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         Cloning:     more books (100)
  1. The DNA Story: A Documentary History of Gene Cloning by James D. Watson, John Tooze, 1983-08
  2. Human Cloning: Playing God or Scientific Progress? by Lane P. Lester, James C. Hefley, 1998-07
  3. Clone Medusa by R. C. Lulay, 2007-08-22
  4. Clonacion humana: Human Cloning by Lane Lester, 2000-02-14
  5. Cloning the Buddha: The Moral Impact of Biotechnology by Richard Heinberg, 1999-08-25
  6. Cloning and Expression Vectors for Gene Function Analysis (Biofocus (Westborough, Mass.).)
  7. UN Committee Endorses Anti-Cloning Resolution.: An article from: National Right to Life News
  8. Cloning Biologist Reports CB by Mckinnel, 1978
  9. Sitcom Cloning: An Old Phenomenon Bursting in Hollywood.(Brief Article): An article from: Video Age International
  10. The United Nations and human cloning: a debate on hold.: An article from: The Hastings Center Report by LeRoy Walters, 2004-01-01
  11. Animal Cloning by Joseph, Ph.D. Panno, 2008-12-30
  12. Human Cloning: Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives
  13. Rewriting: Postmodern Narrative and Cultural Critique in the Age of Cloning (S U N Y Series in Postmodern Culture) by Christian Moraru, 2001-10
  14. First human cloning pregnancy reported; scientists skeptical.(Brief Article): An article from: Transplant News

121. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Doctors Defiant On Cloning
Italian and US doctors say they intend to push ahead with plans to clone human beings despite widespread condemnation; BBC article from March, 2001.
low graphics version feedback help You are in: Sci/Tech Front Page World UK ... AudioVideo
The BBC's science correspondent Fergus Walsh in Rome
"The champions of cloning came to Rome to argue their case"
The BBC's Pallab Ghosh
"In principle, it's straightforward"
Dr Harry Griffin, Roslin Institute
"It is not inevitable that it can be done"
Debating the issues Embryologist Dr Sammy Lee and Ruth Deech, head of the UK human fertilisation authority real Friday, 9 March, 2001, 12:43 GMT Doctors defiant on cloning Antinori and Zavos want an open debate on human cloning Doctors from Italy and the United States said on Friday they intended to push ahead with their plans to clone human beings, despite the objections and doubts raised by religious and scientific groups. Cloning may be considered as the last frontier to overcome male sterility Severino Antinori Italian Severino Antinori and American Panayiotis Zavos told a symposium in Rome that they were motivated solely by the desire to help infertile couples have children. "Cloning may be considered as the last frontier to overcome male sterility and give the possibility to infertile males to pass on their genetic pattern," Antinori told scientists and journalists at the city's Umberto I Polyclinic.

122. Genetic Savings And Clone - The Leading Provider Of Pet Gene Banking And Pet Clo
and Clone the leading provider of gene banking and pet cloning services . to gene banking technology, her DNA remains available for use in cloning.
ABOUT US Missy: Our Inspiration
Genetic Savings & Clone has its roots in the Missyplicity Project, which began as an effort to clone a beloved dog named Missy. In 1997, news that Dolly the sheep had been cloned inspired Arizona entrepreneur John Sperling to find out whether Missy could also be cloned. Missy had an exceptional genetic endowment but, because she was a spayed mutt of unknown parentage, it was otherwise impossible to continue her "breed." Missy died at age 15 in 2002 before efforts to clone her had succeeded. Thanks to gene banking technology, her DNA remains available for use in cloning. We remain confident that our ongoing research efforts will result in the birth of her clone.
The following anecdotes, written by Missy's human "mom" Joan, and accompanying photographs illustrate some of the features that made Missy such a special dog.
How Missy Found a Home Before Missy there was Liebe, a shepherd-coyote mix (a coydog) female who was much loved by the family. She was beautiful but not friendly to anyone outside the family. She was difficult to train, disobedient, and could get out of any enclosure or collar (we sometimes called her "Houdini Coyote"). When she was very old (15) her back legs pained her and she began to get strange viruses, which caused her to walk in circles.

123. Hair Loss
Hair loss research site criticize storage of hair after haircut as a source of hair stem cells for future hair cloning. Fraud hair loss treatment.
Home News BookStore Photos ... > Tuesday, September 20, 2005
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"Hair storage alert!" Posted by Information on Jul-30-02, 04:59 PM (GMT) We would like to bring your attention to publication, that recently appeared another hair loss related web site:

Hairogenics Inc, based in San Francisco, CA offers "hair storage service". Company offers to "preserve hair samples in its special underground vault, keeping it fresh until science can devise a way to "clone" hair from DNA".
Hair samples are collected after your next haircut. So simple! And now how it looks in reality.
Picture below shows hair follice. Green represent alive part and red - dead hair fiber.
All you hair fibers above skin surface (that what you are supposed to collect for storage) are dead. there is no single living cell in your hair fiber.
All epithelial cells, that form hair fiber are produced by hair matrix at the base of hair follicle along side with inner root sheath. Both inner root sheath cells and hair fiber cells undergo well coordinated, programmed cell death, called apoptosis. Upon apoptosis special enzymes destroy all vital cell's proteins and intracellular compartments. All DNA within a cells also undergo destruction. Intact chromosomes are fragmented into millions of small pieces. It is well known phenomenon. It is even used in research. TUNEL, special technique helps to identify dead cells by detecting fragmented DNA. What is left after hair cells dye are keratinized, hard "shells" that serve only mechanical function.

124. Recombinant DNA Chapter Directory
Preparing probe, cloning into plasmids, complementarity and hybridization, gel electrophoresis, transfer to solid support and blotting variants, blocking, target detection PCR problems from chapter in MIT hypertext handbook.
7.001 Hypertextbook
Recombinant DNA Chapter Directory
  • Cloning into plasmids
  • Southerns, Westerns, and Northerns: Molecular Cloning Techniques
  • The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • DNA Fingerprinting
  • Practice problems
  • 125. Cloning - Genetic, Having, Healthy, Human, Infertile, Infertility, Issues, Male,
    This is the area of human cloning touted alternatively as a way to cloning willnot guarantee a healthy child, much less a faithful recreation of the
    @import url(/uni/; @import url(/uni/; @import url(/uni/; @import url(/uni/;
    Peas in a Pod: The Cloning Option Cloning, as a form of reproduction, has been discussed by scientists since at least as far back as the 1930s and in recent years, the focus on human cloning has intensified dramatically. There are three basic types of cloning we generally read about:
  • Hybrid cloning: Mix cow plus a little human DNA to produce milk with human proteins... or mix plant with antigens to produce edible vaccines. Once you have the hybrid you want, you clone it to produce a herd of cows, garden of plants, etc. Therapeutic cloning: Cloning tissue which, literally, has the potential to cure all disease known to man. Stem cell research is in this category. Controversy in this area has revolved around the creation of human embryos for the sole purpose of harvesting the stem cells, after which the embryos are destroyed. In the United States, embryos remaining unused in fertility clinics are used for stem cell research. Reproductive cloning: This is the area of human cloning touted alternatively as a way to:
    • ’cure’ infertility get back at your parents be a better parent make a million dollars ... and more... Source: Human Cloning Foundation
    - Select a category - All New Arrivals Adoption Books Lifebooks Scrapbooking e-books click here How It Works: Three Women and a Baby
  • 126. Rael
    Article by Susan J. Palmer, a religion teacher who is writing a book about the Rael cult, discusses the movement's history and its involvement in human cloning.
    The Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life
    Trinity College, Hartford CT
    Summer 2001, Vol. 4, No. 2 Contents,
    Summer 2001

    Quick Links
    Related Articles
    Aum Alone
    Religion in the News , Spring 2001 Cult Fighting in Massachusetts Religion in the News , Fall 2000 Waco Redux: Trial and Error Religion in the News , Fall 2000 Something Wiccan This Way Comes Religion in the News , Summer 1999
    Quick Links

    Other articles
    in this issue
    From the Editor: The Minister, the Rabbi, and the Baccalaureate
    Idol Threats Purging Ourselves of Timothy McVeigh The Pope Among the Orthodox ... Correspondence: Palestinians and Israelis The Rael Deal by Susan J. Palmer March 28 was a day of triumph for Rael, the 54-year-old Canadian founder of the largest UFO-based religion in the world. In a widely reported House subcommittee hearing on human cloning, he testified that his CLONAID company was planning to clone a deceased baby in the near future. Amid the warnings of sober-suited scientists and bioethicists, Rael lent a sci-fri

    127. Cloning Milestones
    Pigcloning milestone could someday prove beneficial to humans. WORK IN S.KOREA SHOWS INEVITABILITY OF cloning HUMANS, WU PROFESSOR SAY EXPERIMENT WAS
    in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
    Daily Almanac for
    Sep 20, 2005

    128. Default
    European Bioethics Convention, Human Rights Biomedicine human cloning, organ transplantation, biomedical research, human embryo foetus, human genetics, xenotransplantation,
    Legal affairs Site Index About us Legal Co-operation ... Transnational criminal justice
    ¬ The 8 th European Conference of National Ethics Committees (COMETH) took place on 25-26 April 2005 in Dubrovnik, Croatia more Oviedo Convention
    This international Convention, signed by most of the European States, sets out the fundamental principles applicable in day-to-day medicine as well as those applicable to new technologies in human biology and medicine. ( more Bioethics at
    the Council of Europe

    Biological and medical research have produced spectacular advances in the health field, but they also raise questions concerning a number of fundamental values, such as the individual, the family, health, private life, human rights and human dignity. ( more News Main current activities Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI) ... Conference (25-26 April 2005)
    Conference (1-2 December 2003) Conferences and Symposia Texts adopted,
    publications, reports
    Texts made public ...
    Français Biomedical research
    The purpose of our work is to define and safeguard fundamental rights in biomedical research, in particular of those participating in research. ( more Cloning
    An additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, on the Prohibition of Cloning Human Beings, has been signed and ratified by a number of countries and is now in force. (

    129. The Reproductive Cloning Network - Cloning Articles, Resources And Links
    Resources, links and scientific information on vertebrate, mammalian and humanreproductive cloning.
    Your first stop for reproductive cloning resources and links
    Contents Directory FAQ ... Link Exchange
    Please visit our sponsor:
    Uplift Inc.
    "The largest selection of art deco lighting in the world."
    Address: 506 Hudson Street New York NY 10014
    What's new?
    Contents page News section Register ... Messages Welcome to the Reproductive Cloning Network™
    Selected cloning essays and articles Science and Cloning LaunchPad The Human Cloning Foundation The Clone Rights United Front Contribute to the RCN by buying a book
    HUMANS: Our inevitable genetic future
    Dr. Gregory Stock looks beyond cloning to genetic engineering. Cloning, stem cells and infertility: a personal perspective Human Cloning Poll Would human reproductive cloning be acceptable if it was demonstrated to be safe and efficient? Yes, it would be acceptable in all cases. Yes, but it would only be acceptable in certain cases. No, it would never be acceptable. I don’t know. View Results Welcome to the Reproductive Cloning Network, a high-ranking site for information on reproductive and therapeutic human cloning. Before exploring our resources section , please read the “Commentary on human cloning”, co-authored by J. A. Byrne, a bioethicist and vertebrate nuclear transfer specialist

    130. - Dr. Robert Lanza: Human Cloning 'abhorrent' - Dec. 27, 2002
    CNN Europe CNN Asia Languages Spanish Portuguese German Italian Korean Arabic Japanese On CNN TV Transcripts Headline News CNN International ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters CNNtoGO SEARCH Web
    Dr. Robert Lanza: Human cloning 'abhorrent'
    Dr. Robert Lanza Story Tools
    RELATED Reactions to the Cloneaid statement
    Dr. Robert Lanza: Human cloning 'abhorrent'

    How is cloning done?

    Cloning for treatments
    A chronology of cloning

    VIDEO Brigitte Boisselier, the scientific director of Clonaid, announced the first cloned baby has been born.
    QUICKVOTE Are you for or against human cloning?
    For Against VIEW RESULTS (CNN) A group founded by a fringe religious group announced Friday the birth of the first cloned human, a baby girl named Eve. The group, Clonaid, was founded by the Raelian movement, which believes that humans were created by extraterrestrials. The announcement was followed by strong reactions, including criticism from Dr. Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technologies. He talked to anchors Sanjay Gupta and Daryn Kagan On Friday's edition of CNN's "American Morning." LANZA: Of course without any scientific data one has to be very, very skeptical. This is a group that has no scientific track record. They have never published a single scientific paper in this area, they have no research experience in this area. In fact, they have never even cloned a mouse or a rabbit. I have to say that I think this is appalling and scientifically irresponsible. I think that we should not dismiss them outright. I think that we do have the technology at present to clone human embryos and it may be a lot easier than many scientists think.

    131. Jewish Law - Articles ("Cloning People And Jewish Law: A Preliminary Analysis")
    Rabbi Michael J. Broyde looks at many sides of this issue and whether it shouldbe allowed under Jewish Law.
    Cloning People and Jewish Law: A Preliminary Analysis
    Rabbi Michael J. Broyde
    Cloning People and Jewish Law: A Preliminary Analysis
    Rabbi Michael J. Broyde
    A person without knowledge is surely not good; he who moves hurriedly blunders; Proverbs (Mishle) 19:2.
    It is the balance between these various needs that drives the Jewish law discussion of all assisted reproductive technology and it is in that spirit that this is intended to be a preliminary analysis of the problem of cloning.
    I. Introduction
    An analysis of the implications of cloning found in Jewish law really contains within it three distinctly different problems in need of resolution. The first one discusses whether the cloning process is permissible ( mutar ), prohibited ( assur ), or a good deed ( mitzvah ). However, the determination of whether any particular conduct is good, bad or neutral is not dispositive in addressing the second issue: the familial status of an individual (re)produced through cloning in relationship to other humans generally, and other members of this person's "family" specifically. Finally, even when conduct is permissible or perhaps even a mitzvah, Jewish law recognizes that the (rabbinical) authorities of every generation have the authority to temporarily prohibit that which is permissible based on the perception that this intrinsically permissible activity could lead to other more serious violations.

    132. - Bush: Human Cloning 'morally Wrong' - November 26, 2001



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    Bush: Human cloning 'morally wrong'
    Bush says cloning human embryos is 'morally wrong.' WASHINGTON (CNN) President Bush Monday criticized the creation of human embryos through cloning as "morally wrong" and "bad public policy," saying the procedure should not be allowed. "We should not as a society grow life to destroy it, and that's exactly what's taking place," Bush said during a Rose Garden appearance. Bush spoke one day after a Massachusetts company announced that it had created the first human embryos through cloning. The president of Advanced Cell Technology Inc., of Worcester, Massachusetts, told CNN the process is not intended for human reproduction and he wouldn't want to see the science move in that direction. "I don't think this is safe yet for human reproduction," said Dr. Michael West, president and CEO of the company. He said there is a risk of losing both the embryo and the mother through cloning. West also stressed that he doesn't support cloning procedures to create human beings.

    133. Home Page
    Broad range of basic data including scientists, methods, stem cells, research,and abnormalities.
    Free Web Hosting Provider Web Hosting E-commerce High Speed Internet ... Photo Sharing if(window.ivnRotate) window.ivnRotate1 = new window.ivnRotate('ivnRotate1',0,document.awsSearch1.Keywords) Popular Searches:
    Home Page What is cloning Scientists in cloning Development of fetus ... Cloning a mammoth
    The information within this site has been gathered from various web resources , i am thankfull to all of them.
    what is cloning ?

    In 1997 scientists in Scotland, led by Dr. Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute, cloned the first mammal, a sheep named Dolly. Since then mice, goats,mules,rats,monkeys ,cows and pigs have been successfully cloned around the world. This has made human cloning a real possibility.
    Cloning is different from natural fertilization which is "sexual" reproduction that occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg. In normal fertilization the developing embryo (and person) has the genetic makeup or DNA of both parents 23 chromosomes from the female and 23 from the male. The embryo is the unique human organism with a novel genetic makeup having the full potential to develop to adulthood.
    Human cloning, on the other hand, is a type of "asexual" reproduction, which means reproduction not initiated by the union of egg and sperm. Cloning is accomplished by a technique called "somatic cell nuclear transfer." One takes the nucleus from a body (somatic) cell and transfers it into a female egg which has had its nuclear material removed. Then with an electric current or chemical stimulus the cloned embryo begins to divide as does a fertilized embryo.

    134. - Health - House Hearings Turn Skeptical Eye On Cloning - March 28, 2001



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    House hearings turn skeptical eye on cloning
    In this story: 'Genie out of the bottle' Space sect urges freedom of inquiry Most animal experiments fail WASHINGTON (CNN) Skeptical lawmakers opened hearings into possible human cloning Wednesday as an advocate argued that safeguards can head off critics' worst fears. Former University of Kentucky professor Panayiotis Zavos, who said in January he planned to clone a human within one to two years, said the ability to have a family is a human right and the technology to clone humans should be available to couples unable to reproduce on their own. INTERACTIVE Flash: How is cloning done? Click here to find out (NOTE: plug-in required, download here TRANSCRIPT
  • CNN's Elizabeth Cohen discusses human cloning
  • Click here to see what people have to say about the possibility of human cloning

    135. Wonders Of 'dd' And 'netcat': Cloning OS Harddrives
    Again rather than cloning complete drive we can clone only relevant One ofthe primary reason for using dd and netcat way of cloning OS instead of using
    Last Modified: Aug/30/2001
    Master Copy:
    Wonders of 'dd' and 'netcat' :: Cloning Operating Systems Anytime we think about installing OS on more than one system 'cloning' comes to our attention. Because we are too lazy :-). Well that is one of the important characteristics of Systems Administrator so that he/she is forced to automate. In this document we will try to exploit the power of low level data transfer command popularly known as 'dd' and netcat. These programs are available for all major UNIX, Linux and Windows platforms. These commands are fairly popular among Forensics Analysis professionals.
    Problem Description: You got more than 1 machine with almost same hardware. i.e. same hard drive, SCSI card, graphics etc. You setup one single machine from top to bottom and now it is time to replicate OS setup on other machines. Commercial Software such as Ghost does a good job in cloning Windows based machines and now many of these software support Linux ext2 file system also. dd although very crude but gives you enough flexibility to manipulate cloning as you wish. We have demonstrated cloning of hard drives in machines loaded with Linux, Win2K, Solaris, HPUX machines using

    136. Hundreds Volunteer For Cloning Experiment, Scientists Say

    137. Human Cloning Conference: Science, Ethics, And Public Policy
    A conference at the University of San Francisco featuring scientific explanationwith ethical and public policy debate.
    Friday April 3 ‹ Saturday April 4 1998. Sponsored by the University of San Francisco College of Arts and Sciences and the Fleishhacker Chair in Philosophy. All sessions are free and open to the public. On June 7, 1997, the National Bioethics, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission issued its recommendations regarding human cloning. It recommended that a ban be placed on all efforts to create a child through cloning or "somatic cell nuclear transfer," urged that the current moratorium on federal funding of human cloning research be continued, and requested that private agencies also refrain at this time from such work. At the same time, it recommended that this issue be reexamined after a 3-5 year period of study and reflection. In light of the need for public conversation on these topics, the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of San Fransciso and the Fleishhacker endowment is sponsoring this conference on "Human Cloning: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy." The conference is open to the university community and the general public. It features renowned authorities who will explain the history and science of cloning, debate the ethical issues, and discuss significant aspects of public policy related to the topic. The aim is to increase understanding and awareness of the issues.

    138. - Q&A: Human Cloning - August 7, 2001

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    LONDON, England (CNN) A group of European and U.S. researchers have said they will begin attempts to clone a human being in November. Italian obstetrician Severino Antinori and U.S. researcher Panos Zavos say 200 couples have volunteered to take part in the cloning procedure. CNN reporter Chris Burns in Italy assesses the situation. Q: Is human cloning really feasible? A: Italian professor Severino Antinori contends that it is, following successful tests with various species of animals. VIDEO CNN's Elizabeth Cohen has more on the possible creation of 200 clones (August 7) Play video (QuickTime, Real or Windows Media) VIDEO CNN's Elizabeth Cohen interviews Dr. Panos Zavos on his plans to clone humans (August 6) Play video (QuickTime, Real or Windows Media) AUDIO CNN's Dr Sanjay Gupta: "Reportedly they have 200 coouples." 672K / 62 sec AIFF or WAV sound Q: How will the cloning process be conducted?

    139. Human Cloning And Eugenics Must Be Researched To The Fullest Extent Possible.
    A public forum on the need for human cloning and a worldwide program of eugenicshelping the human race improve. With a report on the science and their
    Two Part Invention by Bach
    Performed by Remi Human Cloning
    Humans are on the threshold of taking control of their own evolution!
    Express your own opinion and debate with others here.

    This page was last modified on Thursday, 31-Oct-2002 20:31:44 EST
    The First Successful Clone of a Sheep

    Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?

    A Brief Overview of Genetic Engineering

    Stem Cell Research

    The First Successful Clone of a Sheep
    Dolly, the first viable clone of a sheep, was created in the following manner. A developing egg cell from the ovary of a sheep was enucleated (had its nucleus removed) and fused with a somatic mammary cell from another adult sheep. This fusion was accomplished by placing the two cells close to each other and passing an electric current through them. The resulting cell, actually a zygote, was then treated in a way similar to that used with in vitro fertilization. ( In vitro The successful cloning of a sheep aroused much interest because of the obvious implication that humans might also be cloned in a similar fashion. Many different animals have been cloned now including mice and monkeys, and it appears quite certain that humans can be cloned. Indeed, human clones may already have been produced. Any such cloning procedure would probably not be advertised because of the strident objections that have been raised against the procedure. Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?

    140. >> Article Topics >> Cloning
    cloning. AJOB ARTICLEInFOCUS Telomeres and the Ethics of Human cloning In searchof a potential problem with cloning, I investigate the phenomenon of

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