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161. Christian Reform Ministry Site stressing the importance of religious tolerance, dealing with current social issues, creationism and integration of science with Biblical practice. http://www.angelfire.com/ks/creation/index.html | |
162. Aslan's Kin: Interfaith Fantasy And Science Fiction Passages from authors discussing the connection between religion, fantasy, and science fiction. Includes links to sites on christian, Humanist, Jewish, Pagan, and other religious speculative fiction. http://www.greenbelt.com/news/aslan | |
163. CINAM Examines alternative (complementary) medicine from an evangelical christian viewpoint using objective science and biblically based criteria. http://www.cinam.net/ | |
164. HIS CREATION, Teaching About Christ Through Science. christian ministry showing the attributes of God displayed in science and nature. http://www.hiscreation.com/ | |
165. Christian Siefkes Computer science and philosophy student at the Technical University of Berlin. Personal details, activities, software, and links. http://www.siefkes.net/ | |
166. Unicorn Door Summaries of fiction and nonfiction books and other writings by Dr. L. Steven Cheairs that address the common elements of science and christian thought. http://hometown.aol.com/scheairs/UnicornSite/Unicorn_Forest.html | |
167. Ultimate Christian Apologetics WebSite Numerous articles, Real Audio lectures, and links covering general apologetics, history, philosophy, science, liberal theology, and cults. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~gbl111/ | |
168. Being A Christian In Science Walter Hearn, both a christian and a scientist, has written an excellent book giving perspective and advice on how to be a christian in the science field. http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/xn-in-sc.html | |
169. Christian Apologetics Journal Theology, philosophy, religion, science, cults, defense of the historic christian faith. Published by the Southern Evangelical Seminary. http://ses.edu/journal/ | |
170. Organic Evolution, A Pagan Religion Evolution discussed along with,creation,science and the Bible,the missing link,transmutation,pagan religion,creation vs. evolution and other aspects of this raging debate. A christian tract on evolution. http://www.evolutionfantasy.org | |
171. Xianworldview.com Reviews science fiction with a christian perspective. http://www.xianworldview.com | |
172. GateWay Publishing House Presents: A site that offers short science fiction stories with christian themes. http://www.gateway-sf-magazine.com/ | |
173. Jeannie Fulbright Is The Author Of Apologia's Elementary Science Curriculum> Offers christian homeschoolers Creation science curriculum. http://www.scienceforjesus.com | |
174. Discussion Of Science And Christianity, Ethics, Apologetics, Creation And Evolut Investigating issues relating christian faith and science. Includes online back issues of the journal, and news about the organization. http://www.asa3.org/ | |
175. Doxa: Christian Thought In The 2st Century Scholarly articles defending christian doctrine on God, Jesus, the Bible, science, and the gospel. http://www.geocities.com/Metagetics | |
176. Internet Center For Creation Science An engineer with the christian Broadcasting Network keeps a complete and upto-date listing of creationist websites. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9842/creation.html |
177. Edenstar Books And Games, Christian-Themed Science Fiction And Fantasy A directory of good, clean science fiction and fantasy from a christian worldview. Includes reviews and author interviews. http://www.edenstarbooks.com/ | |
178. DavidCooney.com Advertising, Illustration, Photography... Cartoons by professional cartoonist David Cooney. Cartoons about medical, science, business, animal, religious, christian. http://www.davidcooney.com | |
179. Science Ministries Seeking to inform and encourage the christian community on issues related to science and bioethics. Features articles and a speaking schedule. http://www.christianity.com/scienceministries/ | |
180. Christian Research Ministries - Spokane Washington U.S.A. Newsletters and both brief and indepth articles warning against apostasy and false teachings. Skeptical of the use of science in apologetics. http://www.crmspokane.org/ | |
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