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         Coastal & River Areas Environment:     more detail
  1. Conceptual Framwework and Planning Guidelines for Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management (French) by United Nations Environment Programme, 1999-12-31
  2. River Cetina Watershed and the Adjacent Coastal Area by United Nations Environment Programme, 2000-12-31
  3. Influence of regional pollution outflow on the concentrations of fine particulate matter and visibility in the coastal area of southern China [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by H.C. Cheung, T. Wang, et all
  4. Underwater archaeology on the lower Pearl and West Pearl Rivers, Louisiana and Mississippi: The examination of 11 target areas and excavation of the gunboat CSS Arrow by Charles E Pearson, 1996
  5. Cultural resources evaluation of seven construction areas along the Red River, Louisiana, Colfax to Cupples by Douglas Donne Bryant, 1986
  6. Archeological and historical investigations of four proposed revetment areas located along the Mississippi River in southeast Louisiana (Cultural resources ... Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District) by David B Kelley, 1989
  7. Archaeological testing at three sites in the Wallisville Lake Project area, Trinity River Delta, Chambers County, Texas by Richard A Weinstein, 1987
  8. Archaeological survey and testing within the Grand Bayou Reservoir area, Red River Parish, Louisiana by David B Kelley, 1995
  9. Archaeological reconnaissance of the below Red River project area: Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana by Charles E Pearson, 1983
  10. Cultural resources evaluation of five proposed construction areas along Red River, Louisiana: Draft report by James Patrick Whelan, 1983
  11. Cultural resources survey of proposed disposal area 1A, Colorado River, Matagorda County, Texas by Stephanie L Perrault, 1995
  12. Cultural resources survey of levee rehabilitation/restoration areas along the Red River between Fulton, Arkansas and the Louisiana State Line: Items 4, 5, and 9 by David B Kelley, 1998

1. Coastal And Marine Geology Program - U.S. Geological Survey
Describes ongoing projects and research plans for assessing coastal, estuary, and continental shelf processes, sediment transfer, and related

2. Provincetown Center For Coastal Studies Home
A private nonprofit organization for research, conservation, and education in the coastal and marine environments.

3. Coastal Carolina University
Coastal Carolina University offers 36 programs leading to the baccalaureate degree, master's degree programs in education and science disciplines

4. University Of Delaware
Center for Applied Coastal Research

5. Center For Coastal Studies - SIO - UCSD
Study areas include waves, currents, and tides in nearshore and estuarine waters; sediment transport by waves, winds, and rivers; fluidsediment

6. Pacific Northwest Coastal Indian Life
Daily Life in Ancient Times Pacific Northwest Coastal Indians For Kids Teachers K12

7. Coastal Plains
Links to hundreds of non.COM sites along the Texas Coastal Plains. Browse by county or city.

8. NOAA Coastal Services Center Home Page
The NOAA Coastal Services Center is an office within the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) devoted to serving the

9. CDIP Homepage
The Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) specializes in wave measurement, swell modeling and forecasting, and the analysis of coastal environment

10. Northwest Coastal Indians
Habitat The Northwest Coastal Indians lived in what is now Alaska along the Pacific Ocean down the coast to Northern California.

11. River Cetina Watershed And The Adjacent Coastal Area: Environmental And Socio-ec
The study identifies the pressures on the environment, rivercoast interactions and the environment of river basins and associated coastal areas in an
What's New @ Ramsar New book on integrated management of the river Cetina watershed UNEP/MAP/PAP: River Cetina Watershed and the Adjacent Coastal Area: environmental and socio-economic profile . Split, Priority Actions Programme, 2000. Probably for the first time ever, a regional development and planning study links integrated coastal zone management issues with similar approaches covering the relevant hinterland. Starting from the Cetina river mouth on the Adriatic Sea, a particular ecosystem of the adjacent coastal area, that includes significant marine channels and an important archipelago, the study also covers the e reviewed by Tobias Salathé, Ramsar Regional Coordinator for Europe Reprint of the book's Foreword Coastal areas have been recognised as most valuable areas in many countries. Apart from being environmentally sensitive and highly productive, the coastal areas are also attractive for human population and, therefore, for economic development. Sixty percent of the world's population lives within 60 km of the coastlines, and this figure is forecasted to rise to 75% within the next three decades. In order to address a complex natural system and interactions between human activities and natural environment, during 1990s, the need for an integrated approach to coastal area management was recognised. Only in this manner, environmental, social, economic, institutional, financial, legislative and other elements could be identified and incorporated into sustainable development.

12. McKnight Foundation : Search
To promote better river management policies program areas environment restoration of the Mississippi river s coastal delta program areas environment

13. Papers 12: Piriz
environment and development in coastal regions and in small islands urbanization of coastal and river mouth areas, with resulting damage to private
Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands Coastal region and small island papers 12 INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT IN URUGUAY by Clara Piriz*, Walter Couto** and Adriana Jorajuria
*A. S. Professor, College of Social Sciences, University of the Republic, Uruguay
Ing. Agr, Ph.D., Coordinator, ECOPLATA Program, Montevideo, Uruguay
***ECOPLATA Introduction Sixty nine percent of the Uruguayan population lives on or near the coastal area of the Rio de la Plata and most industries and intensive agriculture are also located in this part of the country. Despite the low population growth in Uruguay, there was a considerable increase of human pressure on the coastal area as a result of intensive internal migration during the last decade. Some localities tripled their population between 1985 and 1996. To promote the sustainable management of coastal resources, the ECOPLATA Programme was initiated. It resulted from an inter-institutional agreement for joint execution of activities in support of integrated coastal zone management (ICZ M) on the Uruguayan coast of the Rio de la Plata. Like in many other parts of the world, in Uruguay there is a sectoral approach to coastal management in which several national and local institutions are responsible for different resources in the same geographical area, as for example, water, land, fisheries, law enforcement, etc.

14. - Water Quality Mostly Good In Lakes And Coastal Areas - But
Water quality mostly good in lakes and coastal areas – but more problems in In order to reach this goal, river basin management plans are made for all

15. State Of The Environment - South Africa: Marine & Coastal, Introduction
The rocky shores support a rich flora and fauna and in many areas provide a There are 343 estuaries or river mouths along the coast between the Orange
National State of the Environment Report - South Africa Main Issues: Climate Terrestrial Water Marine ... Home page This part of the report contains the following sub-sections: Overview Introduction Driving forces Pressure ... Links
The South African coastline stretches for about 3000 km between the international border with Namibia in the west and the Mozambiquen border in the east ( DEAT , 1998) (Figure 4.1 Main features of the South African coastline and ocean systems). South Africa has full territorial sovereignity up to 12 nautical miles offshore and controls the exploitation of natural resources up to 200 nautical miles to sea from the coastline [according to the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS) 1982]. This area of sea up to 200 nautical miles offshore is called the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), includes the area around the Prince Edward Islands, and covers an area approximately 1.3 million square kilometres in extent. Within the EEZ South Africa controls all economic and resource management activities. The South African coastline is rugged, its rocky shores exposed to high wave energy, has very few truly sheltered bays and is dominated by strong winds throughout much of the year. Eighty per cent of the 3000 km coastline consists of sandy beaches usually backed by low sand dunes. Approximately 1 to 2 million tonnes of sediment are transported past any given point on either the east or west coast each year. The driving force is the predominantly south westerly swell which gives rise to a net

16. Evaluating Groundwater Discharge Onto The Continental Shelf In A River Dominated
Evaluating Groundwater Discharge onto the Continental Shelf in a river Dominatedcoastal environment Such conditions are met in most coastal areas.
Evaluating Groundwater Discharge onto the Continental Shelf in a River Dominated Coastal Environment D.R. Corbett East Carolina University Brent McKee Tulane University ... University of Miami (FL) Funded By: National Science Foundation The transport of groundwater into coastal zones may be a significant process in the geochemical, nutrient, and carbon budgets of many marine nearshore environments. This project will address the manner in which we evaluate interactions between groundwater and surface water on river-dominated coastal margins. According to Johannes (1980), groundwater discharge should occur anywhere that an aquifer is hydraulically connected to the sea through permeable rock or bottom sediments and where the hydraulic head is above sea level. Such conditions are met in most coastal areas. Recent studies have suggested that groundwater may play an important role in transporting water and bioactive elements to coastal waters along both typical continental shelves and river-dominated ocean margins. Relationships between groundwater, the substrate through which it flows, and the receiving surface waters are of significant environmental concern since the magnitude of groundwater discharge is not yet assessed along most of the world’s coastlines.

17. SD : Environment : Potential Impacts Of Sea-Level Rise On Populations And Agricu
But unlike deltas and other coastal areas, small islands have no hinterland areas surrounding them, in various coastal lowlands or lower river valleys,
Posted March 1998 Potential impacts of sea-level rise
on populations and agriculture

by R. Gommes, J. du Guerny, F. Nachtergaele and R. Brinkman
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
2. Direct and indirect effects of sea-level rise
Cover page Introduction / setting Lessons from the past Vulnerability index ... Appendix table: AOSIS countries AS MENTIONED in the introduction, small islands and low-lying coastal areas have received much attention in the literature, including the IPCC assessments in the recent years. Deltas fall into the same category of areas very vulnerable to sea-level rise. But unlike deltas and other coastal areas, small islands have no hinterland to move to in the case of loss of land. In addition, their land resources are very limited. According to Nicholls and Leatherman (1995), a 1m sea-level rise would affect 6 million people in Egypt, with 12% to 15% of agricultural land lost, 13 million in Bangladesh, with 16% of national rice production lost, and 72 million in China and "tens of thousands" of hectares of agricultural land. More than direct land loss due to seas rising, indirect factors are generally listed as the main difficulties associated with sea-level rise. These include erosion patterns and damage to coastal infrastructure, salinization of wells, sub-optimal functioning of the sewerage systems of coastal cities with resulting health impacts (WHO 1996, chapter 7), loss of littoral ecosystems and loss of biotic resources.

18. California Coastal Commission: Links To Other Coastal Related Sites
and improve recreation areas in the San Lorenzo river Watershed. Engages inworld wide scholarly studies of the coastal environment, the development
Go to the State of California Home Page Go to the Governor's Home Page Home Page
Links to Other Sites
about the California coast and coastal zone management topics

19. EUROPA - Environment - Internet Consultation On A Proposal For A Floods Directiv
coastal areas are also at risk of flooding. The total value of economic assets property and environment by concerted, coordinated action at river basin
en EUROPA European Commission Environment Policies ... Resources
Internet consultation on a proposal for a Floods Directive
This consultation was closed on 14 September 2005. We are very grateful for the replies received which will feed into the decision to be taken by the Commission concerning the proposal for a Floods Directive.
The statistics of the responses are already available. The evaluation of the consultation including the comments will be made available on this website. 1. Background and objectives of this internet consultation
  • Research and information : improvement of the exchange of information and knowledge, sharing experiences and increasing awareness; EU funding tools : targeted approach to the best use of funding tools; and Proposal for a legal instrument : proposal for a Floods Directive.
Flood risk management: prevention, protection, mitigation , Candidate Countries , EFTA Countries , international river commissions and EU umbrella organisations The Communication was welcomed by the Environment Council and the Commission was requested to come forward with appropriate proposals. The Committee of the Regions and the European Social and Economic Committee also welcomed the communication. The relative documents and information on these consultations are available

20. Bullfrog Films: Subject Areas: Environment Videos
Connecting more than 18 countries in Western Europe, the Danube river is at the coastal erosion and our mostly futile efforts to hold the ocean at bay.

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