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21. Children And Young Adult Authors These sites give information about authors of children s and young adult s books and novels. The pages may be created by the authors themselves or by those http://www.pen.k12.va.us/Pav/LangArts/chyauthor.html | |
22. Directorynames This Directory of North Carolina children s and young adult authors and Illustrators has been created by the State Library of North Carolina to help bring http://statelibrary.dcr.state.nc.us/ld/youth/Directory names.htm | |
23. Guide To Research In Children's And Young Adult Literature Black authors and Illustrators of Books for children and young Adults A Biographical Dictionary S. 011.62 R658b1999 http://www.library.uiuc.edu/edx/edkclass.htm | |
24. Native American Children's And Young Adult Literature This website provides information on Native North American authors, This site provides unannotated lists of children s and young adult literature (with http://www.library.uiuc.edu/edx/nativeamericanchildrens.htm | |
25. Young Adult Literature - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries Periodical Indexes (Journal Articles on young adult authors and Literature) children and young adult Literature and Culture LinksVirginia Tech http://library.uwf.edu/eli/Arts/YoungAdult.shtml | |
26. Children's Literature - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia As a general rule the implied reader of a children s or young adult book is 13 years young adult literature List of children s literature authors http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children's_literature | |
27. Children & Young Adult Literature Index to Internet Sites children s and young adult authors and Illustrators. This index has sections on print bibliographies, author birthdays, http://www.lacrosselibrary.org/libchoice/childrensliterature.htm | |
28. Young Adult Literature And Research Remember that there is not much difference between children s literature and YA Lists of Books for young Adults, authors, journals and other material http://theliterarylink.com/yalink.html | |
29. CMC/EBSS Webliography: Children's And Young Adult Literature Internet Resources Related to Books for children and young Adults This has been THE Links to authors and illustrators web sites and childrenÂs Choices, http://www.uncc.edu/cimc/literature.htm | |
30. MASL - Children's & Young Adult Literature Links children s authors Illustrators their books young adult Librarian s Help Page http//yahelp.suffolk.lib.ny.us/ Kansas City PL http://www.maslibraries.org/resources/links/childlit.html | |
31. Children's And Young Adult Literature - UW-Stout LLC Index to Internet Sites children s and young Adults authors and Illustrators A1 Z993x; Multicultural Literature for children and young Adults REF http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/subjects/childlit.htm | |
32. Resources For Information On Authors And Illustrators Of Children's And Young Ad Biographical information about children s and young adult book authors and illustrators of the twentieth century is provided. Information on the history, http://streetcat.bankstreet.edu/html/childauthor.html | |
33. Michigan Children & Young Adult Books & Authors Michigan children young adult Books authors Michigan young adult authors. Joan Blos The historical novelist and Newbery Award winner lives in Ann http://www.michigan.gov/hal/0,1607,7-160-17451_18670-77702--,00.html | |
34. Children's Literature: Russell Library Subject Guides Y4; authors of Books for young People Ref (also in General Collection) PN 452 . Listed below are links to finding children s and young adult Literature http://library.gcsu.edu/~reference/guides/childlit.html | |
35. Contemporary Writing For Children And Young Adults Some are by wellknown authors, and others are by newcomers to children s books. The Canyon Door, Kevin Boos Excerpts from a young adult novel. http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/storcont.html | |
36. Children's Authors & Illustrators On The Web *AG Cascone The author of young adult thrillers, and other works of horror *Joan Holub - An author and illustrator has of books for young children. http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/authors.html | |
37. UnRequired Reading - Themes And Genres - Authors children s and young adult Literature Want to find out what is out there for Selected Individual authors. Philip Ardagh http//www.philipardagh.com/ http://www.lib.utah.edu/unreq/fb/3tg_children.html | |
38. Yarra Plenty Regional Library children young adult s authors Home Books Literature childrens young Australian authors Collection of links of Australian young adult and http://www.yprl.vic.gov.au/books/childrensauthors.html |
39. Children's And Young Adult Literature-College Of St. Catherine Libraries Index to children s and young Adults authors Illustrators Part Black authors and Illustrators of Books for children and young Adults Ref PN 1990 . http://www.stkate.edu/library/guides/childlit.html | |
40. Children's & Young Adult Literature A place to meet authors and illustrators of children s and young adult books. Index to Internet Sites children s and young adults authors http://bullpup.lib.unca.edu/library/rr/childlit.html | |
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