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121. CNN - Students Track Grueling Sailboat Challenge Via Internet - May 14, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9905/14/t_t/sailing.classroom/index.html | |
122. Clyde Elementary School - Home Includes individual classroom pages, special programs pages, the school calendar, special events, counselor's corner, and internet resources for teachers and students. http://clyde.region14.net/webs/ces.campus/ | |
123. Untitled Document Offers web design and web creation services, onsite and classroom computer and internet training, http://www.calldocpc.com |
124. Itsystems By Ramcon Designs, Builds And Supports Networks Designs and builds networks for businesses, provides video conference rooms, network security, web sites, training, classroom rental, and internet surveillance cameras. http://itsystems.bz | |
125. BCK2SKOL Lessons Lesson Two History of the Net Lesson Three internet Connectivity BCK2SKOL is a free electronic library classroom created by Ellen Chamberlain, http://www.sc.edu/bck2skol/fall/fall.html | |
126. Metropolitan Association For Teachers Of Science Purpose is to make available internet K12 resources to the science teachers of metropolitan Houston and to encourage teachers to share successful classroom ideas over the web. http://home.flash.net/~dfelske/mats/ | |
127. Using The Internet In The Classroom Common Questions About Integrating internet. Into the classroom. Why should Iuse the internet in my classroom? How much time will it take to integrate http://www.iloveteaching.com/Intenetclass/ | |
128. CNN.com - Dispute Over Teacher Review Goes From Classroom To Courtroom - May 8, CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/LAW/05/08/teacher.internet.suit/index.html | |
129. Dr. T.L. Sullivan Jr. High School CAP Site The Community Access Program offers the community use of computers and a portal to the internet. Discusses definitions, programs offered, location and hours of operation. http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Classroom/8062/ | |
130. Classroom Resources-Directories classroom Curriculum Guides for K12 environmental education. A collectionof internet resources and K-12 lesson plans from around the world - grouped http://eelink.net/classroomresources-directories.html | |
131. Martin Luther King Elementary School Policies, media center, classroom connections, community involvement, counseling center, and suggested internet sites. http://king.vansd.org/ |
132. EE-Link Introduction Directory of internet resources intended to support, enhance and extend effectiveenvironmental education in grades K12. Includes classroom materials http://eelink.net/ |
133. Van Buskirk Elementary Features individual classroom pages, a library and information center, and internet research hot links. http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/vanbuskirk/ | |
134. WIT Home Page REDIRECT An intensive fourweek seminar aimed to help progressive K-12 teachers integrate the use of the Web in the classroom. A project of the Center for School Improvement (CSI) and the Chicago Public Schools/University of Chicago internet Project (CUIP) in collaboration with the Graham School of General Studies at the University of Chicago. http://webinstituteforteachers.org/ | |
135. Scholastic.com Scholastic.com, the flagship internet portal for the world s largest publisher Help your child make a smooth transition to the classroom with advice and http://www.scholastic.com/ | |
136. Integrate The Internet Into Your Classroom Here are a variety of suggestions for integrating the internet into your classroomwhether you have one computer or many.There are student activities, http://www.kathimitchell.com/integrate.html | |
137. As Teacher In The Classroom, Internet Needs Fine-Tuning internet classroominternet classroom Adult/Higher Education Here are a few articles gearedtoward higher learning pleasure The swarm stops here! http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/07/biztech/articles/07class.html | |
138. Curriculum Ideas Science in the classroom Lesson for the Yuckiest Site on the internet. In thisactivity students will work in groups to investigate two different http://www.cyberbee.com/intclass.html | |
139. Rotherham College Of Arts & Technology Safeguards Classroom Internet Access, Fro A staggering 13500 students pass through Rotherham College of Arts andTechnologyÂs (RCAT) classrooms each year. With PCs connected to the internet across http://whitepapers.zdnet.com/casestudy.aspx?dtid=3&scid=904&docid=67652 |
140. LT Technologies - One Computer Classroom Resources On The Internet One Computer classroom Resources on the internet Computer with 25 Students,Troubleshooting Tips, and internet Resources for the One Computer classroom. http://www.lttechno.com/links/onecomputerclassroom.html | |
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