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41. Sociology 332 - Encyclopedias sociology 332, Spring 2005. The Latino/Latina Experience in US Society Encyclopedia of the Mexican American civil rights Movement (REF E184 . http://www.lib.iastate.edu/commons/soc332/encyclo.html | |
42. Sociology 4th Edition introduction to sociology 4th Edition, Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Dunier Citizenship rights include civil rights, political rights, and social rights. http://www.wwnorton.com/giddens4/chapters/chapter13/welcome.htm | |
43. Introduction To Sociology, 5th Edition civil rights refer to the freedoms and privileges guaranteed to individuals by law . Although the founders of sociology believed that nationalism would http://www.wwnorton.com/giddens5/ch/13/ | |
44. Sociology sociology is the study of human conduct from the perspective of the history and the effects of civil rights law on corporate practice; the creation and http://web.reed.edu/academic/catalog/soc.html | |
45. Class Of 2007 She was previously Assistant Professor of Law and sociology at the Her dissertation, AThe Institutional Context of civil rights Mobilizing the Family http://www.lawandsociety.org/officers/class07.htm | |
46. HIST 481 The Hispanic Experience: The Civil Rights Movement In The U.S. Southwes which covers psychology, sociology, and education literature. Each volumeincludes a timeline for civil rights events, a glossary, http://library.tamu.edu/vgn/portal/tamulib/content/renderer/0,2174,1724_3835900, | |
47. The Civil Rights Movement: Explaining The Ebb And Flow Of Movement Events Using Project Adviser J. Craig Jenkins, Department of sociology In my study Iexplore how the civil rights movement can be explained in relation to relative http://www.sociology.ohio-state.edu/UndergradProgram/JonAgnone/Agnone.html | |
48. Civil Rights Movement, African American Women--Africana Library, Cornell Univers Passing the Torch African American Women in the civil rights Movement. The American Journal of sociology, v.101, no.6 (May 1996) 16611693. http://www.library.cornell.edu/africana/guides/crmwomen.html | |
49. Veterans Of The Civil Rights Movement -- "Would You Marry One?" A student in the introductory sociology class asked me, Would you marry a Negro? The students in the freedom school and my fellow civil rights workers, http://www.crmvet.org/info/marryone.htm | |
50. Sociology Databases and the surge of civil rights activities in the 1960s as seen from inside sociology A SAGE FullText Collection covers such subjects as Childhood, http://www.tnstate.edu/interior.asp?ptid=1&mid=1071 |
51. Calvin College - Registrar's Office - Interim - Sociology & Social Work sociology Social Work. W40 The civil rights Movement in the US (1954Â1965).The era of the civil rights Movement, although rooted in the history of http://www.calvin.edu/admin/registrar/interim/2005/soc.htm | |
52. UM Department Of Sociology University of Michigan Department of sociology the causes as well as theconsequences of particular policies in civil rights and employment. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/soc/directories/show-person.asp?PeopleID=100 |
53. · SOCIOLOGY WEB HAWG INTERNET LINKS SocioSiteThis is one of the great sociology sites of the Internet, Children s civil rights, Cornell University Legal Information Institute http://rock.uwc.edu/facultypages/pgroth/sochawg.htm | |
54. La Trobe University - Library - Bundoora - Sociology 2/3 CSM Journal of sociology the journal of the Australian Sociological Association . References Look in the Library catalogue under civil rights movements http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/reference/ef-soccsm.html | |
55. Sociology: Robin Stryker Weak Agency Early Enforcement of Title VII of the 1964 civil rights Act and the The Handbook of Economic sociology (2nd edition), edited by Neil J. http://www.soc.umn.edu/faculty/Stryker.htm | |
56. Sociology Meets Human Rights sociology meets human rights. But large parts of civil society in this countryhave not yet been actively engaged in promoting the goals, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/08/13/EDG |
57. Sociology Meets Human Rights sociology meets human rights Mary Robinson Friday, August 13, 2004 But largeparts of civil society in this country have not yet been actively engaged http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/08/13/EDG |
58. Bob Zellner Civil Rights Activist Friend Of Martin Luther King Bob Zellner is still active as a civil rights activist and as a true scholar . 196365 Brandeis University Graduate work in the sociology of Race http://www.bobzellner.com/cv.htm | |
59. Elwell's Glossary Of Sociology A social science, closely linked to sociology, which concentrates (though not civil rights. Legal rights held by all citizens in a given state. http://campus.murraystate.edu/academic/faculty/frank.elwell/prob3/glossary/socgl | |
60. Sociology Department - Bryn Mawr College Trico Library Guide to sociology - includes links to resources on the following Leadership Conference on civil rights - affirmative action, welfare, http://www.brynmawr.edu/sociology/resources.shtml | |
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