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61. APTN FORUMS > What Is An "indian"? And anyone who can whip a comanche (my tribe) deserves the Medal of Honor. Let s recap Savage, Indian, native, Tribe, Warriors, Indigenous, Aboriginal, http://www.aptn.ca/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t224.html | |
62. Term Papers Research Term Papers And Essays to Order TREATMENT OF native amer., 16001820. Nature of amer.-Indian culture to Order APACHES COMANCHES. Compares North amer. Indian tribes origins http://www.research-assistance.com/hazel-doc/paper-topics/india.html | |
63. Urn Burial Footnote amer. Natural, 1876, vol X, p. 455 et seq Indian Reservations,1900 Indian Reservations, 1930 Early native american Tribes and Culture http://www.nanations.com/burialcustoms/urnburial.htm | |
64. Stone Graves Or Cists amer. Antiq. Soc., 1820 vol. 1, p. 302 There are many burying grounds in West Indian Reservations, 1900 Indian Reservations, 1930 Early native http://www.nanations.com/burialcustoms/stone_graves.htm | |
65. CRAFT & DESIGN BOOKS 5003 american Indian Craft Book A guide to the crafts of the main native americantribes. NORTH amer. INDIAN DESIGNS FOR ARTISTS CRAFTSPEOPLE http://www.nativecollections.com/craftanddesign.html | |
66. Powell's Books - The Navajo (Ina) (Indians Of North America) By Peter Iverson other titles in the indians of North America series Choctaw comanche Hopi Iroquios (88 Edition) Iroquois indians of North America Rev Edition http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0791085953 |
67. Received From Julie Hoang, California SDC, April, 2002 As Part Of Indian and Alaska native; Asian; Some other race 152 = Black/African american;amer. Indian Alaska native; native Hawaiian Other Pacific Islander; http://mcdc2.missouri.edu/sastools/sas_formats/Scharite.sas |
68. RAND California County-Level Birth Statistics Filipino, Other Asian, CentralS. amer. Indian. native american, Korean, Vietnamese.Asian Indian, Hawaiian, Guamanian http://tx.rand.org/stats/popdemo/births.html | |
69. Indian Captivity Narratives To 1800 Checklist amer. imprints 44661 G463 S973 H837. Indian anecdotes and barbarities . comanche Indian tribes / Jonathan H. Jones. New York http://www.assumption.edu/users/lknoles/captivity.html | |
70. The Campus Bookstore At Queen's University The traditional cultures of the indians of the Great Plains Lakotas, In the past decade the repatriation of native American skeletal remains and http://www.campusbookstore.com/index.cfm?index=GENERALBOOKS/CATEGORY&dept=HIST&c |
71. What's NEW In The Needham High School Library Indian Immigration Mexican Immigration Ansel Adams (photographs) Ovarian Cancer The comanche The Iroquois native Americans of the Plains The Apache http://nhs.needham.k12.ma.us/nhs_media/NHSLibrary/books/whatsnew.html | |
72. Genealogy Images Of History Ck - Co Named in story of Indian born native, William Pollock who was an artist whose COMANCHES indians mentioned in Western Frontier Era Story entitled Six http://www.genealogyimagesofhistory.com/ck-co.htm | |
73. Native American Chart native American Group or Tribe. Early Populations, Habitat Northwest CoastalIndians such as the Tlingit (10000), Chicook (22000), and Makah http://www.mce.k12tn.net/indians/navigation/native_american_chart.htm | |
74. Native American Times - America's Largest Independent, Native American News Sour native American Times is America s largest, independentlyowned native IÂm writing to request assistance from the comanche, Kiowa, and Tonkawa . http://www.nativetimes.com/letterstotheeditor.asp | |
75. The Twig Bookshop - Texana And Regional Literature R COLUMBUS THE CROWNS/PRESCOTT BOWEN comanche BARRIER RICHARDS COMING TO CENT amer V1 STEPHENS INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN YUCATAN V2 STEPHENS INDIAN http://www.thetwig.com/texana.html | |
76. The Celtic-Southern Thesis And The Old West almost succeeded in exterminating the amerIndian nations from the continental The comanche chief Ten Bears, who hates all white settlers because http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/cantrell6.html | |
77. The Edge: Los Comanches Hispano comanche dancers enter the famed Santuario de San Franscio de Asis to passed through New Mexico staging his portraits of the American Indian, http://www.interculturalrelations.com/v1i2Spring1998/sp98gandert.htm | |
78. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCES FOR AMERICAN INDIAN WORLD VIEWS. Gary Palmer, December 3, 1995 (1989) Witchcraft and Sorcery of the American native Peoples. http://www.nevada.edu/~gbp/bib.am.ind.myth.html | |
80. American Indian Recipes ~ Page 2 It may seem odd to associate fritters and dumplings with Indian cookery. comanche Stew. Ingredients; 5 lb Beef, stewing; 3 lb Bacon or salt pork http://www.biglove.lvhr.com/recipes/amerin/amerin02.html | |
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