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101. LRS Systems Home Page Company offers stateapproved traffic school programs for Nevada in three formats; live classroom, correspondence by mail and distance education via the internet. Site details the steps needed to complete the registration process. http://www.lrssystems.com | |
102. Education World® - Tech. In The Classroom : Internet-Based Learning An Introduction to internet Resources for K12 Educators. AT T Virtualclassroom AT T Virtual classroom is a program of free, on-line educational http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=5326 |
103. Alisa's Virtual Classes Includes syllabi and sample assignments for using internet in the EFL/ESL classroom. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1877/ | |
104. CAL Computer Classroom : Internet Resources bsu cal classroom internet resources. CAL classroom Home BSU Student Email SuperLab. Indexes Search Engines Web Indexes. Resources WebPALS http://cal.bemidji.msus.edu/classroom/InternetResc.html | |
105. Technology Brief narrative introduction with some hypertext links to learn what the internet is, why/how to use it in the classroom, and how to build a web page. http://intranet.cps.k12.il.us/Technology/ | |
106. DataStreme Atmosphere Information The American Meteorological Society offers an online course to train teachers to use the internet to as a resource to study the weather in the K-12 science classroom. http://www.ametsoc.org/dstreme/extras/dsinfo.html | |
107. The Open Web Project The Workshop is a computer classroom and server in the Historical Library with a highspeed connection to the internet. Representatives of local non-commercial organizations are invited to learn hypertext markup language (HTML) and mount homepages on-line free-of-charge. http://www.openweb.ru/home-eng.html | |
108. Educational Projects For details on how to develop and set up your own internet projects, read my chapter A fourth grade classroom at Margaret Beeks Elementary School made a http://pixel.cs.vt.edu/melissa/projects.html | |
109. µå¸²Ã¤º¸±â¼ú Computer Aided Education System,CAES,AV NET,Multimedia Control System,Language Lab,internet Phone,Door Lock,Security System,Advanced classroom,DreamLab,DreamWebtel http://www.dream-intech.com |
110. ProTech Training Offers mostly z/OS and UNIX training, including selfstudy, classroom and live on-line courses. Consulting specialties are enterprise systems management, internet and business storage continuity. http://www.protechpts.com | |
111. SCORE: Bronze Bow A guide for teaching this novel in the elementary classroom. Recommended activities incorporate internet usage. http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/BRONZE/bronzetg.htm | |
112. STCUSA.COM Provides classroom, print, CDROM, internet, video, and audio training programs for securities licensing examinations required by the NASD, NYSE, MSRB, and the NASAA. http://www.stcusa.com | |
113. Real Estate Prep School LLC - Home - Missouri Real Estate School Pre-license And Providing Missouri real estate licensing classes by classroom, correspondence, and internet. http://www.realestateprepschool.com | |
114. Consortium For Interactive Instruction | WHRO A userdirected, user-funded activity managed by WHRO-TV advocating the most appropriate uses of technology, including computers, videodiscs, and internet, in the classroom. http://www.whro.org/education/cii/ | |
115. The Northeast Kansas Education Service Center A road map for global electronic exploration for the K12 classroom, with emphasis on educational, computer, governmental, special education needs, and internet resources. http://nekesc.org/ | |
116. CNN.com - Some Professors Block Internet Access In Classroom - September 27, 200 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/fyi/teachers.ednews/09/27/wires.classrooms.ap/index.html | |
117. Bedford Area School District Download a school calendar, link to the buildings, and find out about an internet classroom management program. http://www.bedford.k12.pa.us/ | |
118. U Seek U Find - Learning - Internet Classroom A FamilySafe Searching tool that anyone can use. With this site, you can easilyfind what you need without all the stuff you don t need. http://www.useekufind.com/tclassro.htm | |
119. Lincoln Elementary School Staff list, school calendar, lunch menu, classroom homepages, internet field trips, curriculum, and student council page. http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/lincoln/ | |
120. CIESE - Curriculum: K-12 CIESE Online Classroom Projects We focus on projects that utilize real time data available from the internet,and collaborative projects that utilize the internet s potential to reach http://www.k12science.org/currichome.html | |
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