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81. Interstate Reciprocity Or Using A Teaching Certificate From Another State This certificate is valid for two years, during which time the teacher must satisfy colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/teachrecother.htm | |
82. Certificate Programs The Master Online teacher Certificate is a comprehensive faculty developmentprogram based upon the Making Offered by University of colorado at Denver http://www.uwex.edu/disted/certificates.html | |
83. State Laws And Regulations - Colorado colorado State Legislature Information. colorado Home School Law, updated June (I)By a teacher certified pursuant to article 60 or 61 of this title; or http://www.homeedmag.com/lawregs/colorado.html | |
84. Professional Dev. Classes ($45) or NE colorado BOCES/ NJC sponsored re certification credit - MUST ATTEND Performance-Based Standards for colorado Teachers addressed in this http://www.neboces.com/ProfDevClassListing.htm | |
85. State Licensing Agencies colorado. colorado Department of Education Educator Licensing Office ofTeacher Education and certification, State Department of Education PO Box 83720 http://www.udel.edu/teachered/stagen.htm | |
86. AFT Redirect LIFT (Loan Incentive for Teachers) The colorado LIFT is a pilot program In addition, candidates who already hold a teaching certificate and are http://www.aft.org/teachers/loanforgiveness.htm |
87. Teachers.Net - COLORADO CHATBOARD - Colorado Teachers, Join Your Fellow Teachers Browse the latest 25 posts from the colorado Chatboard; Re J in CA, 8/10/05,by dog has bad ears Re certification info, 7/16/05, by dog has bad ears. http://teachers.net/states/co/ | |
88. Teacher Preparation Policy Toolkit Alternative teacher certification programs (ACPs) are generally geared towards Persons entering an alternative teacher certification program must have a http://www.communitycollegepolicy.org/html/toolkit/certification/default.asp | |
89. The Military Family Network At EMilitary.org to Teachers (STT) is a pilot project in California, colorado, Florida, Additional certification exam funding may be approved on a case by case basis http://www.emilitary.org/article.php?aid=3398 |
90. Colorado Homeschooling Laws - A To Z Home's Cool (I) By a teacher certified pursuant to article 60 or 61 of this title; or Or, if a home schooling parent or anyone else is certified in colorado to http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/laws/blCO.htm | |
91. NSDC - Staff Development Library: Policy And Advocacy - State Policy Update: Col will also support recognition for colorado National Board Certified Teachersat the state level. The colorado Network for National Board certification, http://www.nsdc.org/library/policy/stpolco.cfm | |
92. Eastern Washington University EWU/Kent School District teacher certification program director. ÂOur KentSchool District students and teachers represent an exciting blend of cultures http://www.ewu.edu/x10783.xml | |
93. Colorado Federal Candidate Subsidy Funds are accessible to all colorado teachers. For a complete List of National Board Certified Teachers, visit our directory http://www.nbpts.org/about/stateinfo_print.cfm?state=Colorado |
94. University Of Northern Colorado - Cumbres Program If the number of bilingual or Teaching English as a Second Language certifiedteachers increases, colorado Hispanic school children will have more role http://www.unco.edu/cumbres/ | |
95. Spouses To Teachers Program Hits Six States ArriveNet Editorials Spouses that are certified to teach in another state Counseled on specific stateteacher certification requirements, $250.00 Stipend, and employment http://editorials.arrivenet.com/edu/article.php?aid=2879 |
96. Education Commission Of The States Do teachers in a charter school have to be certified? colorado CharterSchools, Yes, unless a waiver is granted in the charter. http://mb2.ecs.org/reports/Report.aspx?id=93 |
97. CSDB Employment Opportunities The colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB), and a copy of TeacherCertification to the attention of the Human Resources Office. http://www.csdb.org/about/employment.html | |
98. Active Skim View Of: Appendix D: Teacher Requirement In Six States The curriculum at teacher education programs in Idaho highereducation Preinternship Program The preintern certificate, an alternative to the emergency http://books.nap.edu/nap-cgi/skimit.cgi?isbn=0309074207&chap=263-286 |
99. Military Spouse Career Center The Spouses to Teachers Program was launched on September 1, Spouses thatare certified to teach in another state Counseled on their options for http://www.military.com/spouse/cf/0,,cf_other_pop_teaching-spouse,00.html | |
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