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21. Coasts And The Sea - Health Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Health of the Marine and coastal environment. Trends. Area of seagrass along the The continued development of coastal areas, if allowed to proceed http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/reporting/coast/health.html | |
22. 2004-07-08 - Breaux Act Newsflash - Coastal Area Restoration Plan Breaux Act Newsflash coastal Area Restoration Plan, Draft Environmental Impact river sediment resources in degrading areas, restoring endangered http://www.lacoast.gov/news/press/2004-07-08.htm |
23. Portugal - Costa Azul - Nature And Environment The Arrábida Natural Park was formed in 1976 and covers an area of 10800 hectares . The river bank dates from when the coastal line was further inland. http://www.portugalvirtual.pt/_tourism/costadelisboa/costazul/naturezu.html | |
24. Integrated Coastal Area And River Basin Management (ICARM) Cetina river Basin and its Associated coastal areas  ICARM of an environmentaland socioeconomic profile for the river basin and coastal areas, http://www1.unep.org/icarm/ | |
25. EPA : Global Warming : Impacts : Coastal Zones The EPA Global Warming Site coastal Zone Impacts. and in extremely flat areas,floods can be caused by storm surges from the sea or by river surges. http://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/ImpactsCoastalZones.html | |
26. Coastal EMAP Study Areas Links to maps of for Western EMAP coastal Study areas. systems on both thenorth and south sides of the river for a single environmental assessment. http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/OEA.NSF/0/970b0b38fd0b6af48825688100664182?OpenDocum |
27. Coastal And Aquatic Managed Areas (CAMA) The Florida Department of Environmental Protection s coastal and Aquatic ManagedAreas program is Environmental Education Center 505 Guana river Road, http://www.dep.state.fl.us/coastal/ | |
28. EW - Proposed Regional Coastal Plan /APPENDIX VI: Glossary coastal environment The coastal environment is an environment in which the A transition zone (or environment) includes areas that are characterised by http://www.ew.govt.nz/policyandplans/rcpintro/coastalplan/CoastalPlan_124.htm | |
29. EW - Tsunami In The Coastal Areas Of The Waikato Region Tsunami threaten people in coastal and low lying areas. To reduce the risksto these communities environment Waikato and environment Bay of Plenty have http://www.ew.govt.nz/enviroinfo/hazards/naturalhazards/coastal/tsunami.htm | |
30. Protected Areas Programme - DATE AND HISTORY OF ESTABLISHMENT The area of the Subterranean river has longaroused Protected areas and Wildlife Bureau, Department of environment and http://www.unep-wcmc.org/sites/wh/princesa.html | |
31. The Environmental Literacy Council - Coastal Land Loss In Louisiana Lower Louisiana contains the seventh largest river delta in the world. Inland areas are typically protected by barrier islands, which absorb heavy storm http://www.enviroliteracy.org/article.php/1129.html | |
32. Coastal Areas In coastal areas, waters from several sources mix to become the essence ofbeautiful and Lower West Coast Regional Service Center (Caloosahatchee river, http://www.sfwmd.gov/site/index.php?id=18 |
33. ADRICOSM - ADRIatic Sea Integrated COastal AreaS And River Basin 5)Further develop the coupling of the marine coastal areas with the integratedriver catchment simulator systems for all the major rivers discharging into http://webapps01.un.org/dsd/partnerships/search/partnerships/134.html |
34. Part 5 Chapter 4 - Lake Superior Coastal Program Final Environmental Impact Stat The St. Louis river system area of concern (AOC) refers to the geographic public beaches and other public coastal areas of environmental, recreational http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/lakesuperior/feis/part5_ch4.html | |
35. Ministry Of Natural Resources Publications coastal Wetlands; Appendix L Lake Erie Natural areas, Environmental Appendix N Lake Ontario and Niagara river Natural areas, Environmental http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/pubmenu.html | |
36. AIMS - TROPICS (Tropical River-Ocean Processes In Coastal Settings) (Tropical riverOcean Processes In coastal Settings). TROPICS logo Baselineenvironmental conditions in pristine areas. http://www.aims.gov.au/pages/research/projects/project05/tropics/tropics-02.html | |
37. Coast Plans And Reports which is the coastal area between the Waimakariri river mouth and The Rocks Proposed Regional coastal environment Plan 2003 This plan promotes the http://www.ecan.govt.nz/Our Environment/Coast/Plans and Reports/ | |
38. Implication Of Dams On The Freshwater And Coastal Environment And Its Resources Implication of Dams on the Freshwater and coastal environment and its Need foran approach to integrated coastal area and river basin management http://www.dams.org/kbase/submissions/showsub.php?rec=env107 |
39. Madagascar - PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT The coastal region extends roughly from north of Baie d Antongil, the most prominent The Mangoky river has a basin area of some 50000 square kilometers; http://www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-8329.html | |
40. Review Of The South Carolina Department Of Health And Environmental Control (DHE Critical areas include coastal waters, tidelands, and beach/dune systems. river Ashley river Special Area Management Plan (SC coastal Council, http://www.state.sc.us/scdah/hpDHEC_OCRMreview.htm | |
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