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161. Fallacy Of Christianity (The Mystry Religion) Examining the fallacies, misinterpretations and misinformation found in Christian religion. http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/holytestament/falacy.html | |
162. Authentic Christianity: A Fresh Grip On Life Authentic christianity. A Fresh Grip on Life. by. Ray C. Stedman with Christ at the very core of your beingfor that is authentic christianity! http://www.pbc.org/dp/stedman/authenxnty/ | |
163. Scibel - Welcome To Scibel Online UKbased charity promoting the understanding between mainstream christianity and contemporary science. Includes articles, biographies of scientists, book reviews, discussion forum, and the facility to have a faith-science question answered by an expert. http://scibel.gospelcom.net | |
164. Freemasonry Is A Non-Christian Occult Religion Why Masonry is incompatible with christianity, partial list of denominations which have condemned Freemasonry, further links. http://www.godonthe.net/cme/links/masons.htm | |
165. Race And Racial Issues From A Christian Point Of View - ChristianAnswers.Net Racism, Racial Issues and christianity Answers to FrequentlyAsked-Questions Racism, Racial Issues and christianity Webmasters link to this page using http://www.christiananswers.net/race.html | |
166. Is Jesus A Buddhist ? / Jesus1.htm Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Buddhism/Buddhism_and_Other_Religions/christianity/JesusWas-a-Buddhist_Theories http://web.ukonline.co.uk/buddhism/jesus.htm | |
167. Homosexuality And Christianity Various Links Dealing with Homosexuality and christianity Moreover, all major theological doctrines in christianity are built around statements that are http://www.jeramyt.org/gay.html | |
168. WISHES Essay on the Kakure Kirishitan or Hidden Christians who worshipped without scriptures, even after the ban on christianity was lifted in 1873. http://www.uwosh.edu/home_pages/faculty_staff/earns/miyazaki.html | |
169. Homosexuality And Christianity Cathedral of Hope is the largest gay church in the worldwith an outreach to the gay and lesbian community. It is located in Dallas, Texas. http://www.cathedralofhope.com/homosexuality/index.php | |
170. On Christianity An attempt to select the most basic references on christianity and its opponents, Satire Against christianity (some entries make you think or smile; http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~neum/know.html | |
171. Meditations And Reflections In Zen, Buddhism, Taoism, Mystical Religions, And Ea Stuff and nonsense about Zen, Buddhism, Taoism, christianity, and Meditation. http://www.yakrider.com | |
172. Christianity. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 christianity. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ch/Christia.html | |
173. Rejection Of Pascal's Wager: A Skeptic's Guide To Christianity A skeptic's guide to christianity. http://www.geocities.com/paulntobin/ | |
174. Christianity christianity is a monotheistic religion founded by the followers of Jesus of Historically, christianity arose out of Judaism and claims that Jesus http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001463.html | |
175. THE GNOSTIC JESUS - GNOSTICISM FINDS ITS WAY Explanation of the Gnostic path of christianity revolving around direct experience and looking within one's self. http://www.gnostic-jesus.com | |
176. Hijacking Christianity . . . (washingtonpost.com) He should say that invoking christianity as an instrument to advance a political agenda or to vanquish a political opponent is divisive, demagogic and http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A10688-2005Apr22.html | |
177. University Of Dayton Department Of Religious Studies Department of Religious Studies. Presented from within the Catholic tradition, a major in Religious Studies at UD develops a broad scope of basic areas including biblical studies, moral questions, the teachings and history of christianity and other religious traditions. There are also courses in the teachings of religion, religion and culture, and pastoral questions. http://www.udayton.edu/~relstudy/ | |
178. History Of Christianity In China A Site on christianity in China. christianity was introduced into China as early as the 5th century. The first three early missionaries failed to bear http://www.yutopian.com/religion/ | |
179. Come My Beloved -- From Shoah To Shalom Collection of articles and links that a)take an honest look at the tragic ways traditional Christian understandings of the origin of christianity and the appropriate way of practicing christianity have poisoned the relationship between Christians and Jews, and b)provide resources toward a future of shared efforts to follow God's call and serve the cause of love, peace, justice, and freedom. http://ecumene.org/SHOAH/shalom.htm | |
180. BUBL LINK: Christianity Includes christianity, Islam, Judaism, Gnostic and Coptic Studies, Also considers the historical sequence of christianity, Islam, Buddhism, http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/christianity.htm | |
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