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         Cloning:     more books (100)
  1. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (3-Volume Set) by Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, 2001-01-15
  2. Condensed Protocols from Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual by Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, 2006-05-31
  3. Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction by Terry A. Brown, 2006-03-03
  4. After Dolly: The Uses and Misuses of Human Cloning by Ian Wilmut, Roger Highfield, 2006-06-12
  5. The Ethics of Human Cloning by Leon Kass, 1998-06-01
  6. Stem Cells and Cloning by David A. Prentice, Michael A. Palladino, 2002-07-02
  7. On Cloning (Thinking in Action) by John Harris, 2004-06-28
  8. Cloning: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides (Oneworld)) by Aaron D. Levine, 2007-05-24
  9. Opposing Viewpoints Series - Cloning (paperback edition) (Opposing Viewpoints Series) by Tamara L. Roleff, 2005-09-26
  10. The Soulless One, Cloning a Counterfeit Creation by Mark L. Prophet, 1981-06
  11. The Human Cloning Debate by Roopali Malhotra, 2004-07
  12. Baa!: The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read about Genes and Cloning (Mysterious You) by Cynthia Nicolson, 2001-08-10
  13. Cloning: A Biologist Reports by Robert Gilmore McKinnell, 1979-12
  14. The Rough Guide to Genes and Cloning 1 (Rough Guide Reference) by Rough Guides, 2007-06-04

161. American Bioethics Advisory Commission
CLINTON administration opposes an international ban on human cloning. CONGRESSIONAL hearing on cloning Legal, Medical, Ethical Social Issues.
Cloning CLONING: When word games kill. An exploration by Dianne N. Irving, Ph.D. PROBLEMS with President Clinton's bioethics committee (the NBAC). RICH TEACHINGS on bioethical issues. DEFINITION of "cloning" is part of the problem. The ABAC objected strenuously. TRANSCRIPTS of NBAC cloning hearings (1.2M zip file). You won't find these on their official web site. ABAC report: Ban Human Cloning ALERT on confusion within the presidential Commission's report. CLINTON administration opposes an international ban on human cloning. NBAC continues to study other issues. CONGRESSIONAL hearing on
Those who testified included Dr. Dianne Irving Rep. Vernon Ehlers Cardinal William Keeler Nigel Cameron and Fr. Kevin Fitzgerald
Other cloning articles:
GENETICIST Jerome Lejeune's observations about cloning. DONUM VITAE is the Catholic Church's response to cloning and similar abuses of human sexuality. LUTHERAN theologian Gilbert Meilaender on cloning OUTLAW CLONING!

162. Hello Dolly: A WebQuest
Placing a ban on all cloning activity would be easy, but it may prove to be veryshort A main contributor to the original Dolly cloning experiment.
"Cloning creates ordinary children. They will be unique individuals, not photocopies of individuals. " ( Italian professor Severino Antinori 2001 Some 60 years ago amphibians were used to produce clones, but the embryos died at tadpole stage. During the last six decades, the cloning of a mammal was only possible in the imagination of the scientific community. ( Cloning Timeline Hello Dolly! Out of the blue, Ian Wilmut, a researcher from the Roslin Institute in Scotland, announced that his team had successfully cloned a lamb from an adult cell. The next day, the Pope denounced the discovery as a "lack of respect for life". The scientific community hailed the discovery as a break through for mankind. YOUR TASK View Role Call Sec. 302. Prohibition on human cloning (a) IN GENERAL- It shall be unlawful for any person or entity, public or private, in or affecting interstate commerce, knowingly

163. Cloning
Another potential application of mammalian cloning is the production of clones of Cell cycle coordination in embryo-cloning by nuclear transfer. Rev.

164. BBC News | SCI/TECH | UK To Extend Embryo Research
Parliament votes to allow controversial embryo research that will also involve limited human cloning, a move attacked by conservative groups.
low graphics version feedback help You are in: Sci/Tech Front Page World UK ... AudioVideo
The BBC's Niall Dickson
"For the government, it was about finding cures for the incurable"
The BBC's Susan Hulme reports from Westminster
The "thoughtful and considered debate"
Most Revd Cormac Murphy-O'Connor
"Where is this morally wrong road going to end?"
Dr Michael Jarmulowicz and Dr Michael Wilkes Guild of Catholic Doctors and the BMA give their reaction real Tuesday, 19 December, 2000, 21:40 GMT UK to extend embryo research UK politicians have voted decisively in favour of extending the research done on human embryos. Supporters of the change say it could help scientists find cures for a range of diseases that are presently untreatable. But the decision has also raised ethical concerns about how the sanctity of life will be affected. Just because we can do something does not mean we have to Dr Liam Fox The British Government wanted to change the rules to allow stem cells to be taken from embryos at a very early stage of development. Researchers believe these embryonic cells will revolutionise the treatment of degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, particularly when the cells are obtained using the cloning technology that produced Dolly the sheep.

165. Genetic Cloning The Cure For All Diseases Or Doctors Playing God?
The cure for all diseases or doctors playing God? Slideshows on biotechnology.
Genetic Cloning: The cure for all diseases or doctors playing god?
Presented on the 27 th April 2000 in LT3 of The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Click here to start
Table of Contents
Genetics Genetic Cloning The cure for all diseases or doctors playing god? Human Cloning I Human Cloning II ... Prepared and Presented by... Author: Email: Home Page: Best experienced with
Click here to start. 
Genetic Cloning.The (Essay)

166. AFLP Not Only For Fingerprinting, But For Positional Cloning
Introduction and detailed protocol by M Liscum and P Oeller, Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution Stanford University, USA.
AFLP: not only for fingerprinting, but for positional cloning
Mannie Liscum(1) and Paul Oeller(2)
Department of Plant Biology Carnegie Institution of Washington Stanford, CA 94305
(1)Current address: (site contains updated information)
Division of Biological Sciences
105 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
phone: 573-882-2672
fax: 573-882-0123
email: (2)Current address: DNA Plant Technology Corporation
6701 San Pablo Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
phone: 510-547-2395 fax: 510-547-2817 email: NOTE: The protocol presented below is based on the Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technology developed by Marc Zabeau and colleagues at Keygene N.V., Agrobusiness Park 90, P.O. Box 216, NL-6700 AE Wageningen, Netherlands (Zabeau, 1992; Zabeau and Vos, 1993; Vos et al., 1995). The AFLP technology is covered by patents and patent applications owned by Keygene N.V. Both, Life Technologies (Gathersberg, MD, USA) and Perkin Elmer (Applied Biosystems Division, Foster City, CA, USA) market research kits (under license) for AFLP fingerprinting of plant DNAs. Background Rational AFLP Protocol (Abridged Version 1.3, 12/95)

167. "Cloning Human Beings" - Report Of The National Bioethics Advisory Commission
Report of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, on cloning Human Beings.
HTML links to commercial sites are included only for informational purposes, and should not be construed as warrantees of accurate information and are not intended as advertisement for those commercial entities. CLONING
BEINGS Report and Recommendations of the
National Bioethics Advisory Commission
Rockville, Maryland
June 1997 CONTENTS
Letter of Transmittal to the President
Letter from the President
NBAC Roster
Staff Roster ...
6. Recommendations of the Commission
A. Glossary
B. List of Speakers
C. List of Commissioned Papers
June 9, 1997
The President
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: On February 24, 1997, in the wake of the announcement that scientists in Scotland apparently had succeeded in cloning an adult sheep, you asked the National Bioethics Advisory Commission to review the legal and ethical issues associated with the use of this technology and to report back within ninety days with recommendations. A week later you instructed the heads of executive departments and agencies that "no federal funds shall be allocated for cloning of human beings" thereby ensuring that precipitous steps would not be taken while the Commission was studying the subject. In this short interval, we have made every effort to consult with ethicists, theologians, scientists, physicians, and other citizens with interests and concerns in this area. Moreover, we have invited inputs for the Commission's consideration from as broad a cross-section of the community as time allowed. Further, recognizing that science and medicine are international activities with outstanding investigators and facilities in many nations, we have attempted to review relevant policies and proposals with respect to human cloning in other countries. However, we do not view it as essential to follow others in this area unless we find their proposals compelling, since we have different political and cultural traditions.

168. Welcome To The Genetics Public Policy Center
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is the cloning technique that has drawnattention in recent years. Download the report, cloning A Policy Analysis.

169. Cloning And Catholic Ethics
The ethics of cloning human embryos and the Catholic perspective.
Cloning and Catholic Ethics The Catholic Church opposes all forms of cloning and stem-cell research. Read opinions by Pope John Paul II, an American bishop and a Catholic ethicist. Q U I C K L I N K S
Backgrounder: U.S. House Votes to Ban Cloning
The Ethics of Cloning: A Catholic Ethicist Looks at the Issues

Is Stem-Cell Research Moral?

Vatican Statement on Cloned Human Embryo

Bishop Gregory Statement on Cloned Human Embryo

On Feb. 27, 2003, the U.S. House of Representatives voted for the second time to ban all human cloning.
The act prohibits people from knowingly attempting to perform human cloning or participating in such a procedure by shipping or receiving an embryo produced from human cloning, whether the cloned embryo is to be used for reproduction or research. A bill to allow cloning for research but ban it for reproduction failed the same day in a 231-174 vote.
The U.S. bishops' pro-life spokeswoman praised the 241-155 vote to pass the Human Cloning Prohibition Act.

170. - Raelian Leader Says Cloning First Step To Immortality - Feb. 12, 2004
International Edition MEMBER SERVICES The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Autos SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters Your E-mail Alerts RSS ... Contact Us SEARCH Web
Raelian leader says cloning first step to immortality
Brigitte Boisselier, scientific director of Clonaid, said the first cloned human baby was born Thursday. Story Tools RELATED The ethics and legal questions of human cloning
Brigitte Boisselier: Science cannot be stopped
Bush: Human cloning 'deeply troubling' Dr. Robert Lanza: Human cloning 'abhorrent' ...
A chronology of cloning

VIDEO Rael, leader of the religious sect connected to the company claiming it has produced the first human clone reacts to questions on the topic (December 27)
Brigitte Boisselier, the scientific director of Clonaid, announced the first cloned baby has been born.
THE RAELIAN MOVEMENT Founded: 1973, France
Founder: Claude Vorilhon, who took the name Rael; his book is "The Final Message"
Basic tenet: The old Hebrew phrase "Elohim" usually translated as a name for God should have been interpreted as a reference to non-Earthlings "from the sky." These entities are, Raelians say, responsible for the creation of life on Earth.
Membership: The organization says it comprises some 40,000 members worldwide, with highest concentrations in France, Canada and Japan. Outside researchers have suggested the membership may be smaller.

171. House Of Representatives Standing Committee On Industry, Science And Resources:
Human cloning scientific, ethical and regulatory aspects of human cloning and stem Chapter Twelve (PDF 56KB) Proposed regulation of human cloning

Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)
Human cloning: scientific, ethical and regulatory aspects of human cloning and stem cell research
This report remains the property of the Commonwealth of Australia 2001.
ISBN 642 78406 X The report of the inquiry into the scientific, ethical and regulatory aspects of human cloning and stem cell research was tabled in the House of Representatives on 20 September 2001. Public hearings - Transcripts Submissions View the Report as a single document
Report (PDF 710KB)
Report Chapters
Reportfront/table of contents (PDF 70KB)
Chapter One (PDF 34KB) - Introduction
Chapter Two (PDF 1060KB) - Introduction to the science
Chapter Three (PDF 70KB) - Scientific evidence
Chapter Four (PDF 46KB) - The focus of international and Australian scientific research
Chapter Five (PDF 33KB) - Overview of AHEC's discussion of ethical issues
Chapter Six (PDF 67KB) - The ethics of cloning for reproductive purposes
Chapter Seven (PDF 99KB) - The ethics of research and therapy
Chapter Eight (PDF 90KB) - Current Australian regulatory framework-legislative
Chapter Nine (PDF 51KB) - Current Australian regulatory framework-non-legislative
Chapter Ten (PDF 104KB) - International regulatory framework
Chapter Eleven (PDF 53KB) - AHEC's recommendations and other options for regulation of human cloning
Chapter Twelve (PDF 56KB) - Proposed regulation of human cloning

172. - Pro-cloning Group Claims To Have Embryos - November 28, 2001



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Pro-cloning group claims to have embryos
Clonaid says this embryo is the result of cloning experiments. By Elizabeth Cohen and MIriam Falco CNN Medical Unit ATLANTA (CNN) A controversial group claims to be well on its way to creating the first human clone, CNN has learned. Clonaid, which operates a secret lab outside the United States, said Monday it had created cloned human embryos before Advanced Cell Technology, the Massachusetts lab that announced Sunday it had created embryos through cloning. Clonaid, unlike Advanced Cell Technology, wants to use its embryos to impregnate a woman and produce a clone. Advanced Cell Technology said it wants to keep its embryos at the microscopic stage and use them only in the production of medical treatments. CNN could not confirm Clonaid's claims since the group has not published its work.

173. Project Idaho - Home Page
White is widely recognized as an expert on cattle cloning and brought cloningexpertise to the team. Vanderwall, who like Woods, earned doctor of veterinary
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University of Idaho
University Communications
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May 29, 2003 University of Idaho, Utah State University Team First to Successfully Clone Equine A University of Idaho-Utah State University research team is the first worldwide to clone a member of the horse family, a mule, according to an article to be published in the Journal of Science. The research team includes Gordon Woods, UI professor of animal and veterinary science, Kenneth L. White, Utah State University professor of animal science, and Dirk Vanderwall, UI assistant professor of animal and veterinary science. The baby mule, Idaho Gem, was born May 4. It is the first clone of a hybrid animal. A mule results from a cross between a female horse, a mare, and a male donkey, a jack. As hybrids, mules are sterile, except in extremely rare cases.

174. Bush Would Outlaw Human Cloning Research

175. Frontline: Making Babies: Human Cloning
An assessment by infertility doctors, a bioethicist and a geneticist on FrontLine,an investigative journalism series on PBS. Quiz, videos, discussion
var loc = "../../../";
Silver is a Professor of Genetics at Princeton University where his laboratory is attempting to identify genes that influence personality and behavior. You predicted, I think two years ago, that human cloning would be here with us, within two years. I don't think I said that ... I predicted that human cloning would be with us in 10 years and I still believe that is the case, because there is a demand among a small number of people for this technology to have babies. It's being driven by the marketplace. I think that, ethically, one should not use this technology until they are convinced that it is safe and efficient, shown with the use of animals. But I don't think that physicians around the world are going to wait for the confirmation that it's safe and efficient in animals. The best example I can give you why physicians are not going to wait as they should is with ICSI, an intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This was a new technology developed in the early 1990s to overcome severe infertility and physicians did not wait to prove that it wasn't going to cause birth defects before they embraced it wholly across the country. We can use that history to understand how cloning is going to go. I'm not advocating the use of cloning in this way. I think it is wrong, but it's going to happen. Can you explain simply what cloning is, because [some] people think that it's the creation of an adult copy.

176. - Cardinal Blasts Cloning Plans - March 10, 2001

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Cardinal blasts cloning plans
ROME, Italy Plans by scientists to clone the first human being have been condemned by a prominent Italian cardinal. An international group of fertility experts announced their proposals for human and so-called therapeutic cloning to help tackle a range of degenerative diseases. But Milan Archbishop Carlo Maria Martini said a person could not be created through technology. A human being has an "innate and natural" dignity, which should "not be violated in any way," the Italian news agency ANSA quoted him as saying. AUDIO Arthur Caplan, Univ. of Pennsylvania: It's clearly amoral 852K/79 sec. AIFF or WAV sound ALSO MESSAGE BOARD Human cloning QUICK VOTE Do you support scientists' plans to clone a human being? Yes No View Results IN-DEPTH CNN explores the blueprint of the body: Overview Genome guide Glossary Genetics FAQ The team of scientists includes Italian obstetrician Severino Antinori, who became famous for helping a 62-year-old woman give birth.

177. Online NewsHour: The Cloning Debate
Sam Brownback, RKan., is a lead sponsor of a bill to ban human cloning. (5/02) The House votes to ban cloning of human embryos for stem cell and other

Scientists Cull Stem Cells from Cloned Human Embryo

Researchers in South Korea succeeded in extracting stem cells from a cloned human embryo a breakthrough that brings researchers closer to developing individualized disease treatments, but could also be used by rogue scientists to advance research into cloning a human. Margaret Warner discusses the implications of this research with Dr. John Gearhart of Johns Hopkins University and Ethics and Public Policy Center Director Eric Cohen. (2/12/04) President's Council Rejects Permanent Ban
: President Bush's Council on Bioethics rejected a permanent ban on cloning but disagreed over whether limited scientific research should be allowed to go forward immediately. The council did agree, however, that cloning for reproductive purposes should be banned altogether. (7/11/02) Therapeutic vs. Reproductive Cloning

178. - International Opposition To Cloning - August 29, 2001

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International opposition to cloning
LONDON, England Italian professor Severino Antinori and U.S. researcher Panos Zavos are set to unveil details of their controversial plans for human cloning. But while critics say science is not yet ready to begin experimenting with human cloning, neither is most of the world. Indeed, the UK's Royal Society believes a worldwide moratorium on the so-called reproductive cloning of babies is necessary to deter scientists such as Antinori who have vowed to go ahead with the controversial procedure. "A human cloning ban would have public support, is justified on scientific grounds and would assist in improving the public's confidence in science," the society said in a report to the House of Lords. VIDEO Dr. Panos Zavos on his plans to clone humans (August 6) Play video (QuickTime, Real or Windows Media) AUDIO CNN's Dr Sanjay Gupta: "Reportedly they have 200 couples"

179. Genetics: Decoding Life - Cloning
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180. Group Says It Will Move Human Cloning Work Offshore

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