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141. Onecompclass.html Teaching in a Technologylimited classroom. internet Resources. 1. That s Not aDrinking Fountain or How to Survive in a One Computer classroom http://www.ties.k12.mn.us/~davenpo/onecompclass.html | |
142. InternetDEN Presents...IE4 In The Classroom with internet Explorer 4.0. Join our zippy, online tutorial and find out how IE4makes learning fast, Best viewed using Download IE4 internet Explorer 4.0. http://www.actden.com/IE4/ | |
143. Teaching With Electronic Technology Published in First Monday Peer Reviewed Journal on the internet. Be sure tovisit their classroom page; it s filled with ideas and resources. with http://www.wam.umd.edu/~mlhall/teaching.html | |
144. Cable In The Classroom - Default Cable in the classroom (CIC) is the cable telecommunications industry s link icon US Department of Education Releases Report on internet Access in http://www.ciconline.org/ | |
145. Classroom Connect: How To Cite Internet Resources 3pawdog1.jpg (894 bytes) internet Citations Courtesy classroom Connect3pawdog1.jpg (894 bytes). Permission Statement http://www.tnte.com/mmc/ClassroomCCitations.html | |
146. Internet Activities For Foreign Language Classes, CLTA California Language Teach See sample lessons using the internet ready for your classroom. Learn how towrite lessons using See how to use the internet in the one computer classroom. http://www.clta.net/lessons/ | |
147. EFL/ESL Lessons And Lesson Plans From The Internet TESL Journal By Amy Ogasawara; Choosing and Summarizing internet Resources Teaching Culturein Literature in the ESL/EFL classroom By Anna Franca Plastina http://iteslj.org/Lessons/ | |
148. Millpark.ddouglas.k12.or.us/onecomp.html PDF Title of Session Tech in the classroom internet Safety http://millpark.ddouglas.k12.or.us/onecomp.html |
149. Tool Kit A collection of resources to help educators and students access, successfully, in their classrooms and projects, technology tools, computers and the internet. http://www.nici-mc2.org/de_toolkit/ | |
150. Arts Resources Visual art resources for the K12 classroom. http://www.nhptv.org/kn/vs/artlab.htm | |
151. Internet4Classrooms - Helping Teachers Use The Internet Effectively Index to three collections of sites designed to help teachers use the Interneteffectively, or to learn specific software applications. http://www.internet4classrooms.com/ | |
152. Florida Traffic School - Lowest Price Guaranteed Company offers Florida certified traffic safety classes through home video, live classrooms and the internet. Site features a course overview, company guarantee and pricing information. http://www.lowestpricetrafficschool.com | |
153. Welcome To NASA Quest! Dedicated to bringing NASA people and science to classrooms through the internet. Space Team Online, Aerospace Team Online, Solar System Online, and Deep Space Online. NASA Quest is the ultimate resource for educators and kids interested in meeting and learning about NASA people and space science. http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/ | |
154. Oregon Public Education Network Helps bring the internet to Oregon's classrooms by facilitating network connections and servicing those connections through technical and user support services. http://www.open.k12.or.us/ | |
155. World Cultures internet Resources on World Cultures ONLINE CLASSES Tradition and Memory WorldCultures to 1500 Culture, Conflict, and the Modern World Cultures after http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/ | |
156. SpanishNet College - Teaching Spanish Online Spanish language classes on the internet at every level and for different professional subjects. Day and evening online classes. Audio and text classrooms available. Certificates of study provided. http://www.spanishnetcollege.com/ | |
157. Index For Integrating The Internet These web pages will give tips on how you can integrate the internet into yourclassroom curriculum by employing one of three ways how to gather http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/edu/wwwdo/ | |
158. Welcome To Taylor School Grades K through 5. Includes plan to connect classrooms to the internet and photos of staff. http://www.sfusd.k12.ca.us/schwww/sch513/ | |
159. Classroom Connect | Home Provider of online and inperson K-12 learning services including curriculum,professional development, and adventure learning. http://corporate.classroom.com/ | |
160. LT Technologies - KidPix Resources On The Internet internet Example ***Click here for the current version of the page. Points ofView Poem (internet example What is a Raindrop?) http://www.lttechno.com/links/kidpix.html | |
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