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121. Scientology US Navy Chaplain presents basic information on the church of scientology including history and basic beliefs. http://www.chaplaincare.navy.mil/Scientology.htm | |
122. BBC News | EUROPE | France Urged To Ban Scientology A French government committee recommends dissolving the church of scientology on the grounds that its activities threaten public order. BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/635986.stm | |
123. Scientology Complaint To Google (#3) -- Chilling Effects Clearinghouse Religious Technology Center (church of scientology) tells Google to yank a Norwegian personal page. http://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca512/notice.cgi?NoticeID=253 |
124. Scientology As a matter of fact, the church of scientology is widely believed to be a Members of the church of scientology apparently fail to grasp that those other http://www.rotten.com/library/religion/scientology/ | |
125. ACJ Article: Altar Rhetoric And Online Performance An overview of the way religions are using cyberspace, focusing particularly on the church of scientology. http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol4/iss1/articles/frobish.htm | |
126. Church Of Scientology: The Bonafides Of The Scientology Religion Online book contains the codes, axioms and creed of the church, discussions of the religious background of the religion. http://www.bonafidescientology.org/ | |
127. Voice Of The Church Of Scientology In Los Angeles - Freedom Magazine Published by the church of scientology, highlights what is new, international editions, US editions, videos, relates sites, your view and subscribe. http://www.freedominla.org/ | |
128. Church_of_Scientology church of scientology, research index site with links for disability users, 1000 s of search engines and with live java games, chat s, kids internet, irc, http://www.ability.org.uk/scilog.html | |
129. Church Of Scientology Clearwater 'Drug Free Marshal' Volunteer Group Kids taking responsibility to keep Clearwater kids off drugs, sponsored by the church of scientology. http://clearwater.drugfreemarshals.org | |
130. EFF "Legal Cases - Church Of Scientology" Archive EFF Legal Cases church of scientology Archive conviction of H. Keith Henson in a case involving online criticism of the church of scientology (CoS). http://www.eff.org/legal/cases/Scientology_cases/ | |
131. VNN - Europe Coverage of testimony about intolerance in Europe. Witnesses included church of scientology members John Travolta and Chick Corea. http://www.vnn.org/europe/970920-1045/ | |
132. Demand For Investigation Of The Church Of Scientology Petition Demand For Investigation of The church of scientology Petition. http://www.petitiononline.com/cofs1/petition.html | |
We, the undersigned, allege that the Church of Scientology, the RTC (Religious Technology Center) and their affiliate organizations are involved in a multitude of illegal activities, including, but not limited to, perjury, subornation of perjury, murder, harboring a fugitive, harrassment, treason, practicing medicine without a license, hate crimes, battery, assault, negligence, violations of international law and other crimes. We, the undersigned, demand that the Church of Scientology and it's affiliated organizations tax exempt status be revoked. We, the undersigned, demand that the Church of Scientology and it's affiliated organizations be forced to turn over Heber Jenztsch to the Spanish authorities for trial. We, the undersigned, demand an immediate investigation of the Church of Scientology and all of it's affiliates activities in Clearwater, Florida. | |
133. Scientology By Jack Nation, Pastor A brief summary of information on the church of scientology. http://www.cedarnet.org/jnation/book/bk19-16.html | |
134. ABC News 20/20 Exposure Of Scientology Cult: Transcript The Skeptic Tank provides just a few of the hundreds of thousands of available text files which cover the evils of the Scientology crime syndicate, http://www.skeptictank.org/hs/2020.htm | |
135. BBC News | AMERICAS | Scientology Church Fights Google The church of scientology takes its longrunning battle against the distribution of its material on websites to one of the most popular search sites. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1949879.stm | |
136. Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard A brief biography and summary of the achievements of American philosopher, writer and founder of the church of scientology. http://aboutlronhubbard.org/ | |
137. Google Pulls Anti-Scientology Links | CNET News.com Google was accused Wednesday of effectively removing from the Internet a Web site that is critical of the church of scientology after it deleted links to http://news.com.com/2100-1023-865936.html | |
138. BBC News | Europe | French Scientology Trial A French prosecutor has asked a court in Marseille to jail a former leader of the church of scientology who has been accused of obtaining large sums of money by fraud from other members of the Church. BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/455059.stm | |
139. Scientology Complaint To Google (#4) -- Chilling Effects Clearinghouse Religious Technology Center and Bridge Publications demand, on behalf of the church of scientology, that Google delete posts from its Usenet archive of alt.religion.scientology. Text of DMCA complaint. http://chillingeffects.org/dmca512/notice.cgi?NoticeID=266 |
140. Church Of Scientology 'coercive' Woman suing Scientologists says church of scientology coercive and destructive http://www.lermanet.com/scientologynews/irishtimes-12122002.htm | |
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