media site http://www.usp.ac.fj/journ/docs/hotlinks.html | |
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