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81. Taipei Times - Archives According to statistics published by the Chinese government, foreign direct For many years, the illusion of an economic miracle in china has attracted http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2005/08/01/2003265976 | |
82. Hong Kong Trade Development Council - Tdctrade.com Bullet Point, HK Economy, Trade business. Overall Economy, statistics b_ball, business Economy (2580). b_ball, Chinese Mainland Hong Kong (7654) http://www.tdctrade.com/ | |
83. Statistical Data Locators [Nanyang Technological University Library] china economic Information net is managed by the State Information Center with data Office of economic and Statistical Research, Queensland, Australia http://www.ntu.edu.sg/lib/stat/statasia.htm | |
84. University Economics Departments, Faculties Centres Non - USA Faculty of Economics business Administration, Ghent University Department of Economics statistics, University of Konstanz; Faculty of Economics and http://web.uvic.ca/econ/depts_Uvic.html | |
85. Market Research, Market Analysis And Business Reference Books For Libraries Publishers of market research reports, business reference books and industry databases. European Marketing Data And statistics 2005, USD545, Dec 2004 http://www.euromonitor.com/reference_classification.asp | |
86. Journals Indexed In EconLit Bulletin of the Institute of Economics and statistics (Oxford University). business and EastÂWest Series in Economics, business, and the Environment http://www.econlit.org/journal_list.html | |
87. EUbusiness - European Business Leaders Brighten As Euro Headache Abates In France, statistics institute INSEE said Wednesday its index of The ECB forecasts growth in the eurozone economy to reach two percent in 2006 from 1.4 http://www.eubusiness.com/Finance/050727153102.p8mjbfmp/view | |
88. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Your Source For Global Business Knowledge Global business knowledge portal connecting international business professionals to a The site contains reports and statistics, legislative information, http://globaledge.msu.edu/ | |
89. Business Information Center (BIC) - International Business & Economics Global business and economics information is available in several formats Look at china Country Monitor, china business Review, china business Insider, http://www.lib.utexas.edu/subject/business/internat.html | |
90. United Nations Statistics Division - Industry Statistics The 1991 edition of the Industrial statistics Yearbook, The concept covers working proprietors, active business partners and unpaid family workers as http://unstats.un.org/unsd/industry/volume1/volume1_introduction.htm | |
91. Business, Investment, Sourcing And Manufacturing In China OECD Statistical Survey on china in the World Economy Book Review The Chinese Tao of business The Logic of Successful business Strategy http://www.business-in-asia.com/china.htm | |
92. Kogan Page | International Business | Books Details | Doing Business With China Doing business with china, now in a fully revised fourth edition, is the most upto-date chinaÂs economy and administrative system post-WTO accession http://www.kogan-page.co.uk/bookdetails.aspx?ISBN=0749439114 |
93. Macau: Business & Economy Annotated list of Internet resources on the economy business sectors of Macau of china the IMF, IMF documents reports. Macau Statistical Tables http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/macau-econ.html | |
94. Biz China china s foreign exchange savings dipped US$592m in July after the Figures mask economic complexity Private businesses need help from government http://bizchina.chinadaily.com.cn/ |
95. Behind The Mask | Economist.com Hailed as the business opportunity of the century, china is bound to disappoint. All this testifies to the global integration of china s economy, http://www.economist.com/surveys/showsurvey.cfm?issue=20040320 |
96. Useful Sites About Brazil, Country Profiles, US Trade Statistics And Japan And C Here you ll find news and research about Brazil s culture, economy, environment, Recently there has been more friction in the chinaJapan relationship, http://www.fita.org/useful/archives/109.html | |
97. Undergraduate-international-joint_programs.cfm BUAD 351 economic Analysis for business Decisions EALC 350 - Chinese Civilization, 4. ECON 343 - economic Development of East Asia, 4 http://www.marshall.usc.edu/web/Undergraduate.cfm?doc_id=3441 |
98. Asian Business And Economics Research Unit Faculty of business and Economics, Monash University. Econometrics and business statistics, Economics, Management and Marketing. http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/units/aberu/ | |
99. Kohler | Statistics For Business And Economics statistics for business and Economics Excel/Minitab Enhanced Heinz Kohler Consider this, a business and economics statistics book built from page one http://www.swlearning.com/quant/kohler/stat/aboutproduct/excel_preface.html | |
100. RensSearch: Business & Economics Databases For tips on searching these databases, see business Economics Citations Offers a wide range of statistics on labor, the economy, and related topics. http://www.lib.rpi.edu/dept/library/html/resources/databases/business.html | |
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