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Christian Science: more books (100) | ||
141. US Shelters Swell - With Families | Csmonitor.com Recession and Sept. 11 are causing more homelessness, which may echo '80s crisis. From the christian science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/1129/p1s1-ussc.html | |
142. Mary Baker Eddy, Henry Drummond, Michael Meehan, Mary Baker Eddy Christian Scien Books and transcripts on christian science by early and contemporary writers explaining how to heal through prayer. Many available exclusively through this http://www.thebookmark.com/ |
143. Marlène F. Johnson Memorial Fund For Scholarly Research On Christian Science Provides information on applying for grants for scholarly writings concerning christian science. Summarizes past scholarship on the denomination's history, Biblical roots, and healing practice. http://www.johnsonfund.org | |
144. Powell's Books - Review-a-Day - The Cottonmouth Club By Lance Marcum, Reviewed B More reviews from christian science Monitor The christian science Monitor offers independent, thoughtful journalism, together with stimulating cultural http://www.powells.com/partner/18/review/2005_08_01.html |
145. Der Christian Science Herold Die deutsche Monatsschrift der christlichen Wissenschaft informiert ¼ber das Abonnement und stellt ein OnlineArchiv zur Verf¼gung. http://www.tfccs.com/gv/csps/herald/german/german_home.jhtml | |
146. Relinfo: Christian Science - Index Translate this page christian science Christliche Wissenschaft. Uebersicht Websites von der christian science selbst. The Church of Christ, Scientist (international) http://www.relinfo.ch/cs/ | |
147. Project Gutenberg Edition Of Christian Science christian science. by Mark Twain Project Gutenberg Release 3187 Author names above are linked to additional Gutenberg titles http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3187 |
148. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com Ehud Sprinzak discusses recent attacks and suggests countermeasures. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/2000/10/24/fp9s1-csm.shtml | |
149. Christian Science - Praktische Spiritualität - Gesundheit Beruf Lebensfragen Translate this page Geistiges Heilen - christian science - ist praktische Spiritualität für Gesundheit, Beruf und alle Lebensfragen - eine Quelle für Selbstheilung. http://www.christian-science.de/ |
150. World's Vegetation Is Cleaning More Carbon From Skies | Csmonitor.com By Peter N. Spotts Staff writer of The christian science Monitor. If your dogwoods and peony patches are looking a bit more robust than they did 20 years http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/publications/press/globalgarden/christiansciencemoni | |
151. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com Most American parents are being told by local schools that their children rank above average in both reading and math. christian science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1997/09/03/feat/feat.1.html | |
152. Science Chrétienne La Science Chr©tienne est une religion chr©tienne qui a pour mission de r©tablir le christianisme primitif et son ©l©ment perdu de gu©rison. Ses enseignements sont expos©s dans la Bible et le livre intitul© Science et Sant© avec la Clef des Ecritures de Mary Baker Eddy. http://www.sciencechretienne.org/ | |
153. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com christian science Monitor article by David Smock. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1997/10/01/opin/opin.3.html | |
154. Home Page Provides a forum for discussions on religious and secular topics among persons sincerely interested in learning about and practicing christian science. Also provides free online courses. http://www.lii.net/tcscb/ | |
155. DigitalMind In den christian science Leser¤umen kann man Wissenschaft und Gesundheit mit Schl¼ssel zur Heiligen Schrift von Mary Baker Eddy und andere Publikationen von The Writings of Mary Baker Eddy und The christian science Publishing Society kaufen und sich mit erfahrenen Bibliothekaren ¼ber das Chrsitian Science Heilsystem austauschen. http://www.cs-leseraum-hamburg.de | |
156. Terrorism & Security | Csmonitor.com International press review with links to news and analysis from CSM and other media sources. http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0312/dailyUpdate.html?s=entt |
157. Conflict & Agreement Between Science And Religion Overview of several areas of controversy, primarily involving christian beliefs and Judeochristian traditions, from ReligiousTolerance.org. http://www.religioustolerance.org/sci_rel.htm | |
158. Evidence For God From Science Provides evidence for christian doctrine and the truth of the Bible through information on the design of the universe, evolution, and answers to common atheist challenges. http://www.godandscience.org/ | |
159. Christians In Science Homepage UK based organization for christian scientists and students. Includes articles, conference details, newsletter, and membership details. http://www.cis.org.uk/ | |
160. Atlanta Christian Apologetics Project Articles on science, The Way International, and miscellaneous topics; downloadable document on several different biblical issues; and answers to the top five questions people ask about the Bible. Also includes recommended resources and links. http://www.atlantaapologist.org/ | |
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