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         Colorado School Media Centers:     more detail
  1. Colorado school library media center statistics, 1985 by Keith Curry Lance, 1987
  2. Asymptotic solutions to direct and inverse scattering in anisotropic elastic media (Colorado School of Mines. Center for Wave Phenomena. CWP) by Sebastien R Geoltrain, 1989
  3. Ray theoretical modeling for seismic surveys along a common trend (strike) in layered acoustic media (Colorado School of Mines. Center for Wave Phenomena. CWP) by Kidane Araya, 1989
  4. [Report.] / Geomechanics Research Center, Colorado School of Mines by B Ross, 1999
  5. [Report.] / Geomechanics Research Center, Colorado School of Mines by Xiaoshan Lin, 1996
  6. The cooperative spirit: School media centers & the public library by Harold Krubsack, 1986
  7. The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement by Keith Curry Lance, Lynda Welborn, et all 1997-03
  8. How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards:The Second Colorado Study by Keith Curry Lance, Marcia J. Rodney, et all 2000-01-01
  9. [Report.] / Geomechanics Research Center, Colorado School of Mines by Graham G. W Mustoe, 1993
  10. Freedom of the press: Relevance of American law and experience to Russia : proceedings of a three-city colloquium in Denver, Colorado, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ... with the media, September 21-26, 1992 by Marshall Kaplan, 1992

1. Colorado Study
in Colorado during the 198889 school year. The study relied entirely upon available data about school library media centers and their school

2. ALA SLMR Online 1999 ALA
in the sample (1) had to have library media centers that had responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in Colorado and (2

3. ALA Student Achievement
Colorado study." Originally published in School Library Media Quarterly, the article has been reprinted online in School Library Media

4. IMLS Publications Conferences Resources Conferences
D., Director, Library Research Service, Colorado State Medford School District Library Media Centers Dr. Steve Wisely, Superintendent, Medford

5. Colorado School Library Statistics
Colorado School Library Statistics

6. Weeding The Library Media Center Collections
Calgary Board of Education, "Weeding the School Library Media Collection " School Library Media Quarterly, 1 2 (Fall, 1984), pp. 419424.

7. School Library Media Impact Surveys

8. Power
Dr. Keith Lance and others published another major landmark study in Colorado that probed whether school library media program were holding

9. School Library Standards And Evaluation
Coordinator of District Library/Media Services Aspen CO School District Quality School District- Level Programs - State of Colorado.

10. IASL School Library Resources On The Internet School Libraries
LRS School Library Media Impact Studies. From the Library Research Service (LRS) of the Colorado Department of Education, this page provides

11. School Library Impact Studies
How school Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards The Second colorado Study (2000) Making the Grade The Status of school Library media centers in the
LRS Home School Libraries Impact Studies Home LRS-Interactive Blog Fast Facts ... Site Map
School Library Impact Studies
Presentations Colorado Studies In the News Studies in Other States:
Tell Us Your Story
Since 2000, studies on the impact of school libraries and librarians on academic achievement have been conducted in Colorado and more than a dozen other states. Have you used one or more of these studies as an advocate for school libraries and librarians? If so, we would appreciate hearing from you in a short survey. It's about time we find out what sort of impact this research itself has had. Click here to fill out the School Library Studies Outcomes Survey
Presentations prepared by Keith Curry Lance
Enough Already! Blazing New Trails for School Research
.pdf .ppt
Analyzing Relationships Between School Libraries and Academic Achievement
.pdf .ppt
Powering Achievement: How School Librarians Impact Academic Achievement
.pdf .ppt
Scientifically-Based Research on the Impact of School Libraries on Academic Achievement
.pdf .ppt
5 Roles for Empowering School Librarians
.pdf .ppt
Colorado Studies
How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards: The Second Colorado Study (2000)
by Keith Curry Lance, Christine Hamilton-Pennell, and Marcia J. Rodney

12. Library Research Service - Research And Statistics About Libraries
More results from ALA SLMR Online © 1999 ALAThe Impact of school Library media centers on Academic Achievement. techniques toexisting data on colorado library media centers and their school and
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13. ALA | Student Achievement
Executive summary of the second colorado Study conducted by Keith Curry Lanceand the California school Library media centers and Student Achievement.

14. Colorado Study
ED372759 May 94 The Impact of school Library media centers on Academic that responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in colorado and
ED372759 May 94 The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement.
ERIC Digest. Author: Lance, Keith Curry ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, Syracuse, NY. THIS DIGEST WAS CREATED BY ERIC, THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ERIC, CONTACT ACCESS ERIC 1-800-LET-ERIC INTRODUCTION Advocates of school library media programs have long been convinced of the relationship between quality library media programs and academic achievement. Most studies of this relationship were conducted between 1959 and 1979, were limited in scope, and usually used a small number of subjects in a limited geographical area. This study was designed both to update the existing research and to examine the relationship between library media programs and student achievement. METHODOLOGY Ideally, schools included in the sample for a study such as this would be selected on a random, stratified, or quota basis. None of these sampling designs was possible, because schools included in the sample had to have library media centers that responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in Colorado and had to use the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) or Tests of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP). These data were available for only 221 of 1,331 public elementary and secondary schools in Colorado during the 1988-89 school year. The study relied entirely upon available data about school library media centers and their school and community contexts to predict norm-referenced test scores.

15. School Library Media Impact Surveys
School Library Media
Studies on Achievement
The International Association of School Librarianship's (IASL) annotated list of links to resources that relate current research on library media centers and student achievement is a mix of national and international resources.
This is the web site for Library Reseach Service which includes information on the research methods for the Alaska, Colorado, and Pennsylvania surveys, and various articles and presentations regarding impact studies and surveys.
This is the "Alaska Study" that was conducted by Keith Curry Lance, Christine Hamilton-Pennell, Marcia J. Rodney, with Lois Petersen in 1999. This is the Executive Summary of an assessment of the impact of Alaska school librarians on academic achievement in the state's public schools.

16. The Impact Of School Library Media Centers On Academic Achievement. ERIC Digest.
that responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in colorado and Exemplary elementary schools and their library media centers A
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ERIC Identifier:
Publication Date:
Lance, Keith Curry
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY.
The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement. ERIC Digest.
Advocates of school library media programs have long been convinced of the relationship between quality library media programs and academic achievement. Most studies of this relationship were conducted between 1959 and 1979, were limited in scope, and usually used a small number of subjects in a limited geographical area. This study was designed both to update the existing research and to examine the relationship between library media programs and student achievement.
Ideally, schools included in the sample for a study such as this would be selected on a random, stratified, or quota basis. None of these sampling designs was possible, because schools included in the sample had to have library media centers that responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in Colorado and had to use the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) or Tests of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP). These data were available for only 221 of 1,331 public elementary and secondary schools in Colorado during the 1988-89 school year. The study relied entirely upon available data about school library media centers and their school and community contexts to predict norm-referenced test scores.

17. Proof Of The Power: Recent Research On The Impact Of School Library Media Progra
The latest colorado study identified four direct library media predictors of The impact of school library media centers on academic achievement.
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ERIC Identifier:
Publication Date:
Lance, Keith Curry
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY.
Proof of the Power: Recent Research on the Impact of School Library Media Programs on the Academic Achievement of U.S. Public School Students. ERIC Digest.
By mid 2001, researchers affiliated with the Library Research Service of the Colorado State Library and the University of Denver had completed four statewide studies on the impact of school library media programs on the academic achievement of U.S. public school students: * Information Empowered: The School Librarian as an Agent of Academic Achievement in Alaska, * Measuring Up to Standards: The Impact of School Library Programs and Information Literacy in Pennsylvania Schools, * How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards, The Second Colorado Study, and * Good Schools Have School Librarians: Oregon School Librarians Collaborate to Improve Academic Achievement.
Philosophically, these studies are rooted in the Information Power model espoused by the American Association of School Librarians and the findings from six decades of research related to the impact of school library media programs on academic achievement.

18. Education World ® Administrators Center: Strong Libraries Improve Student Achie
media centers, replicated those of earlier studies conducted in colorado, The school media center is not just a place, it s a program, Lance said.
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Master's of Arts in Hoodia Diet Pills Hoodia Gordonii Hoodia Pills Leading Trade and Vocational Career Schools and Courses Get your evaluation ... Staffing School Administrators Article SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS ARTICLE Strong Libraries Improve Student Achievement From time to time, Education World reposts articles with important messages. This article, originally posted in 2000, makes a point worth revisiting about the importance of school libraries and librarians. Last month, site-based management teams at 11 elementary schools in Kalamazoo, Michigan, chose to cut their budgets for the 2000-2001 school year by eliminating the position of school librarian. Did they make the right decision? A new study indicates that what they made was a big mistake! Included: Results of a recent study show that students at schools with strong media centers scored significantly higher on standardized tests than students at schools with less-well-equipped and staffed libraries. Last month, site-based management teams at 11 elementary schools in Kalamazoo, Michigan, chose to cut their budgets for the 2000-2001 school year by eliminating the position of school librarian. Did they make the right decision? A new study indicates that what they made was a big mistake!

19. Centers And Research | School Of Journalism And Mass Communication
The school s New media Center is where tomorrow s online professionals cut their The NMC is working with the colorado Press Association and similar
This Site CU Web Site CU People Ted Scripps Fellows learn about climate change at high altitude during a field trip to CU's Mountain Research Station.
Centers and Research Through the Center for Environmental Journalism the school seeks to enrich and elevate the quality, range and significance of media coverage of environmental issues. The CEJ is home to the prestigious Ted Scripps Fellowships in Environmental Journalism, which provide working journalists with a one-year opportunity to deepen their understanding of environmental science, policy, law and journalism. The Resource Center for Media, Religion and Culture Other Research and Special Projects Web Sites: The School recently inaugurated its first named chair, endowed by CU alumnus James E. de Castro, for research on Global and International Media . Faculty members offer courses in international and global media as part of the School's undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs. The school's New Media Center is where tomorrow's online professionals cut their teeth and where innovative teaching and media software are developed and implemented. The NMC is working with the Colorado Press Association and similar organizations to shape the next generation of mass communication technology. Journalism Home Contact Us
The School
Academic Programs ... Board of Regents

20. Proof Of The Power: Quality Library Media Programs Affect Academic Achievement
Library media Center Usage In both Alaska and colorado, individual student visits The Impact of school Library media centers on Academic Achievement.
Proof of the Power:
Quality Library Media Programs Affect Academic Achievement by Keith Curry Lance Director, Library Research Service Colorado State Library and University of Denver MultiMedia Schools • September 2001 T he evidence is mounting! By early 2000, researchers affiliated with the Library Research Service of the Colorado State Library and the University of Denver—myself included—had completed four statewide studies on the impact of school library media programs on the academic achievement of U.S. public school students:
  • "Information Empowered: The School Librarian as an Agent of Academic Achievement in Alaska" "Measuring Up to Standards: The Impact of School Library Programs and Information Literacy in Pennsylvania Schools" "How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards, The Second Colorado Study" "Good Schools Have School Librarians: Oregon School Librarians Collaborate to Improve Academic Achievement"
Philosophically, these studies are rooted in the "Information Power" model espoused by the American Association of School Librarians and the findings from 6 decades of research related to the impact of school library media programs on academic achievement. The latest edition of Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning (1998) identifies three roles for school library media specialists. In a learning and teaching role, library media specialists advance the instructional goals of the school. As providers of information access and delivery, they develop collections and services and facilitate their use. And, as program administrators, they serve as library media center managers as well as school-wide advocates and trainers for information literacy.

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