HOME DONOR FACTS RELIGIOUS VIEWS ABOUT US ... en ESPAÃOL A common question that arises when people are asked to consider donation of their organs and tissues, or those of their loved ones, is: ÂIs donation compatible with my religious beliefs? Though the answers vary from one denomination to another, research has found that the vast majority of religions do support donation and transplantation. Please contact your clergy person for more information. The following are some of our findings. We have listed the religions alphabetically. A B C E ... W (African Methodist Episcopal) Organ and tissue donation is viewed as an act of neighborly love and charity by these denominations. They encourage all members to support donation as a way of helping others. AMISH The Amish will consent to transplantation if they believe it is for the well-being of the transplant recipient. John Hostetler, world renowned authority on Amish religion and Professor of Anthropology at Temple University in Philadelphia, says in his book, Amish Society, "The Amish believe that since God created the human body, it is God who heals. However, nothing in the Amish understanding of the Bible forbids them from using modern medical services, including surgery, hospitalization, dental work, anesthesia, blood transfusions or immunization." ASSEMBLY OF GOD | |