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81. Northwestern Health Sciences University Programs include chiropractic, Oriental medicine, acupuncture, and massage therapy.The University has nearly 1000 fulltime students on a 25-acres campus http://www.nwhealth.edu/ | |
82. Straight Chiropractic-Rio Rancho's Headquarters For LIFETIME FAMILY WELLNESS Kansas City, Missouri area chiropractor. http://www.straightchiro.com |
83. Northwestern College Of Chiropractic A chiropractic college whose site includes admission, educational program, alumni,academic and research information. (Minneaapolis, Minnesota) http://www.nwhealth.edu/edprogr/chiro.html | |
84. Essence Of Health Drs. Kasia & Jerry Wojsiat, D.C. Treatment for jaw, neck, back pain and headaches. http://www.chirosmart.com/ | |
85. Chiropractic Association Of Ireland Chiropractors In Ireland information on chiropractic and chiropractors in Ireland, jobs available and positions wanted, seminars available and articles on health http://www.chiropractic.ie/ | |
86. Southern California University Of Health Sciences Programs include Doctor of chiropractic, chiropractic Assistant Program, Acupunctureand Oriental Medicine, and Distant learning courses. http://www.scuhs.edu/ | |
87. Chicago Chiropractor Lakeview Lincoln Park Boystown Chiropractors Richard Ezgur, D.C. Lincoln Park practice also offers acupuncture, nutritional, herbal, and massage therapies, sports rehabilitation. http://www.progressivechiro.net | |
88. Back Care Central, Pritsker Chiropractic Associates_000 Mission statement, what is chiropractic?, services offered, and doctor profile. http://www.healthinsandiego.com/ | |
89. Chiropractic And Posture A doctor of chiropractic searches for the problems that exist underneath poor Dr. Dennis O Hara graduated from the National College of chiropractic in http://www.posturepage.com/chiropractic/ | |
90. Atlas Chiropractic, P.C. - Chiropractor, Denver Chiropractor, Colorado Chiroprac Located in Centennial. Includes information about the doctors and services. http://www.atlaschiropracticpc.net/ | |
91. MedlinePlus: Chiropractic chiropractic. From the National Institutes of Health; About chiropractic andIts Use in Treating LowBack Pain (National Center for Complementary and http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/chiropractic.html | |
92. Index Servicing the health care needs of Reno, Truckee Meadows. Provides information on the practice, the community, offers a newsletter, map and directions. http://renodoc.com/ | |
93. Atlanta Georgia Chiropractor Chiropractors, Dr. Steven Saul, The Saul Clinic Of Specializing in Structural Reintegration Nutrition. Shown are office hours, treatments offered and biography. http://www.dcdoctor.com/dc/ga/adjustcause_com/ | |
94. Today's Chiropractic Magazine Based in Marietta, Georgia. Information on admission, programs, chiropracticnews, and student resources. http://www.todayschiropractic.com/ |
95. OzChiropractic An alliance of chiropractors and chiropractic advocates. Free newsletters on alternative health and wellness. http://www.ozchiropractic.com | |
96. Chiropractic over 400 skeptical definitions and essays on occult, paranormal,supernatural andpseudoscientific ideas and practices with references to the best skeptical http://skepdic.com/chiro.html | |
97. Index Dr. Ronald Bunt has been the Harleysville chiropractor since 1971. Most insurances accepted. Located in Harleysville, PA. http://www.geocities.com/drbunt | |
98. Welcome To Chiropractic America America s best Internet source for locating a doctor of chiropractic in youcommunity. This service enables you to access a complete practice profile on the http://www.chirousa.com/ | |
99. Chiropractor For Mesa, Tempe, And Chandler AZ - Lifecare Chiropractic In Arizona Dr. James Bogash, DC. Practice in Mesa. http://www.lifecarechiropractic.com | |
100. Chiropractors Chiropractors, also known as doctors of chiropractic or chiropractic physicians, The chiropractic approach to healthcare is holistic, stressing the http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos071.htm | |
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