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21. The Old Print Shop cobra snakes, Tab. XCVII (untitled). Artist Albertus Seba Publisher Medium Engraving handcolored, Date 173465. Price $650.00. Full Details Buy Now http://www.oldprintshop.com/cgi-bin/gallery.pl?action=browse&category_id=217 |
22. King Cobra Printout- EnchantedLearning.com Printable fact sheet and sketch from EnchantedLearning.com. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/reptiles/snakes/Kingcobra.shtml | |
23. National Geographic: Interactive King Cobra An indepth look at one of the world's most deadly snakes. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kingcobra/index-n.html |
24. MSN Encarta - Cobra (snake) Article from Encarta Encyclopedia that introduces this family of deadly snakes. http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761559191 |
25. MSN Encarta - Cobra (snake) Great books about your topic, cobra (snake), selected by Encarta editors cobra (snake), common name for certain members of a family of venomous snakes, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761559191/Cobra_(snake).html | |
26. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Cobra (snake) Snake (reptile), legless animal with a long, flexible body covered with overlapping scales. snakes are reptiles, a diverse group of animals that also http://encarta.msn.com/related_761559191/Cobra_(snake).html | |
27. The Cobra .. cobra is the common name for members of the family of venomous snakes, cobras are famous for their use by Oriental snake charmers because they are http://www.geocities.com/thesciencefiles/cobra/page.html |
28. Cobra (snake) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The King cobra notably eats other snakes; it feeds almost entirely on other snakes, even venomous ones (ophiophagy). The spitting cobra can also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_(snake) | |
29. Snake - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia their snakes and the snakes are either nonvenomous or defanged cobras. the snake occupies a primary role with the Nile cobra adorning the crown of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake | |
30. Cobra Info Page 1 - Introduction cobra is the common name for members of the family of venomous snakes, The king cobra is unique among snakes in that it makes a nest for its eggs, http://www.cobras.org/cob_1.htm | |
31. Cobra - Article At 85, he has been bitten 162 times the latest, by a cobra, three. months ago by snakes with venom poisonous enough to kill an elephant. http://www.cobras.org/article.htm | |
32. King Cobra The King cobra snake is the largest venomous snake in the world! The heavy and mascular King cobra can kill other snakes with its powerful venom. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~neils/bobby/cobra.html | |
33. Cape Cobra, Pictures And Information, Photographs, Snakes, Serpentes About this snake Cape cobra The Cape cobra is considered the most venomous African Cape cobras prey on rodents and other snakes. Naja nivea (Elapidae) http://www.photovault.com/Link/Animals/Reptiles/Snakes/Species/CapeCobra.html | |
34. PHOTOVAULT.com Reptile Museum: Red Spitting Cobra, Pictures And Information, Pho About this snake Red Spitting cobra. This snake can be found in eastern Africa from Northern Tanzania and all the way through to Egypt. http://www.photovault.com/Link/Animals/Reptiles/Snakes/Species/RedSpittingCobra. | |
35. Antique Natural History Color Prints Of Snakes 1 This delightful print shows a large cobra snake in the woodlands. The cobra has its head stretching upward, looking up, it has its little, http://www.goldenbks.co.uk/Antiqueprints145.html | |
36. The Seven Cobras By Franz L Kessler (short Story) Naga is a Sanskrit word characterizing large snakes (Python, cobra), The crown of the Pharao of Egypt figured the Uraeus, a cobra snake, at the center http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewShortStory.asp?AuthorID=14304&id=14585 |
37. MarathiMitra: Articles -> Naagpanchamee The celebration is in the honour of cobrasnakes. naa-ga-pa-N-cha-mee has its own charm. Yes, on this day you will see many gaa-ru-dee (snakecharmers) http://www.marathimitra.com/showpage?pageid=mm.artc.naagpanchamee |
38. Free Snake Themes : Desktop Themes, Screensavers, Wallpapers, Skins And More 15 great animated and static cursors of of a cobra Snake. Added 03/01/03 Size 19 Kb. snakes Screensaver Images of reptiles, more than 50 types a snakes! http://www.topdesktop.com/animals/snake1.htm | |
39. Indian Cobra Size of Indian cobra A large, highly venomous snake, the Indian cobra feeds on Indian cobras pay more attention to their eggs than is usual in snakes. http://mbgnet.mobot.org/sets/rforest/animals/cobra.htm | |
40. King Cobra - Ophiophagus Hannah King cobras have the basic snake appearance, with a long, round, King cobras are the only snakes known to make a nest, perhaps a sign of their http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/animals1/snake/kingcobra.html | |
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