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  1. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (3-Volume Set) by Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, 2001-01-15
  2. Condensed Protocols from Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual by Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, 2006-05-31
  3. Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction by Terry A. Brown, 2006-03-03
  4. After Dolly: The Uses and Misuses of Human Cloning by Ian Wilmut, Roger Highfield, 2006-06-12
  5. The Ethics of Human Cloning by Leon Kass, 1998-06-01
  6. Stem Cells and Cloning by David A. Prentice, Michael A. Palladino, 2002-07-02
  7. On Cloning (Thinking in Action) by John Harris, 2004-06-28
  8. Cloning: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides (Oneworld)) by Aaron D. Levine, 2007-05-24
  9. Opposing Viewpoints Series - Cloning (paperback edition) (Opposing Viewpoints Series) by Tamara L. Roleff, 2005-09-26
  10. The Soulless One, Cloning a Counterfeit Creation by Mark L. Prophet, 1981-06
  11. The Human Cloning Debate by Roopali Malhotra, 2004-07
  12. Baa!: The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read about Genes and Cloning (Mysterious You) by Cynthia Nicolson, 2001-08-10
  13. Cloning: A Biologist Reports by Robert Gilmore McKinnell, 1979-12
  14. The Rough Guide to Genes and Cloning 1 (Rough Guide Reference) by Rough Guides, 2007-06-04

181. A Spark Of Science, A Storm Of Controversy
Following the announcement about the cloning of Dolly the Sheep, Geneticengineering and cloning has long been a staple of science fiction,
PPL Therapeutics
Kelly Smith at CNJ

Jennifer Lobo at Peregrine

Paul Schmitt at DNX/Chrysalis
... Corrections or additions?
A Spark of Science, a Storm of Controversy
This feature by Christopher Mario was published in U.S. 1 Newspaper on March 5, 1997. For an article on Gina Kolata's book "Clone: the Road to Dolly and the Path Ahead," published in January, 1998, see . This site is linked to a Christian Science Monitor story at entitled "Cloning Bolts Ahead . . . Toward People" by Christopher Mario Perhaps the most famous part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling is called "The Creation of Man," where God and Adam sail through the clouds with arms outstretched, the tips of their index fingers just barely touching. Standing in Rome beneath the ceiling your eye is drawn inexorably to that point of contact, the few square inches of plaster and paint that is Michelangelo's illustration of humanity's most enduring mystery: the transmission of the spark of life. The British scientists who cloned Dolly, the most famous sheep in the history of the world after all the media coverage last week, also used a spark to jump-start their creation. But lacking the hand of God, they employed an altogether more prosaic jolt of electricity to coax a sheep ovum the DNA-containing nucleus of which they had replaced with a mammary gland cell taken from a six-year-old ewe to life.

182. - UK Set To Ban Human Cloning - November 26, 2001



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UK set to ban human cloning
LONDON, England Emergency legislation banning human cloning in Britain is being introduced the day after American scientists announced a breakthrough in creating human embryos. The new laws, drawn up to close a legal loophole in Britain after the High Court ruled that cloning humans was not illegal, would not have outlawed the American research. The private U.S. research company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), based in Worcester, Massachusetts behind Sunday's breakthrough said its scientists had produced "preimplantation embryos" but were aiming to use them for research to treat disease, not to create a cloned human being. VIDEO President George W. Bush speaks out against cloning of human beings. CNN's Kelly Wallace reports (November 26) Play video (QuickTime, Real or Windows Media)

183. The Cloning Vector Collection
About the cloning Vector Collection(Japanese) About the cloning VectorCollection(English) Catalog List. S. Yasuda Department of Microbial Genetics
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184. Bioethics Panel Tackles Human Cloning

185. Cat Cloning Offered To Pet Owners
Now cats may have more than nine lives. The company that funded the first successfulcloning of a domestic cat two years ago has gone commercial.
Site Index Subscribe Shop Search Top 15 Most Popular Stories NEWS SPECIAL SERIES RESOURCES Front Page Cat Cloning Offered to Pet Owners Maryann Mott
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Updated March 25, 2004 Pictures of the first cloned cat >>
How a cat was copied >>

Now cats may have more than nine lives. The company that funded the first successful cloning of a domestic cat two years ago has gone commercial. An e-mail sent in early February to the company's gene-banking clients offered to clone up to six cats. The cost? U.S. $50,000 each. Clients had less than a month to take advantage of the offer, which ended Friday, February 27. A cloned cat is a unique, newborn animal that shares genes and possibly behavioral tendencies with its genetic predecessor. Ben Carlson, vice president of communications for Genetic Savings and Clone, said four clients signed up to duplicate their cats, and work to reproduce the pets will begin immediately. The privately held company based in Sausalito, California, plans to present the clones to owners in November. Three cats owned by the company will also be copied. The cats and their genetic donors will be displayed at the American Veterinary Medical Association conference next year, Carlson said, to give veterinarians an opportunity to see them and learn about the technology.

186. - What's At Stake In The 'cloning Wars'? - April 16, 2002



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What's at stake in the 'cloning wars'?
By Jeffrey P. Kahn, Ph.D., M.P.H. Director, Center for Bioethics University of Minnesota (CNN) We may have gotten a glimpse this week of what's at stake in the "cloning wars" taking shape on Capitol Hill. News came out of London that an 18-month-old boy named Rhys Evans had been successfully treated by gene therapy for a deadly genetic defect in his immune system. Rhys was suffering from severe combined immune deficiency, SCID for short. It's a failure in the immune system caused by a single mistake in his genetic makeup. The disease is also known as "boy in the bubble" disease and was made famous by a movie starring John Travolta as a boy with the disease. Rhys' case and those of a few other children in France are the first successes in the longtime efforts to treat disease at the genetic level, done by inserting a corrected copy of the defective gene into their bone marrow. So what's the connection between gene therapy and the "cloning wars"? What may be at stake is the next generation of research on genetic diseases, since this is exactly the sort of research at issue in the cloning and stem cell research debates.

187. - British Government Action On Cloning Stirs International Debate - Augu
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British government action on cloning stirs international debate
In this story: 'We should take our time' Efforts proceed despite controversy RELATED STORIES, SITES From staff and wire reports LONDON It could be months before Britain's Parliament decides officially whether to relax its ban on cloning human embryos, but Wednesday's report that it may do so freshened global debate.

Summaries of Federal and State laws, by the UCLA Center for the Study of Evolutionand the Origin of Life.
Program on Science Technology and Society Legislation Pertaining to Cloning Human Beings Return to Legal Restrictions (Source: NBAC Report on Cloning Human Beings June 1997, pg. 104) FEDERAL S. 368, a bill to ban the use of federal funds for research with respect to the cloning of a human individual, defined as "the replication of a human individual by the taking of a cell with genetic material and the cultivation of the cell through the egg, embryo, fetal, and newborn stages into a new human individual." H.R. 922, providing that "[n]one of the funds made available in any Federal law may be expended to conduct or support any project of research that involves the use of a human somatic cell for the process of producing a human clone." H.R. 923, providing that "it shall be unlawful for any human person to use a human somatic cell for the process of producing a human clone." STATE Bills that ban the use of governmental funds for any research using cloned cells or tissue Alabama [A.B. 1082 (introduced April 23, 1997)

189. - Human Cloning Easier Than Thought? - August 15, 2001



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Human cloning easier than thought?
DURHAM, North Carolina (CNN) Cloning "may be less complicated in humans than in sheep" because of a subtle genetic difference between humans and most other animals, according to researchers at Duke University. The finding, published Wednesday in the journal Human Molecular Genetics, suggests that humans and primates might not be susceptible to the danger of clones growing dangerously large in the womb. "This is the first concrete genetic data showing that the cloning process could be less complicated in humans than in sheep," said Keith Killian, a molecular evolutionist at Duke University Medical Center who is the first author of the study. Some researchers who say it is not safe to clone humans have told CNN they fear those who do will use the Duke study to validate their claims that cloning a human will not create a grotesquely disfigured baby. RESOURCES On the Scene: CNN's Elizabeth Cohen puts cloning report in perspective EXTRA INFORMATION In-Depth: The stem cell debate Timeline: A chronology of cloning Animation: The cloning process RESOURCES Message board Dr. Randy Jirtle, a professor of radiation oncology at Duke who also authored the study, said: "We don't clone here, we're not planning to clone here and we're not advocating human cloning. We're just interested in the phenomenon of genomic imprinting."

190. Cloning Of Human Stem Cells Speeds Up -- Vogel 2005 (519): 1 -- Sciencenow
Introduction to article updating work on patient specific cloning of stem cells for applications in diabetis, in Seoul National University, South Korea. Full text required registration to Science Magazine.
19 May 2005
Cloning of Human Stem Cells Speeds Up

Scientists have created nearly a dozen new lines of human embryonic stem (ES) cells that for the first time carry the genetic signature of diseased or injured patients. The breakthrough represents a dramatic increase in the efficiency of creating such lines and may eventually pave the way for treating conditions such as spinal cord injury with stem cell transplants. Eggs-perts. Through practice with cow eggs ( above ) and other means, Korean researchers have increased their efficiency at cloning human embryos to create stem cells ( inset
CREDIT: Lee Jin-man/AP; (inset) Hwang  et al Last year, a group led by veterinarian Woo Suk Hwang and gynecologist Shin Yong Moon at Seoul National University reported the first derivation of ES cells from human nuclear transfer ( Science , 12 March 2004, p. 1669)a process that involves replacing an oocyte's nucleus with one from a different cell, and then chemically kick-starting development of the egg. But those efforts yielded just one cell line from more than 200 tries. In the new study, reported online today in

191. The Infography About The Ethics Of Cloning
Sources recommended by a professor who specializes in the study of the ethics of cloning.
Search The Infography:
Cloning Ethics
The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the ethics of cloning.
Six Superlative Sources
The President's Council on Bioethics . Washington Post Special Report: Cloning Web Links University of Pennsylvania Cloning Site Science News Presented by BIO (Biotechnology Industry Organization) Michael C. Brannigan, ed. Ethical Issues in Human Cloning. Seven Bridges Press, 2000. Ronald Cole-Turner, ed. Human Cloning: Religious Responses. Westminster John Knox Press, 1997.
Other Excellent Sources
Genetic Encores: The Ethics of Human Cloning , Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy. Martha C. Nussbaum and Cass R. Sunstein, eds. Clones and Clones: Facts and Fantasies about Human Cloning . W.W. Norton and Co., 1998. Gina Kolata.

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193. Bioethics; Reproductive Technologies

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