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121. Religions Of The World An introduction to the six major religious traditions of the world from the EMuseum at the University of Minnesota. Includes histories and basic beliefs of Animism, Buddhism, christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism; glossaries, and links. Use our clickable map showing the geographic concentrations of religious gro http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/cultural/religion/ | |
122. Agnostic Review Of Christianity An examination of christianity from an Agnostic perspective. Topics reviewed include Bible issues, the nature of God, and various Christian claims and apologetics. http://www.geocities.com/b_r_a_d_99 | |
123. Mr. Dowling's Judaism Page christianity is based of the teachings of Jesus Christ, who taught his Learn more about christianity in a lesson designed for middle school students. http://www.mrdowling.com/605-christianity.html | |
124. Index.htm For scholars and others interested in the study of Hinduism, christianity, and the interrelations between these two religious traditions. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~shcs/ | |
125. Christian History & Biography - Learn History Of Christianity Free Newsletters Exploring the first 2000 years of the Christian church, Christian History Biography gives you a new article each week examining everything from the life http://www.christianhistory.net/ | |
126. Open Hearts Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Virginia/Localities/V/Virginia_Beach/Society_and_Culture/Religion/christianity/Methodist http://www.communityumc.org/ | |
127. Christianity-links.com christianityLINKS.COM. http://www.christianity-links.com/ | |
128. Islam Challenges Christianity ... And The Tougher Answers This site is a Christian response to many Islamic web sites attacking christianity. http://members.aol.com/AlHaqq4u/ | |
129. Holy Of Holies - The Christianity Fanlisting http://fans.fuzzypinkslippers.com/christianity/ |
130. Philosophy And Religious Studies - University Of Canterbury Take as their focus of interest, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, christianity and the traditional religions of indigenous peoples. Information on course planning, study, honours, Religious Studies Society and staff, plus link to Library Portal for Religious Studies. http://www.rels.canterbury.ac.nz/ | |
131. 1way2God.net - Home And Search Stepby-step information on Jesus and how to grow closer to God, with links to more resources on christianity. http://www.1way2God.net/ | |
132. Christianity Live News! christianity Live News (TM) © Net Ministries Saturday August 13 2005. Headlines Hubei province is an important center of Protestant christianity in http://netministries.org/chrlive/cl_news.html | |
133. Christianity: Bogus Beyond Belief This web site examines Christian beliefs with a skeptical eye. There are a few original articles here, some great articles copied from other sites, a number of pages of responses and many informative links. http://members.aol.com/bbu84/biblicalstupidity/home.htm | |
134. Christianity Resources - The Best Of The Net CrossCurrents magazine brings you the best of christianity, both online and in real time. http://www.aril.org/Christian.html | |
135. Institute For Biblical And Scientific Studies Large collection of articles on topics ranging from science and christianity through to archaeology and biblical sources. http://bibleandscience.com/ | |
136. Hitler's Christianity A compilation of source material to support the argument that Hitler thought of himself as a Christian. http://www.nobeliefs.com/Hitler1.htm | |
137. Humanum Genus On Freemasonry - Encyclical By Pope Leo XIII, April 20, 1884 Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, promulgated in 1884. Condemns freemasonry under whatever name as being a secret society which is hostile to christianity. http://www.trosch.org/bks/freemaso.htm | |
138. Christianity - Hindu Customs In The Christian Community In India christianity was, we are told, first brought into India only a few But christianity and Christians were not a distinct religion different from Judaism. http://www.hindubooks.org/sudheer_birodkar/hindu_history/christianity.html | |
139. A New Ecumenism> The possible Buddhist origins of christianity. http://www.proaxis.com/~deardorj/ecumensm.htm | |
140. Christian Enquiry Agency - Home Page Christian Enquiry Agency provides information about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith, on behalf of all the major churches in England. http://www.christianity.org.uk/ | |
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