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61. Dr. N. E. Newton-Fisher: Publications And Presentations American Journal of Primatology, 65(4), 385391; Newton-Fisher, NE (2004).Hierarchy and social status in Budongo chimpanzees. primates 45 81-87. http://www.budongo.org/nen1000/publications.html | |
62. Dr. N. E. Newton-Fisher: Research Interests - Primatology, Chimpanzees, Behaviou NewtonFisher, NE (2004). Hierarchy and social status in Budongo chimpanzees.primates 45 81-87. back. 3. Feeding ecology of wild chimpanzees http://www.budongo.org/nen1000/resint.html | |
63. Africa Tours - Gorillas And Chimpanzees | Great Apes Of Uganda & Tanzania Nation Gorillas and chimpanzees are fascinating primates, possibly because they remindus of ourselves in terms of chimpanzees and other primates of Uganda http://www.african-safaris-adventures.com/great_apes_abacus_african_safaris.htm | |
64. The Predatory Behavior And Ecology Of Wild Chimpanzees Research into the hunting ecology of wild chimpanzees may therefore shed new light primates 38 193214. Uehara, S., T. Nishida, M. Hamai,T. Hasegawa, http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~stanford/chimphunt.html | |
65. Primates - P being of chimpanzees, other primates and animal welfare activities in general.Offers facts on chimpanzee behaviour, habitat, communication, physiology, http://www.electronicsee.com/Resources/Primates.htm | |
66. Inequity In Primates primates Response to Inequity in an Experimental Exchange Paradigm We donot see this same response to effort in chimpanzees, which may be due to the http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~sbrosna/Primate Inequity.htm | |
67. Kristin E. Bonnie Conducting behavioral research on two species of nonhuman primates; of asocial custom handclasp grooming among captive chimpanzees. primates. http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~kebonni/cv.html | |
68. What Are Primates, Great Ape Trust, Des Moines, Iowa How closely are humans related to other primates? Humans, chimpanzees and bonobosshare 98.4 percent of the same DNA sequence; Gorillas share 97.7 percent http://www.iowagreatapes.org/primates/index.php | |
69. Blogcritics.org: Saving Our Fellow Primates: A 2004 Conversation With Dr. Jane G GOODALL It would be of no point to save chimpanzees if the new generations werenÂt In terms of genetics and DNA, dogs are not that close to primates. http://blogcritics.org/archives/2005/03/29/174231.php | |
70. Kent Anthropology: Dr. Nicholas E. Newton-Fisher Hierarchy and social status in Budongo chimpanzees. primates. 458187.Newton-Fisher, NE (2003). The home range of the Sonso community of chimpanzees from http://www.kent.ac.uk/anthropology/department/staff/newtonfisher.html | |
71. CheerforChimpanzees PRIMARILY primates provides a sanctuary for 73 rescued chimpanzees in Texas. Primarily primates chimpanzees. Send the gift to your chosen chimpanzee http://www.seec.net/alerts/cheerforchimpanzees.htm | |
72. John Mitani: Publications Reciprocal exchange in chimpanzees and other primates. In Cooperation in primatesMechanisms and Evolution. Edited by P. Kappeler and C. van Schaik. http://sitemaker.umich.edu/mitani/publications | |
73. GreenLeappageTitle which set chimpanzees apart from lesser primates are the absence of a tail, chimpanzees are found in the forests of Central and West Africa. http://www.greenleap.com/area/critters/critter.jsp?title=Chimps |
74. SNPRC Primate Care And Enrichment Almost all of the primates at SNPRC are housed in groups. They spend much oftheir time The baboons, chimpanzees and other monkeys are very agile. http://www.snprc.org/enrichment.html | |
75. About SNPRC Primates SNPRC also houses more than 200 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). The Center is oneof only six Marmosets and tamarins are small, South American primates. http://www.snprc.org/aboutprimates.html | |
76. Forest Conservation Links: Land/Ecology/Wildlife/Primates of chimpanzees, other primates and animal welfare activities in general the international trade of primates, including various monkeys, chimpanzees, http://forests.org/links/Ecology/Wildlife/Primates/index.php | |
77. Chimpanzees And The Law a subcategory of primates that includes chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, (For Goodall, the divide between humans and other primates is slight; http://www.harvardmagazine.com/on-line/0103100.html | |
78. Login Y., T. FUSHIMI, O. SAKURA, AND T. MATSUZAWA. 1993. Hand preferences and tooluse in wild chimpanzees. primates 34151 Â59. First citation in article http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/CA/journal/issues/v42n1/011701/011701.text.html | |
79. Animals: Primates Like Us - Chimpanzees And Animal Testing Full text of the article, primates like us chimpanzees and animal testing from Animals, a publication in the field of Reference Education, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FRO/is_n5_v131/ai_21169287 | |
80. ANTHR1 - Physical Anthropology - Practice Exam #2 - The Nonhuman Primates Observations suggest that for most primates, the social relationships that provide a by studying the nonhuman primates, especially the chimpanzees. http://www.cabrillo.edu/~crsmith/secondexam.html | |
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