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21. China Statistical Yearbook 2004 (latest Edition) - Chinese Statistics The professional online store for china business, economic, The china Statistical Yearbook, the annual publication of china statistics http://www.friedlnet.com/ad_2.html | |
22. SPI: About The Industry: Economic Statistics: Global Business Trends business development, economic statistics. GLOBAL business TRENDS, PARTNERS, china accounted for 28.2 percent of US plastics products imports in 2003, http://www.plasticsindustry.org/industry/global.htm | |
23. SPI: About The Industry: Economic Statistics: Global Business Trends: Table Of C business development, economic statistics Detailed Estimates of Contained US Plastics Products Imports from china and Hong Kong; Detailed Estimates of http://www.plasticsindustry.org/industry/global-contents.htm | |
24. Business | Biz Kine Information Guide | Business, Humanities, And Social Science business china briefing every two weeks which guides you on operating a Country by country economic and financial statistics going back 20+ years. http://www.hawaii.edu/emailref/business/country_studies.htm | |
25. Asian Economic News: Despite Slowdown, China Statistics Bureau Sees Steady Growt Despite slowdown, china statistics bureau sees steady growth from Asian economic News, a publication in the field of business Finance, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0WDP/is_2001_March_5/ai_72342851 | |
26. Foreign & International - China The project created a database on china s economic law reform. The site includes useful Includes news, business, statistics and regional laws of china. http://www.law.nyu.edu/library/foreign_intl/china.html | |
27. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS - Citation Statistics For Citing Journals 6, Journal of business economic statistics. 6, Journal of Econometrics 2, china economic Review. 2, Demography. 2, Econometrica. 2, economic Geography http://economics.ca/cje/stats/isi_journals.html | |
28. Virtual Library Released by the Bureau of economic and business Affairs, US Dept of State. china Statistic Data - Useful economic and trade statistics maintained by http://library.lums.edu.pk/vl/onlinestat.htm | |
29. The Standard - Beijing To Crack Down On Bogus Statistics Purveyors - Business Se The Standard, Greater china business Newspaper. by making up statistics, in a move to restore credibility to the country s economic indicators. http://www.thestandard.com.hk/stdn/std/Business/GD28Ae04.html | |
30. Database Topics Included Typical Contributing Journals Est statistics and economics Education in china CAJ Subject Database (G89) business World, Finance and economics, Academic Exchange, china economic and http://online.eastview.com/resources/html/Economics_Politics_Law.htm | |
31. China Manufacturing Chinese with English support, Official Hong Kong statistics economic Forecasts business Developments. Mergers. EU-china Biz News, www.cfie.org.cn http://www.goldenlanterns.com/china-manufacturing_statistics.html | |
32. Economic Journals On The Web Challenge china World Economy china economic Review china Quarterly Chinese Economy Teaching business and economics Teaching statistics http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/journals.htm | |
33. Geostat Center: Collections: Business And Industry Data County business Patterns covers most of the country`s economic activity. and offering the comprehensive statistics and economic information of china to http://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/scripts/pagewriter.php?ors[]=89&title=Business an |
34. Asia Internet Usage Stats And 2005 Population Statistics business opportunities and links for Hong Kong and china. HK Exporter Japan statistics Bureau economic and Financial Data for Japan. http://www.internetworldstats.com/asia.htm | |
35. Statistical Cooperation Between OECD And China NBS and OECD have prepared a report business Cycles and Cyclical Indicators in china Regular publication of shortterm economic statistics for china http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/specialtopics/nbsimf/t20020331_15733.htm |
36. Historical Review The Sino-French Statistical Co-operation Until the end of the 70 s, statistical exchanges between china and France were Statistical business register. statistics on the retail trade. economic http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/specialtopics/nbsimf/t20020331_15742.htm |
37. China Trade And Price Statistics 1988 â Greenwood Publishing Group to anyone interested in recent economic and business development in china. ÂHere are two more volumes in this china statistics Series based on the http://www.greenwood.com/books/bookdetail.asp?sku=C3342 |
38. United Nations Statistics Division The Statistical business Register of Macao SAR Towards an Integrated economic statistics ProgramThe experience of Hong Kong, china http://unstats.un.org/unsd/newsletter/unsd_workshops/documents_list.htm | |
39. China Center For Economic Research, Peking University Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. MA in Development Economics, Oct. 1985July International Economics, Money and Banking, and business statistics. http://www.ccer.edu.cn/en/faculty.asp?BigClassName=EN&SecondClassName=Faculty |
40. China Business Guide 2005 china economic Review s china business Guide 2005 about china s cities and provinces, with maps, economics statistics (including GDP, exports, imports, http://www.coronetbooks.com/books/chin5414.htm | |
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