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181. Famous Christian Scientists Famous christian Scientists members of the Church of Christ, Scientist. List includes famous actors, movie stars, politicians, musicians, etc. http://www.adherents.com/largecom/fam_chrsci.html | |
182. Christian Way christian Way Former christian Scientists for Jesus Christ We are former christian Scientists former followers of Mary Baker Eddy, her religion http://www.christianway.org/ | |
183. College Of Pharmacy Web Pages The Cincinnati College of Pharmacy was granted a charter by the Ohio Legislature in 1850. In 1967 the College of Pharmacy became a unit of the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, along with the College of Medicine, College of Nursing and Health, University Hospital, christian R. Holmes Hospital, and the Health Sciences Library. http://pharmacy.uc.edu | |
184. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgendered Christian Scientists Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered christian Scientists. This website has moved, to http//www.cslesbigay.org please see our new site! http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/1892/ | |
185. Science Has Crippled Christianity Examines pleasant near death experiences of nonChristians. http://net-burst.net/hot/science.htm#NDE | |
186. P.R.A.Y. Publishing Recognitions/Emblems. Medals for christian Scientist. { click on the medal for additional info }. christian Scientist christian Scientist. http://www.praypub.org/recognitions/viewfaith.asp?FaithID=CHS |
187. Creation Science Evangelism - Creation, Evolution, Dinosaurs, And The Bible. Lively creation site that highlights Dr. Hovind s offer of a $250000.00 award to anyone who presents credible proof of evolution. Pictures of 20thcentury http://www.drdino.com/ | |
188. Church Of Christ, Scientist Official web site of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. http://www.tfccs.com/ | |
189. First Church Of Christ, Scientist - Ridgefield, CT The public is invited to attend our Sunday and Wednesday evening church services and to visit our public Reading Room where you may read, borrow, http://www.christiansciencect.org/ridgefield/ | |
190. Search.epnet.com/direct.asp?db=aph Jid=%22CSM% csoconnection.comScience and Health. A Reference Book for Life. You can make a difference at your college or university! New Annual Meeting 2005 discussion highlights http://search.epnet.com/direct.asp?db=aph&jid=CSM&scope=site |
191. ACMS Online Promotes interaction among Christians in the mathematical sciences and encourages them to explore the relationship of their faith to their discipline. History, meetings, membership, online newsletter and resources. http://www.acmsonline.org/ | |
192. ShopAround_D2R: Your Source For Free-range - Freerange - Freerange.com ShopAround.com Your Source For freerange - freerange - freerange.com. http://www.freerange.com/ |
193. First Church Of Christ Scientist - Bernard Maybeck - Great Buildings Online First Church of Christ Scientist by Bernard Maybeck architect, at Berkeley, California, 1910, in the Great Buildings Online. http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/First_Church_of_Christ.html | |
194. ProQuest Login proquest.umi.com/login?COPT=SU5UPTAmVkVSPTImREJTPT Third Church of Christ ScientistProvides information about the services, Reading Room, Sunday School, and other activities of this church and links to information about other activities in http://proquest.umi.com/login?COPT=SU5UPTAmVkVSPTImREJTPTI2OEI@ |
195. Center For Systems Management CSM improves project management and systems engineering processes through consulting, training, and issuing CMMI level ratings to improve client ontime http://www.csm.com/ | |
196. CSIS.ORG.UK There Are No Accidents. God S Just Trying To Be CSIS.ORG.UK, There are no accidents. God s just trying to be anonymous. Cheap Travel Insurance Family Health Insurance House Insurance Liability http://www.csis.org.uk/ | |
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