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81. New Church Of Scientology Building In Clearwater, Florida Laying the foundation for the construction of the new building for the church of scientology in Clearwater, Florida. http://clearwater-scientology.theflaglandbase.org | |
82. Church Of Scientology Human Rights Office - Germany: Religious Freedom church of scientology International Human Rights Office. Create religious freedom and eradicate intolerance in Germany. http://www.humanrights-germany.org/ | |
83. Drug Free Ambassadors - Leading The Way To A Drug-free Australia church of scientology drug prevention in Australia. Includes facts and specific programs to help teens stay clean. http://www.drugfreeambassadors.com.au/ | |
84. EUPolitix.com - Church Of Scientology International he church of scientology International European Public Affairs and Human Rights Office is a resource and focal point for those seeking to help their http://www.eupolitix.com/EN/Forums/Church of Scientology International/ | |
85. Floridian: Real Problems With A Fictional Movie Discussion of The Profit and the church of scientology, with pictures from the movie. http://www.sptimes.com/News/082401/Floridian/Real_problems_with_a_.shtml | |
86. EUPolitix.com - Church Of Scientology International he following sites contain information about the church of scientology Human church of scientology Religious Education College, Inc. Saint Hill Manor http://www.eupolitix.com/EN/Forums/Church of Scientology International/735225ef- | |
87. CNN - Church Of Scientology Charged In Member's Death - November 14, 1998 CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9811/14/scientology.response/index.html | |
88. Wired News: Google Yanks Anti-Church Sites WASHINGTON The church of scientology has managed to yank references to antiScientology websites from the Google search engine. http://wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,51233,00.html | |
89. Church Of Scientology Of Sunderland, United Kingdom Learn the relationship between Dianetics and Scientology, with information about the founder of the movement, L. Ron Hubbard. http://www.scientology-sunderland.org/ | |
90. Church Of Scientology Examines the beliefs and practice of Scientology from a Christian perspective. http://www.contenderministries.org/scientology.php | |
91. Human Rights - Church Of Scientology International News room and forum, covering such issues as freedom of speech, religious tolerance, human trafficking and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Welcomes participation of guest editors, columnists, article submission and recommendations for human rights advocate awards. http://www.theta.com/ | |
92. New Church Of Scientology Opens In Madrid. Tom Cruise Addresses The Thousands In Actor Tom Cruise addresses the thousands in attendance. Beliefnet.com http://www.beliefnet.com/story/153/story_15301_1.html | |
93. The Truth About Scientology Information about technology within and outside the CoS, church of scientology's declining statistics, alterations to Hubbard's writings, revisionist history, and related topics. http://www.truthaboutscientology.com/ | |
94. Not The Scientology Home Page Features news, reports, and links critical of the church of scientology, the Dianetics, and science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard. http://thingy.apana.org.au/~fjc/scn/home.html | |
95. Marburg Journal Of Religion ( 2001) Leisa GOODMAN The Human Rights Director of the church of scientology International criticizes an earlier article by Stephen A. Kent. Marburg Journal of Religion http://www.uni-marburg.de/religionswissenschaft/journal/mjr/goodman.html | |
96. Lisa McPherson Memorial Page: Killed By The Church Of Scientology Dedicated to a young woman who this site says was killed by the church of scientology. Overview of the case, timeline, news coverage, information on the http://www.lisamcpherson.org/ | |
97. Google Asked To Delist Scientology Critics (#1) -- Chilling Effects Clearinghous Copy of the letter from church of scientology law firm Moxon Kobrin, demanding that Google remove xenu.net. http://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca512/notice.cgi?NoticeID=232 |
98. Church Of Scientology, Flag Service Organization - Scientology Clearwater Find out about the church of scientology Flag Service Organization an International Religious Retreat, providing Dianetics and Scientology services in http://www.scientology-fso.org/ | |
99. Scientology A Comparison With Religions Of The East And West A comparison of the church of scientology against certain criteria to determine whether or not it is a religion, presented by PerArne Berglie, Professor of History of Religion, University of Stockholm. http://neuereligion.de/ENG/Berglie/index.htm | |
100. Church Of Scientology Master Index | Scientology Spain This page provides links encompassing many church of scientology sites, for an overview of the church of scientology and its activities. http://search.scientology.net/indxmstr.htm | |
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