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61. Religion, Spirituality And Adoption As children grow older they start thinking and comparing for themselves, religion is being taken from public and the country continues to suffer from http://library.adoption.com/information/Religion-Spirituality-and-Adoption/431/1 | |
62. Our Childrens' Church - Even children who are not raised in a religious home are likely to ask spiritual questions. I agree with her completely, and am proud to be letting my http://library.adoption.com/Parenting-and-Families/Our-Childrens-Church/article/ | |
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72. WKCD - What Kids Can Do - In Their Own Words: E.A. 9.11-- Religion After November i was inspired by ma religion a lot and i started wearing my I think parents need to take a better interest in their children and see how http://www.whatkidscando.org/intheirownwords/religion.html | |
73. Lulu.com - Religion & Beliefs Handbook for children who attend Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Balagokulams......Category Books Children religion Beliefs http://www.lulu.com/category/178 | |
74. YoungMinds | Magazine | Turning From God - Young People And Religion Has religion become an irrelevance to modern British teenagers? A team of Children s Express reporters interviewed other young people to find out http://www.youngminds.org.uk/magazine/60/childrensexpress.php | |
75. First Unitarian Church Of Dallas | RE Staff Charles McMullen Director of Adult Religious Education Terri Preskitt - Director of childrens Choirs Linda Hensley - Youth Director http://www.dallasuu.org/re/re_staff.htm | |
76. Elijah Interfaith Institute: Photos: Childrens Posters Presented To The Pope: En introductionelijah interfaith academyⶠboard of world religious leaders»? elijah educational childrens Posters Presented to the Pope English http://www.elijah.org.il/posters_english/index.shtml | |
77. Elijah Interfaith Institute: Photos: Childrens Posters Presented To The Pope: Ar introductionelijah interfaith academyⶠboard of world religious leaders»? elijah educational childrens Posters Presented to the Pope Arabic http://www.elijah.org.il/posters_arabic/index.shtml | |
78. Alphabetical Directory Illustration Photography, Design, Copy From Creative Free Argoff, Patti Children s storybook, Whymsical Animals, religion Conaway, Jim - Children, religion, Christmas Santas Cards http://www.freelancers.com/alphagal.html | |
79. A Routledge Title: International Journal Of Children's Spirituality Editors Clive Erricker, County Inspector for Religious Education, Journal of Children s Spirituality is abstracted in ATLA religion Database, Belief, http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/1364436X.asp | |
80. Religion Christian - News COM for religion Christian brought to you by openpress.com. Downtown Kalamazoo Inc in cooperation with The Boys and Girls Club had children paint a bar. http://www.openpress.com/Religion_-Christian.php | |
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