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81. Children & Young Adult Issues children young adult Issues Book Review and Price Comparison AUTHOR John Granger ISBN 1414300913 Publish Date June 2004 Format Hardcover http://www.bookfinder.us/Children~s_Book/Children___Young_Adult_Issues/ | |
82. InfoDome - Children's Literature Reviews The ALAN Review also includes author interviews and articles on young adult literature Signed reviews of children s books and young adult books. http://infodome.sdsu.edu/research/guides/clreviews.shtml | |
83. University Of Tennessee Libraries: The Center For Children's And Young Adult Lit authors and Illustrators on the Web by David Brown; Fairrosa Cyber Library; Index to Internet Sites children s and young Adults authors and http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs/ccyal/noteworthy.html | |
84. University Of Tennessee Libraries: The Center For Children's And Young Adult Lit The Center for children s and young adult Literature Publishers of children s and young adult books have agreed to place review copies of their most http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs/ccyal/about.html | |
85. Minnesota Authors And Illustrators A directory of Minnesota authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults, who present programs in libraries, schools, and community agencies http://www.metronet.lib.mn.us/present/index.cfm | |
86. Five Leaves Publishing - Books For Children & Young Adults children young adult David Belbin is the UK s bestselling author of crime fiction for young adults. He is also the author of City Of Crime, http://www.fiveleaves.co.uk/children.html | |
87. Best Native American Books For Children And Young Adults Respected Abenaki author Joseph Bruchac has written many books for kids, teens, This young adult book of historical fiction alternates between the http://www.childrensliteraturenetwork.org/favorite/favnatv.html | |
88. Books For Children And Young Adults (from Dinosaur) --Â Britannica Student Ency children s and young Adults authors and Illustrators Directory of children s authors and illustrators. Includes index of authors, their biography, http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-233760 | |
89. USM Libraries - Children's Literature Resources authors and Artists for young Adults Reference PS490 .A98, children s authors C5424 1995, Major authors and Illustrators for children and young Adults, http://www.lib.usm.edu/~instruct/guides/childlit.html | |
90. BioMed Central | Full Text | Hospital Care For Children And Young Adults In The What hospital care do children and young adults who die receive in the last year The authors thank Bill O Brien and Thomas D. Koepsell, MD MPH for their http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/1/3 | |
91. The Following Links Take You To Homepages Of Alberta Authors For Children And Yo The following links take you to Alberta author web sites for children and young Adults Brenda Bellingham An interview with Brenda Bellingham and the http://tlc.epsb.ca/aauthor/authors.htm | |
92. Green Metropolis - Book Search children young adult. Displaying 1 to 25 Next. 3.75. Free delivery Author Snicket, Lemony Condition Excellent. The Baudelaire children, Violet, http://www.greenmetropolis.com/KeywordSearch.asp?category=CY |
93. Children's Storybooks Online - Stories For Kids Of All Ages Stories for children of all ages, preschool through young adult. http://www.magickeys.com/books/ | |
94. Chadron State College - Reta King Library - Children's And Young Adult Literatur children s and young Adults authors Illustrators from JMU (exceptional choice Directory of children s authors Women children s Books Illustrators http://www.csc.edu/library/childlit.htm | |
95. Childhood Exposure To Media Violence Predicts Young Adult Aggressive Behavior New research shows children s viewing of violent television programs, CHILDHOOD EXPOSURE TO MEDIA VIOLENCE PREDICTS young adult AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, http://www.apa.org/releases/media_violence.html | |
96. CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULT FICTION WRITERS IN BRIEF - Sydney Writers' Festival 1998 He has released both adult and teenage poetry books and a children s picture book. She has had seven young adult novels published and was winner of the http://www.thei.aust.com/sydney/wfchildrenyadult.html | |
97. Vandergrift's Special Interest Page This website is a means of sharing ideas and information with all those interested in literature for children and young adults. http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~kvander/ | |
98. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Author Birthday List By Date children and YA authors Birthdays Date/Name If you know the birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy) of any other children or YA authors, please let me know and I will http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/authordate.html | |
99. Scholastic Books For Children & Young Adults: Invite An Author To Your School Scholastic Books For children young Adults Scholastic Books For A visit from an author or illustrator can be a memorable experience for students. http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/tradebooks/authorvisits/ | |
100. Literature For Children And Young Adults Literature for children and young Adults. EXAMINING ISSUES OF VIOLENCE The author quotes a young man killed in the Resistance who calls on Danes not to http://www.civiced.org/bibliography_violence.html | |
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