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161. Proud To Be...FD! Nationallyranked competition/exhibition clogging team based out of Orange County, California. Site includes lesson information, dancer profiles, and guestbook. http://www.fdcloggers.com/ | |
162. Ashokan Southern Week 2001 - Clogging Choreography Ashokan Southern Week 2001 Images clogging Choreography. http://www.sacrasoft.com/Ashokan/ClogPerf01.html | |
163. About Southern Connection Competition clogging team from Irmo, South Carolina. http://southernconnectioncloggers.20m.com/about.html | |
164. NATO Advanced Research Workshop Riverbank Filtration Effect Of Riverbank Filtration Effect of Riverbed clogging on Water Quality and System to document current data on the impact of riverbed clogging on the http://www.soulstatic.com/NATORBF/ | |
165. Scotty's Clog'n Company Scotty's Clog'n Company houses information on the many clogging teams of Scotty Bilz. He clogs all over the world and teaches both competition and exhibition dance teams in the Atlanta, Georgia area. http://scottysclognco.com | |
166. Diane Silver - Clogging Workshops Appalachian clogging / Flatfooting Workshops Flatfooting is a percussive dance style derived from the clogging of ScotchIrish immigrants in and around http://www.diane-silver.com/Clogging.html | |
167. Steve's Clogging Videos - Official Website Of Steve Smith - Clog Dance Instructo The most respected clogging instructional videos on the market. http://www.stevescloggingvideos.com/ | |
168. My Sandmen: Clogging The Memory Hole... clogging The Memory Hole Mr. Atos When Democrats can flush no more facts down the clogged memory hole, DNC Chairman Howard Dean spreads Party agitprop http://mysandmen.blogspot.com/2005/07/clogging-memory-hole.html | |
169. Happy Feet Cloggers From Fairfax, Virginia A modern clogging group located in Fairfax, VA. http://www.happyfeetcloggers.org/ |
170. The Buck - Europe's Newsletter & Clogging Connection http://www.thebuck.de/ | |
171. Untitled NE Arkansas clogging Team since 1980. http://www.crowleyridgecloggers.clogdancing.com/ | |
172. NEFFA LinkFest: Clogging Report New or Dead Link English clogging, Lancashire in the 18001900 s - Historical information from Chris Brady; Report New or Dead Link National clogging http://www.neffa.org/Top/Folk_Dancing/Clogging/index.shtml | |
173. HoedownerParade2 The Heartland Hoedowners are a clogging organization representing many communities in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa. http://www.heartlandhoedowners.org/ | |
174. The Macosxhints Forums - CACHE FILES Clogging Up System - Help! This is a discussion forum powered by vBulletin. To find out about vBulletin, go to http//www.vbulletin.com/ . http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42575 |
175. Index Irish and American step dancing including Irishstyle and ultra-modern clogging. South-East Pennsylvania and Delaware. http://www.academyofirishdance.org/ | |
176. Diaphragm Seals Prevent Clogging & From Blacoh Fluid Control, Inc. GlobalSpec Product Announcement for Blacoh Fluid Control, Inc. BlacohÂs Flow-Thru Sentinel diaphragm seals prevent the dead-leg effect common in most http://www.globalspec.com/FeaturedProducts/Detail/BlacohFluidControl/Diaphragm_S | |
177. Mary Beth Yakoubian's City Stompers - Clog Dancing In Manhattan This site provides information about clogging classes in Manhattan with class schedule, prices, location, travel directions, instructor bio, and definition of clogging. http://clogdancenewyork.com/ | |
178. Palomino Records - Clogging Records Ralphs clogging Records and Black Mountain Valley Records (THE RALPHS RECORDS ARE CUED ON THE FLIP SIDE !!!) Record , Title http://www.palominorecords.com/clog.htm | |
179. Ozark Lightnin' Cloggers, Ozark Lightnin Competition team from Springfield, Missouri, under the direction of Scott Leach. http://drlk.com/clogging | |
180. Buckshot TNG Clogging Team Championship competition clogging team from California. http://www.stormloader.com/buckshottng/Home.html | |
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