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81. Pollution Fines Finance 14 Projects For Fish And Wildlife The US Coast Guard, the Environmental Protection AgencyÂs Criminal Investigative For more information on the Columbia river Estuarine coastal Fund, http://www.nfwf.org/press_columbiariver.htm |
82. Secretary Norton Announces $17 Million In Grants To Support Coastal Wetlands Con Indian river Lagoon. FloridaÂs Department of Environmental Protection will This area is designated as part of the federal coastal Barrier Resources http://www.doi.gov/news/031210b.htm | |
83. USACE Environmental Operating Principles Billy Tauzin of Louisiana said Louisiana s coastal wetlands from fisheries Most of the diversion is expected to occur during the river s high-water http://www.hq.usace.army.mil/cepa/davispondrelease.htm |
84. High School Student Paper: The Contamination Of The Kenai Peninsula Coastal Comm It is obvious to the team that we cannot sustain our environment with this That growth is well illustrated by aerial photos of the Kenai river area. http://www.uaf.edu/seagrant/nosb/papers/2004/skyview-humans.html | |
85. Townsville State Of Environment Report - Coast And Marine In assessing the State of the environment as it relates to coastal and Marine Townsville coastal area is categorised as being in the LucindaMackay http://www.soe-townsville.org/marineandcoastal.html | |
86. Caspian Sea Regional Country Analysis Brief: Environmental Issues Untreated waste from the Volga Riverinto which half the population of Russia and Flooding in coastal zones has inundated residential areas, transport, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/caspenv.html | |
87. SLVision 2000 Action Plan, Le Fleuve Newsletter, Volume 10, Issue 5, Home integrated coastal zone management in the Escoumins  Betsiamites river area, Some of the measures proposed in environmental remedial action plans http://www.slv2000.qc.ca/bibliotheque/lefleuve/vol10no5/volume10_5_accueil_a.htm | |
88. Center For Coastal, Energy, & Environmental Resources Wetland Biochemistry Instituteis involved in research on river floodplain The expertise honed in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast area has been applied http://laregents.org/www2/programs/rescenters/lsubr/coastenergy/ | |
89. §6.302 Wetlands, Floodplains, Important Farmlands, Coastal Zones, Wild And Scen The assessment will become part of the environmental assessment or If an EPAaction may affect a coastal zone area, the responsible official shall http://www.complianceregs.com/40cfr/ChapterI/subA/Part6/6-302.html | |
90. Areas Of Critical Environmental Concern The critical resources contained in these areas include the largest The CoastalACEC Stewardship Grant Program provides communities with funding to http://www.mass.gov/dcr/stewardship/acec/planTools.htm | |
91. Experience The California Coast Smith river Area Crescent City Crescent City Harbor recreational opportunitiesalong the coast in a way consistent with environmental preservation. http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/10390.html | |
92. River Related Environmental Organizations Links to river Related Environmental Organizations. its entire ecosystem,and the economies of the Trinity river Basin and North Coast of California. http://www.friendsoftheriver.org/CaliforniaRivers/Links-RiverRelatedOrgs.html | |
93. 21_housatonic I. SITE NAME Lower Housatonic river Great Meadows Marsh Complex Tidal rangealong the coast in this area is approximately 6.7 feet (2.04 meters). http://training.fws.gov/library/pubs5/necas/web_link/21_housatonic.htm | |
94. North Coast - Humboldt County - California Resources Topographic map of Ferndale, the Salt river and the mouth of the Eel river Northcoast Environmental Center and Econews. Friends of the Eel river which http://ebeltz.net/niftylinks/callinks.html | |
95. Response Operations Information This is the basic policy manual for the Marine Safety and Environmental OSROs are classified according to Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) zones. http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-m/nmc/response/ | |
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