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61. Coastal Ecosystems - Estuaries - Loxahatchee River & Estuary Along the river and within the park is coastal sand pine scrub, a biologicalcommunity so rare it is Loxahatchee river Environmental Control District http://www.sfwmd.gov/org/wrp/wrp_ce/2_wrp_ce_estuary/lox.html | |
62. MURRAY RIVER: Matthew Flinders & The Coastal Landforms Of SE Australia The MurrayDarling Basin, the area drained by this river system, Even if hehad seen that portion of coast it is not certain what could have been http://www.vnc.qld.edu.au/enviro/flinders/f-p-smr.htm | |
63. Lake Superior Coastal Program Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS): Minne Lake Superior coastal Program Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Map of the St. Louis river Area of Concern V, 418 (TIF 34KB). Back to top http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/lakesuperior/feis/ | |
64. Tumen Net coastal Priority Environmental Issues (including Peter the Great Bay and EastCoast of It is the marine, coastal and river mouth area, that can be most http://www.ecdc.net.cn/newindex/chinese/page/tumen_net/page/7.htm |
65. South Coastal Watersheds of 14 coastal river watersheds with a total drainage area of approximately 240.7 Executive Office of Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge, 9th Floor http://www.mass.gov/envir/water/southCoastal/southCoastal.htm | |
66. Contaminated Sediment Studies - St. Louis River Area Of Concern - Minnesota Poll This project will be funded through a grant from the Wisconsin coastal Sediment quality indicators and metrics for the St. Louis river Area of Concern. http://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/sediments/studies-stlouis.html | |
67. SMART: Sustainable Management Of Scarce Resources In The Coastal Zone fast growing industrial demand in the coastal zone, and environmental Originally, the area received excess water from the Gediz river for much of http://www.ess.co.at/SMART/CASES/TR/turkey.html | |
68. SMART: Sustainable Management Of Scarce Resources In The Coastal Zone The area stretches along the northern Lebanese coast covering Tripoli City It is crossed by a river (Abou Ali) passing in Tripoli and another minor one http://www.ess.co.at/SMART/CASES/LB/lebanon.html | |
69. Corangamite Report Card It gives a brief summary of the region, outlines the environmental and naturalresource Prepare a health of the coast report covering all coastal areas. http://www.nrm.gov.au/state/vic/corangamite/publications/report-card/ | |
70. News Release: BC Hydro Bridge Coastal Fish And Wildlife Restoration Program Allo Summaries of the Campbell river area projects funded this year are listed below.Elk river Channel Stabilization. Streamline Environmental Consulting ($95, http://www.bchydro.com/news/2004/may/release10596.html | |
71. Huntington Beach - Official City Web Site - City Departments - Economic Developm A Huntington Beach City Council study session on the Orange Coast river Park Environmental Reports. The EIR for the Southeast coastal Redevelopment Plan http://www.ci.huntington-beach.ca.us/CityDepartments/ED/redevelopment/southeast_ | |
72. UMW - Coastal Erosion At The Rappahannock River Mouth coastal Erosion Near the Mouth of the Rappahannock river coastal ResourcesManagement Program and Final Environmental Impact Statements, Vol. http://www.umw.edu/envisci_geol/rappahannock_watershed_inf/research/coastal_eros |
73. CSCOR: Stressors : Land Use Impacts : Past Programs : C-CAP (Coastal Change Anal analysis for the Columbia river coastal drainage area from Willapa Bay, Change analysis has been completed for the area from coastal Galveston Bay http://www.cop.noaa.gov/stressors/resourcelanduse/past/lu-ccap.html | |
74. Surfrider Foundation A-Z: Table Of Contents Floodplain A level area near a river or stream channel, constructed by the river in is an easyto-use reference tool for coastal environmental issues. http://www.surfrider.org/a-z/index.asp | |
75. The Urban Harbors Institute At The University Of Massachusetts Boston Prepared for the coastal States Organization with UHI Senior Associate Weir river Area of Critical Environmental Concern Natural Resources Inventory . http://www.uhi.umb.edu/publications.htm | |
76. Louisiana Coastal Area  Addressing Decades Of Coastal Erosion LouisianaÂs coastal area include about 30 percent of the nationÂs coastal marshes, Freshwater diversion at Convent, Louisiana, along the Blind river. http://www.house.gov/transportation/water/07-15-04/07-15-04memo.html | |
77. Delaware River Oil Spill The Coast Guard has estimated that 264355 gallons of heavy crude oil were roosting and resting areas out into portions of the Delaware river that may be http://www.house.gov/transportation/cgmt/01-18-05/01-18-05memo.html | |
78. Arctic: Integrated Management Planning In Canada's Northern Marine Environment: In preparation for the interviews, the coastal area extending from Button Bay to This prominent bay is located west of the town and the Churchill river. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3712/is_200209/ai_n9093974/pg_2 | |
79. Kobuk Valley National Park Information Page environment. The Kobuk river begins in the central Brooks Range. They probablymade seasonal journeys down river to the coast for trading and marine http://www.kobuk.valley.national-park.com/info.htm | |
80. Columbia River Estuarine Coastal Fund to be invested in conservation projects in the area of environmental impact . These funds are an opportunity for Lower Columbia river and coastal http://www.nfwf.org/programs/crecf.htm |
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