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61. Zeal.com - United States - New - Lifestyle - Books - Genres - Young Adult - Auth Genres young adult - authors - Alexander, Lloyd - Just for Kids. Presents a profile of this beloved author of books for children and young adults. http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10098527 |
62. Resources For Children's And Young Adults' Librarians authors Among Us Librarians Who Are authors of children s and young adult and young adult books; children s Book Council resources for authors, http://www.nlc.state.ne.us/nsf/yalib.html | |
63. Author Profile: Robert Cormier a book that launched his success as a young adult author. TBR Do you think reading tastes among children and young adults have changed since you http://www.teenreads.com/authors/au-cormier-robert.asp | |
64. Children And Young Adult Literature Resource Guide The Horn Book Guide to children s and young adult Books Presented by the ALA to authors and illustrators of African descent for distinguished children s http://www.umsl.edu/services/scampus/Childrenslit.html | |
65. Subject Guides Reference Books on authors for young adults Reference Sources for children s and young adult Literature. Z1037.A1 R68x 1996 Reference, http://caxton.emich.edu/guide/guide.php?id=60 |
66. Index To Children's Book Authors & Illustrators Biographical and electronic resources devoted to authors and illustrators of children s and young adults books. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/biochildhome.htm | |
67. Children's Literature Does modern realistic fiction for children and young people present Are videos of authors helpful to children trying to find out about an author? http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~kvander/ChildrenLit/ | |
68. Children's And Young Adult Book Author Cynthia Leitich Smith Official Web Site official web site of children s book author Cynthia Leitich Smith includes author biography, photograph, publication information, and links to children s http://www.cynthialeitichsmith.com/ | |
69. Literature For Children & Young Adults Literature for children young Adults. Websites / Databases / Journals A web guide for children s books, including links to authors and illustrator s http://www.lesley.edu/library/guides/research/literature_children.html | |
70. Children S And Young Adult Literature And Culture Links Culture, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in children s and young adult Books Perry Nodelman s Web page (Includes information on the author/scholar s work http://staff.mwsc.edu/~cadden/ |
71. Kids@Random | Writing Contests authors may not submit more than two manuscripts to the Delacorte Dell Yearling Winners of the Delacorte Press Prize for a First young adult Novel http://www.randomhouse.com/kids/writingcontests/ | |
72. Scholastic Books For Children & Young Adults Scholastic Books for children young Adults brings you news about the latest See the complete listing of Scholastic trade authors available for school http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/tradebooks/ | |
73. Authors Among Us: Librarians As Children's Writers A database of library professionals who are authors of published, forthcoming, and notyet-published books for children and young adults. http://ravenstonepress.com/libwritr.html | |
74. IASL Special Interest Groups: Children's & Yound Adult Literature and young adult literature web sites;; to establish links with author and See also the children s and young adult Literature SIG s collection of http://www.iasl-slo.org/sig_chlit.html | |
75. International Reading Association: Focus On Children's And Young Adult Literatur Focus on childrenÂs and young adult Literature IRA Programs and Resources arrow IRA childrenÂs Book Awards, for an authorÂs first or second published http://www.reading.org/resources/issues/focus_childrens.html | |
76. Karleen Bradford: Writer Of Children's And Young Adult Literature Karleen Bradford is a writer of children s and young adult literature. online Chapter by Chapter Teachers Guide by Margot Griffin, teacher and author. http://www.makersgallery.com/bradford/ | |
77. Women Writers For Children And Young Adults children and young Adults. Favorite authors for children and teenagers. An interactive ebook by Karen Sue Wiesner teaches young children how to make http://womenwriters.about.com/od/childrenandyoungadults/ | |
78. Reading Online - Electronic Classroom: Web Watch Reviews of both adult and children s books are available in this online rendering of to young adult literature, and particularly to author information, http://www.readingonline.org/electronic/yalitww.html | |
79. Template: Drexel University Libraries Black authors And Illustrators Of Books For children And young Adults A Index To Internet Sites children s And young Adults authors Illustrators http://www.library.drexel.edu/resources/guides/childlit.html | |
80. Books For Children & Young Adults There are thousands of new books published for children and young adults each WisconsinRelated Resources CCBC listings of books by Wisconsin authors http://www.soemadison.wisc.edu/ccbc/books/default.asp | |
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