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121. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Apostolic Fathers christian writers of the first and second centuries who are known, or are considered, to have had personal relations with some of the Apostles, or to have been so influenced by them that their writings may be held as echoes of genuine Apostolic teaching. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01637a.htm | |
122. GO TO WWW.CHRISTIANWRITERSINFO.NET christian Writers Information Network HAS A NEW HOME. christian Writer sMarket Guide 2004. The nineteenth edition of this guide includes topical http://www.bluejaypub.com/win/ | |
123. Fallible.com - Personal Blog Of Christian Writer Katy McKenna Raymond In Kansas Fallible.com I find these truths to be selfevident. But, then again, I couldbe wrong. http://www.fallible.com/ | |
124. Northwest Christian Writer's Association: Seeking Excellence-Seeking After God 2005 Alaskan christian Writers Cruise Get oneon-one time with editors from Welcome to the Northwest christian Writers Association (NCWA) website. http://www.nwchristianwriters.org/ | |
125. Christianpoems2000 Offers poems and other writings by Guido Pagliarino, in Italian and English. http://www.christianpoems2000.homestead.com/index.html | |
126. Christian Writer's Market Series Publications Directory So you want to become a serious christian writer, then check out this directoryof publications to help you get started. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/african_american_women_writers/114213 | |
127. Roger Montgomery Poems Presents - Free Christian Music Downloads, Poems Offers poems and other writings to share by Roger Montgomery. Books by Mr. Montgomery may also be ordered through this site. http://www.rogermontgomerypoems.com | |
128. Christian Poetry Presents a collection of poems and other writings by Je' Leites, with an evangelical tone. http://hometown.aol.com/jeleites/ChristianPoetrybyJeLeites.html | |
129. Tinidril's Poet's Page Offers a collection of poetry and other writings and artwork. Includes writings of other christian poets and book reviews. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/8117/poetry.html | |
130. Advanced Christian Writer Advanced christian Writer is a bimonthly, eightpage newsletter targeted forpublished authors, published by American christian Writers. Writer s Guidelines http://www.wordprocommunications.com/ACW.htm | |
131. Shalem News Published in print three times a year by the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Current writings on contemplative spirituality with special focus on the christian tradition. http://www.shalem.org/sn/snindex.html |
132. Christian Writers Conference At Sandy Cove christian Communicators Jim Watkins presents Taking the Word to the World achristian Writers Conference and Mentoring Retreat at Sandy Cove christian http://www.sandycove.org/docs/writerscwd.php | |
133. Searching For Truth Contains personal poems, song lyrics, and writings from Juneious A. Knotts III that reflect the author's love for Christ and search for truth, as well as links to other poetry and christianrelated sites. http://expage.com/searchingfortruth | |
134. Inviting God Into Your Bedroom And Marriage (cf Genesis 2:22) Talmudic writings and Hebrew words Their basis in christian marriage concepts. http://www.eingedi.org/rib-2.html | |
135. Victory Over The Sting Of Death A mans tribute to his father. Includes extensive writings on christian faith. http://www.biblehelp.org/death.htm | |
136. PoeWar.com Writer’s Resource Center » Blog Archive » So You Want To Be A I would tell those who want to become christian writers to go to the Every timeI tell people I am a christian writer, they flood me with questions. http://www.poewar.com/archives/2005/03/04/so-you-want-to-be-a-christian-writer/ | |
137. Ten Commandments For Christian Writers Inserts a blank document layout with no defined style. http://www.writetoinspire.com/article1277.html | |
138. Classic Articles Of Reformed Theology Links to the writings of over 40 authors (from Alexander to Witsius) of essays in the historic christian faith from a classic Reformed perspective. http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/classicarticles.html | |
139. The Paradoxical Point Writings by a pediatrician and selfdescribed amateur philosopher . Topics include christian ethics, new biblical interpretation, and implications of broadly-defined evolutionary theory. Survey and forums on christian sexuality and ethics. http://ourworld-top.cs.com/dxplato/index.htm |
140. JesusJournal.com - Tips For Christian Writers Authentic christianity puts Jesus Christ first. JesusJournal.com is about exactlythat! christian Directory, News, Relationships, More! http://www.jesusjournal.com/jj_writing/ | |
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