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41. SOFIA - Ecosystem History Of The Southwest Coast-Shark River Slough Outflow Area ecosystem history of the southwest coastshark river slough outflow area of the mangrove-freshwater marsh ecotone and the coastal environment. http://sofia.usgs.gov/projects/eh_swcsrs/ | |
42. Maryland Coastal Bays Program Maryland coastal Bays Program Environmental Education on the Eastern Shore The planners recommended that the existing service areas for river Run and http://www.mdcoastalbays.org/news2.php?subaction=showfull&id=1101494797&archive= |
43. California Coastal Access Guide, Sixth Edition o information on more than 890 public access coastal areas Santa Cruz HarborArea Live Oak Capitola Capitola to the Pajaro river MONTEREY COUNTY http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/3805001.html | |
44. Shrublands On Southern Swan Coastal Plain Ironstones. 1994), and in the Scott river area. Each of these areas support Another areaof ironstone soils occurs on the Scott coastal Plain near Augusta, http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/communities/swan-ironstone.html | |
45. Gulf Coastal In the river bottoms and flood plains of area river systems, the Ouachita, Saline, Extractive industries have altered the environment of this region. http://www.scsc.k12.ar.us/BorneC/gulf.htm | |
46. EUROPA - Environment - LIFE - NEWSFLASH river basin management and coastal zone management) which are helping Member Type of project area For LIFE environment, searches by policy sectors http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/life/news/lifeflash/newsflash02_04.htm | |
47. Chapter 3 1.1 Public Water Areas (Rivers, Coastal Waters) river flow rates and sediment conditions in coastal water areas are also Certain rivers chronically exceed standards for BOD, which Environmental http://nett21.gec.jp/CTT_DATA/WMON/CHAP_3/html/Wmon-041.html | |
48. Connecticut Coastal Access Guide - Pawcatuck River Wildlife Management Area coastal Access Site, Pawcatuck river Wildlife Management Area environment.Rocky Shore, Rocky Shore. Tidal river, Tidal river http://www.lisrc.uconn.edu/coastalaccess/site.asp?siteid=552 |
49. Login To BioOne The river basin areas of the main rivers extended to Portugal and Spain 1997b, Portuguese urban waterfront expansion near coastal areas Environmental http://www.bioone.org/bioone/?request=get-document&issn=1400-0350&volume=009&iss |
50. PoughkeepsieJournal.com - Rising Seas May Swamp Coastal Area The swollen Hudson river covers the patio area of Mariners on the Hudson in A rise in water levels also would affect coastal ecosystems in the river and http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/sections/environment/stories/en050904s1.shtml | |
51. Coastal America: Project Summary - Duwamish River Estuary Intertidal Wetlands flat coastal areas considered essential for modern human development. The net result is ecological restoration and sustained environmental features http://www.coastalamerica.gov/text/regions/nw/duwamish.html | |
52. OzEstuaries - Coastal Indicator Development And Information System Changes in Saltmarsh areas. What are Salt Marshes? A coastal saltmarsh is communityof Figure of saltmarsh+saltfalt areas in the Nassau river, QLD http://www.ozestuaries.org/oracle/ozestuaries/indicators/In_saltmarsh_area_f.htm | |
53. Egypt: Environmental Issues Egypt is 97% desert and is therefore dependent on the Nile river for its carbon emissions, energy consumption, and preservation of coastal areas. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/egypenv.html | |
54. Defra UK; ERDP - Schemes - Environmentally Sensitive Areas Defra proposes to launch a new Environmental Stewardship Scheme in 2005. moor; coastal marsh; river valleys, which offer protection for some of our http://www.defra.gov.uk/erdp/schemes/esas/default.htm | |
55. Welcome To The Official Florida Online Parks Guide! ÂFlorida is proving that an investment in environmental protection and outdoor coastal and Aquatic Managed areas; » Suwannee river Wilderness Trail http://www.floridastateparks.org/ | |
56. Coasts And Marine - Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary are the most charismatic species found in the Barker Inlet/Port river area, Department for environment Coast and Marine Branch education site http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/coasts/dolphin.html |
57. F.A.Q's A The New York State Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) provides a A TheHudson river coastal area is the first of New York s coastal regions to have http://www.nyswaterfronts.com/faq.asp | |
58. DRAM, Florida Geological Survey-Coastal Section Department of Environmental ProtectionÂs coastal Aquatic Management Area (CAMA) river Area of the Florida Big Bend is another completed CRP project. http://www.dep.state.fl.us/geology/programs/coastal/coastal.htm | |
59. Weather environment Canada s Official Text Forecasts Great Slave Lake and MackenzieRiver areas Mackenzie Delta and Arctic Coast http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/forecast/textforecast_e.html | |
60. Coastal Management Program coastal areas, funded studies related to coastal management and helped to The coastal program has allowed the Department of Environmental Quality to http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3313_3677_3696-11188--,00.html | |
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