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41. MEDIEVAL LANGUAGE AND LIT JANUARY 1996 GENERAL INCLUDING MIDDLE ENGLISH authors, CONTINENTAL authors ETC. ML111 BOLGAR,RR THE classical HERITAGE AND ITS BENEFICIARIES Cambridge, http://www.cyberus.ca/~rrknott/medlit.html.html | |
42. French 6600 Studies in medieval literature (3) Cross listed as C lit 6620. Each offeringwill focus on a specific grouping of these authors that highlights a http://www.acs.utah.edu/GenCatalog/1038/crsdesc/frnch.html | |
43. Summer Courses In The Classics foundation in classical Greek with medieval Greek language and philology by specific authors will be determined by the instructor but will vary from http://summer-classics.dhamel.com/ | |
44. Literary Criticism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Later classical and medieval criticism often focused on religious texts, The late nineteenth century brought several authors better known for their http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literary_criticism | |
45. Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) - English Ranging from medieval and classical to modern, this source gives full entries with But when an author uses a specific number in a conspicuous way, http://www.wheaton.edu/english/resources/medieval/all.html | |
46. American, British, Canadian & World Literature, Authors, Timelines The British Literature Index Selected resources from medieval to modern. plus links to specific authors, courtesy of the University of Kentucky. http://www.chiff.com/art/literature/world.htm | |
47. The Literature Major lit 103 classical Epic and Tragedy lit 104 Typology and medieval literature lit 413 DOSTOEVSKY This course will examine the works of the author who gave http://www.naples.avemaria.edu/academics/undergraduate_programs/programs_detail/ | |
48. Research Guide Women Writers classical and medieval Literature Criticism (CMLC) (use author index at end oflast volume), Ref PN 610.C53 TO FIND WORKS WRITTEN BY A specific AUTHOR http://www.wcsu.edu/library/gd_women_writers.html | |
49. Courses - HSU ENG5653, medieval lit, 3, A selection from representative works in English critical question concerning a specific work, author, movement, theme, genre, http://www.hsu.edu/courses.aspx?did=gro |
50. Courses - HSU ENG3653, medieval lit, 3, A selection from representative works in English critical question concerning a specific work, author, movement, theme, genre, http://www.hsu.edu/courses.aspx?did=efl |
51. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: Ancient Greek And Classical Latin classical and medieval Literature Criticism ref PN 610 .C53 One can alsosearch by specific title (title search) or author (author search.) http://library.csus.edu/guides/rogenmoserd/greek.htm | |
52. Selected Language And Literature Web Sites: Internet Bibliographies: New York St Includes links to the Web sites of specific authors and information on publishers, Georgetown University s model site for medieval studies etexts, http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/reference/litref.htm | |
53. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT SPRING 2000 GRADUATE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Studies in US lit Before 1875 Gender, Romance, and the Early American Novel Dr . the 2000 years of classical and medieval rhetoric in a single semester. http://english.fsu.edu/courses/CourseDescriptionsSpring02.htm | |
54. STL:English_Literature_Resources Library User Guides for African American lit, drama, and use the same logic links to sites about specific authors. http//www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/lit.html http://lib.newpaltz.edu/research_areas/english.html | |
55. Resources For Academics The Luminarium s section on medieval lit has essays, author profiles, and historical Try Women Writers of the Middle Ages for specific information. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/5187/resources.html | |
56. Internet Resources Their mission is to provide librarians, publishers, booksellers, authors, www.ipl.org/div/natam The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL) http://mcld.maricopa.gov/library/userdef/ud_mcld_internet.asp?anchor=books |
57. Sweet Briar College: Overview A study of myths and legends from biblical, classical, and medieval sources Studies in medieval lit A study of the major literary genres of the Old and http://www.sbc.edu/catalog/?acr=ENGL&dept=English |
58. Research Guide, Evelyn S. Field Library, Raritan Valley Community College, NJ classical and medieval Literary Criticism, Ref PN681.5 .C57 If you are lookingfor a book by a specific author, do an Author search. http://library.raritanval.edu/SubjectGuides/literary_criticism.html | |
59. University Of Central Arkansas Torreyson Library The Online medieval classical Library a collection of some of the most Categories include, but are not limited to Early American lit to 1700; http://library.uca.edu/Humanities_Guide.html |
60. Novels & Short Stories - College Library Undergraduate Research Guide classical and medieval Literature Criticism Greek and Latin authors, 800BCAD 1000 A Volume in the Wilson authors Series http://college.library.wisc.edu/resources/subject_guides/novels.htm | |
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