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61. Chinese Mythology chinese mythology. chinese mythology is legends (see mythology) which come fromthe Chinese civilization. Most of the legends refer to the period of http://www.teachersparadise.com/ency/en/wikipedia/c/ch/chinese_mythology.html | |
62. Read About Chinese Mythology At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research Chinese Myth chinese mythology. Everything you wanted to know about chinese mythology but hadno clue how to find it.. Learn about chinese mythology here! http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/Chinese_mythology | |
63. Chinese Mythology - Mythology And Folklore - Classic Literature chinese mythology dates back to the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Since then, the taleshave been filled with dragons, gods, disasters, tricksters, struggle, http://classiclit.about.com/od/chinesemythology/ | |
64. Chinese Mythology chinese mythology Wonderful Work! Chinese Myths This is a wonderful site.The best I found on chinese mythology. Enjoy! Chinese Myths and Fantasies. http://www.spiritwheel.com/china.htm | |
65. Singapore - Strange Chinese Mythology At Tiger Balm Gardens Mayang and Will s Travels / Singapore Strange chinese mythology at Tiger BalmGardens 23/08/2001. Previous Home Next. Singapore. http://www.mayang.com/singapore_thailand/pages/Singapore - Strange Chinese Mytho | |
66. STARLAB Portable Planetarium Mythology Cylinders Navajo Skies  Ancient Egyptian Culture  chinese mythology  Lapp/Sámi Mythology ÂHindu Mythology. Click for larger view. Greek Mythology http://www.starlab.com/slcylmyth.html | |
67. The Gods Of China - A Look At Chinese Mythology But by turning to ChinaÂs mythology we begin to realize how it is possible the As I have tried to point out, there are attributes of chinese mythology http://www.cliftonunitarian.com/toddstalks/godsofchina.htm | |
68. Birrell, Chinese Myths, University Of Texas Press Chinese myths were primarily a diffuse and fragmentary oral tradition, Anne M.Birrell is the author of chinese mythology An Introduction, http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/books/birchp.html | |
69. Table Of Contents And Excerpt, Birrell, Chinese Myths The mythology of Chinese culture and civilization is contained in a variety of The subjects and concerns of chinese mythology can be traced back to the http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/excerpts/exbirchp.html | |
70. Digital Termpapers: Term Papers On Chinese Mythology chinese mythology Though Yi was at first angry with Chang O, he did love her andquickly forgave her. To make her more c. http://www.digitaltermpapers.com/c4355.htm | |
71. Chinese Chinese Myths and Fantasies Brief overview of chinese mythology. ChineseMythology Selection of articles on chinese mythology including Dragons http://www.reference.com/Dir/Arts/Humanities/Mythology/Chinese/ | |
72. Chinese Mythology Kitchen God ::: Meta360 ::: UK Littleowlluna.com chinese mythology chinese mythology. Sadly, this page is farfrom complete, dear readers, but I hope you enjoy what I have presented to http://www.meta360.com/chinese-mythology-kitchen-god.htm | |
73. Chinese Mythology Presented In Comic Books All are forgotten heroes from ancient chinese mythology. Or so it would seem . Cui is coauthor of chinese mythology, a comic series in China. http://www.china.org.cn/english/culture/118627.htm |
74. Encyclopedia: Chinese Mythology Many of the legends of chinese mythology take place during the period of Sanhuangwudi . Meng Po is the Lady of Forgetfulness in chinese mythology. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Chinese-mythology | |
75. Encyclopedia: Category:Chinese Mythology Encyclopedia Categorychinese mythology. Sorry, no such article exists. Click forother authoritative sources for this topic (summarised at Factbites.com). http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Category:Chinese-mythology | |
76. Chinese Mythology chinese mythology and Legends Corpse under Confucianism. China seems sometimesto used to be called the Land without Mythology . http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~BLUEMAGI/China-e.htm | |
77. University Of Wales, Lampeter - Centre For Chinese Studies This module will provide a general survey of chinese mythology and its diversecultural Areas of study include Chinese myths history, features, style, http://www.lamp.ac.uk/chinese/modules.htm | |
78. Four Gods Heaven And Earth The myth of the Four Gods has been deeply rooted in ancient chinese mythology.The following are exerpts from Derek Walters An Encyclopedia of Myth and http://www.sempai.org/~felicia/myth.html | |
79. Famous Birds In Mythology, Books, Comics And Film Fenghuang, Chinese Phoenix in chinese mythology Roc in Persian mythologyShang-Yang, a rainbird in chinese mythology Simurgh in Persian mythology http://www.petcaretips.net/famous-bird.html | |
80. Article About "Chinese Mythology" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Apr-2004 The chinese mythology reference article from the English Wikipedia on 24Apr- Many of the legends of chinese mythology take place during the period of http://fixedreference.org/en/20040424/wikipedia/Chinese_mythology | |
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