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121. Seuchengeschichte - Titelseite cholera, Pest, Pocken, Tuberkulose und ihre Bek¤mpfung. Ausz¼ge aus dem Ausstellungsband Das grosse Sterben Seuchen machen Geschichte des Deutschen HygieneMuseums Dresden. http://www.gapinfo.de/gesundheitsamt/alle/seuche/infekt/sg/index.htm |
122. Cholera cholera is a severe diarrheal illness that spreads through contaminated water. The great irony is that unlike many infectious diseases, cholera is http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/DS/00579.html | |
123. Cholera cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by the bacterium . It results in profuse, watery diarrhea. http://www.healthscout.com/ency/1/000303.html | |
124. WHO | Cholera Directory of resources concerning cholera and its vaccine. http://www.who.int/vaccine_research/diseases/cholera/en/ | |
125. Cholera Fact Disease The major responsibilities of the Communicable Disease Control Program are to identify disease outbreaks, respond rapidly to suspect and confirmed diseases http://health.utah.gov/els/epidemiology/epifacts/cholera.html | |
126. This Is London Succinct overview of anthrax, smallpox, ebola, cholera, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, plague and botulinum. From the UK newspaper. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/dynamic/news/story.html?in_review_id=459916&in |
127. Cholera Information - David R. Huskins - University Of Akron in cholera . Elap an naninmij in kein etatalmoneane . Elap an armij kein bo iben cholera kin air ber iben kij eo an naninmij in. Kememej ke dren http://www.uakron.edu/majuro/Cholera.html | |
128. Cholera Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment On MedicineNet.com Digestion information covering the digestion system and related diseases, procedures and tests, medications, and treatments. Produced by doctors. http://www.medicinenet.com/cholera/article.htm | |
129. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Gaetano Sanseverino Restorer of the Scholastic philosophy in Italy, b. at Naples, 1811; d. there of cholera, 16 Nov., 1865. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13453a.htm | |
130. 1849 St. Louis Cholera Epidemic Helps Initiate Sewer Construction cholera was rampant in many US cities at the time, but the large cities of New Mention of the St. Louis cholera cases first appeared in The Missouri http://www.msd.st-louis.mo.us/PublicComm/Pipeline/2-2000/S3.htm | |
131. Superiore Anno On the recitation of the rosary. Previous year's October Marian devotions judged a success. Also mentions cholera epidemic then sweeping France and Italy. Encyclical promulgated 30 August, 1884. http://www.newadvent.org/docs/le13sa.htm |
132. Health 24 - Cholera An effective cholera vaccine may soon become a reality, if research by a group of visiting Cuban scientists is successful. Read http://www.health24.com/medical/Condition_centres/777-792-803.asp | |
133. Cambridgeshire, EnglandGenWeb Project - Cholera In The 19th Century Overview ~*~ Ely cholera Victims 1832 ~*~ Worldwide Plagues 18501865 ~*~ Links to cholera, the highly infectious and often fatal intestinal disease, http://www.rootsweb.com/~engcam/cholera.htm | |
134. Cholera In The 19th Century cholera was one of many contagious dieases which killed people in the So why did cholera spread so rapidly in the towns and cities of the 19th Century? http://sites.scran.ac.uk/lamb/cholera.htm | |
135. Cholera Fact Sheet cholera is a bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. The bacterium is called Vibrio cholera. Although cholera is a very rare disease today, http://dhfs.wisconsin.gov/communicable/Communicable/factsheets/CHOLERA.HTM | |
136. Cholera - Wikipedia Translate this page Die cholera ist eine schwere bakterielle Infektionskrankheit mit Durchfall und Erbrechen. cholera wird in der Regel durch Trinkwasser verursacht, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholera | |
137. Pharmaceutical Research And Manufacturers Of America choleraGarde choleraGarde / cholera, oral live, attenuated vaccine. cholera AVANT Immunotherapeutics Needham, MA. Phase II completed http://www.phrma.org/newmedicines/newmedsdb/drugs.cfm?indicationcode=Cholera|546 |
138. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Love In The Time Of Cholera Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Love in the Time of cholera through a civil war, cholera outbreaks and the Doctor s brief affair with a patient. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webdescrips/garcia.marque | |
139. Swine Diseases (Chest) - Hog Cholera Swine Diseases (Chest) Hog cholera Anatomy Actinobacillus Suis Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia Hog cholera Glassers Mulberry Heart http://www.vetmed.iastate.edu/departments/vdpam/swine/diseases/chest/hogcholera/ | |
140. Cholera Epidemic Spreads In Nigeria An epidemic of cholera has claimed over 1000 lives in Nigeria. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/dec2001/nige-d11.shtml | |
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