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81. Literature Resources On The Web Subjects covered include manuscript and medieval studies, philosophy, religion, Mississippi Review A Webspecific version of the magazine Mississippi http://www.lib.iastate.edu/collections/eresourc/lit.html | |
82. European Literature - Electronic Texts Collections are listed more or less in order of size; indivdual authors are medieval texts from Ireland in several languages and newer texts in Irish http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/etexts.html | |
83. Lit Crit: Definition And Much More From Answers.com lit crit ( krit ) n. Informal. literary criticism. Later classical and medievalcriticism often focused on religious texts, and the several long http://www.answers.com/topic/literary-criticism-2 | |
84. Something Specific One of the best collections of author pages on the web. The Online Medievaland classical Library @ Berkeley (DL SunSITE) http://www.colorado.edu/English/mispag/Web_Pages/specific.html | |
85. Yale College Programs Of Study classical Languages literatures department home page Substitution permittedOne literatureÂtwo courses in the other lit at the 300 level or above for http://www.yale.edu/yalecollege/publications/ycps/chapter_iv/classical.html | |
86. Literature, Reading, Books Literature, Reading, Books, authors, Publishers, Reviews and much more medieval Literature and History Page valuable links and resources to help http://www.floridasmart.com/subjects/langarts_literature.htm | |
87. Internet Resources For Classics It has been designed to cover the ancient and medieval worlds. and InformationServers; EText Archives; Author specific, Projects and Web Sites, etc. http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/lanc/internet.htm | |
88. UMKC Libs: Guide To Literature It provides author and subject access to essays and chapters in books, in world literature, including classical, medieval, and ethnic literatures. http://www.umkc.edu/lib/Instruction/MNLsubjguides/literature.htm | |
89. Penn's Page Of Arts And Literature On The Web lit Links. Alex A Catalog of Electronic Texts gophers Shakespeare Collections,Other Authorspecific Collections, Electronic Text Archives, http://penn.home.att.net/bookarts.htm | |
90. American Literature Web Resources-Review: Bedford/St. Martin's LitLinks The medieval page, for example, includes a link to The William Langland HomePage, while the Similarly, several major authors in the Bedford site, http://www.millikin.edu/aci/crow/reviews/litlinks.html | |
91. Miami University: Documents And Policies: General Bulletin Study of Spanish literature of medieval period from Poema del Cid (12th Intensive study of a special problem or topic, a specific period, author, genre, http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents_and_policies/bulletin06/courses/spn/ | |
92. CLASSICS CLAS 322 Intellectual History of classical Greece (5) I S/VLPA Blondell specific course content determined by assigned faculty member. http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/clas.html | |
93. Criticism And Book Reviews: range from classical, medieval, and Renaissance to Theory, Ethnicities, We offer fiction reading lists, book reviews, forthcoming titles, author http://www.techtrekers.com/HSeng.htm | |
94. Carroll College - Department Oflanguages And Literature Courses A study of our British literary heritage from the medieval and Renaissance tothe Age of This course focuses on a specific author, literary genre, http://www.carroll.edu/academics/langlit/courses.php | |
95. Fall 2005 Courses - Graduate Courses Religious Literature and the Rise of Dissent in Late medieval England The authors will be read in pairingsJoyce and Conrad, Woolf and Bowen, http://www.nd.edu/~english/Courses-Fall2005-Grads.html | |
96. Fall 2002 Course Descriptions - Medieval Studies Institute medieval Studies Institute Ballantine 442 Indiana University F615 Studies inmedieval French lit. Lais, contes, dits et fabliaux (3 cr.) http://www.indiana.edu/~medieval/fall2002.htm | |
97. Literature Resources In general, to find books of literature criticism, search for the author or the From SunSITE at Berkeley, full text of numerous medieval and classical http://www.library.mcneese.edu/hum/litpage.htm | |
98. English, Comparative Literature And Linguistics Department Comparative literature is the study of world literature without specific regard CPLT 110 Literature of the Western World from Ancient through medieval http://www.fullerton.edu/catalog/academic_departments/engl.asp | |
99. New Page 1 GERMAN 318 (3)ÂGerman medieval and Renaissance Literature The focus shiftsannually from the examination of a specific period or author to a study of a http://germanrussian.wlu.edu/german_course_listings.htm | |
100. Periodicals Available At The Mid-Manhattan Library Language And Literature Depar Author focused British Literature classical (Greek and Roman) Literature Focuses on the interrelationship of classical and modern medieval forward http://www.nypl.org/branch/central/mml/ll/subjectlist.html | |
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