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81. Chinese Mythology - Free Encyclopedia Of Thelema The Free Encyclopedia of Thelema is the first truly free encyclopedia of Thelema,Aleister Crowley, Alchemy, Astrology, Magick, Qabalah, Tantra, Tarot, http://www.egnu.org/thelema/index.php/Chinese_mythology | |
82. Comprehensive List Of Chinese Mythology - China History Forum, Online Chinese Hi Comprehensive List of chinese mythology. Track this topic Email this topic Next Oldest · Chinese Philosophy, Religion and Mythology · Next Newest » http://www.chinahistoryforum.com/index.php?showtopic=3625 |
83. Bookstore: Mythology: Chinese chinese mythology (Library of the World s Myths and Legends) Anthony Christie Dragons, Gods Spirits from chinese mythology (World Mythology Series) http://www.witchs-brew.org/bookstore/china.html | |
84. Mythology, Myths Chinese Myuths and Fantasies. A history of chinese mythology. . chinese mythologyweb guide. . Taoist Gods. Classical mythology. Classical Myth. http://www.zeroland.co.nz/mythology_myths.html | |
85. Xinhua - English All are forgotten heroes from ancient chinese mythology. Or so it would seem . Cui is coauthor of chinese mythology , a comic series in China. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-01/24/content_2499295.htm |
86. Comics Give Mythology New Lease Of Life_china_English_SINA.com All are forgotten heroes from ancient chinese mythology. Or so it would seem . Cui is coauthor of chinese mythology , a comic series in China. http://english.sina.com/china/1/2005/0124/18864.html | |
87. China - Resources Christie, Anthony, chinese mythology, The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, 1968 . Walter, Derek,chinese mythology An Encyclopedia of Myth and Legend, http://www.imh.org/imh/china/ed/resource.html | |
88. Mythology In The Classroom World Mythology Chinese From Minneapolis Institute of Arts chinese mythologyFrom StudyWeb. Myths legends; Grades 7 Up. Back to Top http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/yamyth.htm | |
89. A Virtual Library Of Useful URLs - 200 Religion (Includes Mythology) chinese mythology from Encyclopedia Mythica, chinese mythology from Wikipedia,the Free Encyclopedia, chinese mythology and Folklore from About.com, http://www.aresearchguide.com/200religion.html | |
90. Welkom Bij Mavnet.org A collection of translated texts and discussions from chinese, GrecoRoman, Rosicrucian, and other philosophy, mythology, and martial arts. http://sangoma.mavnet.org/ | |
91. Awakening Academe German Buddhist scholar living in Taiwan. Includes Buddhological research, linguistics, psychology and mythology, and translations of ancient chinese stories. http://www.freehomepages.com/ffgrohmann/index.html | |
92. MadeInTheOrient.com Products include buddhas, dragons, chinese paintings, wok sets, teas and massage sets, and provides articles on news and mythology. http://madeintheorient.com/ |
93. Temporary Tattoos: Glow-in-the-dark Tattoos Design themes such as flowers, mythology, chinese characters, zodiac, and tribal patterns. Sample sheets and a wholesale inquiry area. http://www.ilottrading.com/glow.html | |
94. Historical Records Of Water-Beings Brief accounts of waterbeings in chinese folklore, early Indian mythology, Greek mythology and African mythology. http://www.water-consciousness.com/4history.htm | |
95. Welcome To Newcastle Chinatown Information on the history, astrology, mythology relating to chinese Festivals and events taking place in the area. Also links to local chinese businesses. http://www.newcastlechinatown.co.uk/ | |
96. A World Of Dragon Art Information, mythology, chinese art, and posters from movies. http://www.dragon-art.com/ | |
97. Ceramic Art By Yang Jing Thrown pieces and handbuilt artworks centered on mythology and chinese traditions. http://jingceramics.com/ | |
98. Welcome To Xiang Qi - The Art Of Chinese Chess Packed with ancient chinese history, philosophy and mythology. Visitors to the temple can learn about chinese religions. Stop by the cafeteria to explore an interactive tutorial. http://library.thinkquest.org/12255/ | |
99. Japanese/Chinese Asian mythology also involves Gods and Myths about many different things.To Japanese and chinese people there myths and their Gods are very important to http://www.starsandseas.com/SAS_Mythology/Asiamain.htm | |
100. Philosophy Of Mythology 2729 Early chinese myths and legends (continued); yin-yang ideas; the doctrineof the five hsing; magical practices and methods of chinese divination http://www.uwec.edu/philrel/faculty/beach/323sylspr03.htm | |
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