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41. Washington D.C's Child Care Services Directory Both parents and providers will find this website to be a valuable site useful whether you are a parent in search of a child care center or a provider http://www.ette.biz/daycareindc/ | |
42. Capital District Child Care Council A nonprofit organization serving parents, employers, and child care providers in Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady counties in New York State. http://www.cdcccc.org/ | |
43. Family Child Care And Day Care Directory providers can advertise their child care or day care business to our child It s simple to connect with parents seeking child care by registering your http://www.childcare-directory.com/ | |
44. GMDCA Has A New Site! Nonprofit child care resource and referral agency serving Hennepin County. Mission statement, explanation of their programs and services for parents and providers. http://www.gmdca.org/ | |
45. Child Care Bureau | What Providers Should Know About Child Care Assistance For F What providers Should Know About child care Assistance for Families parents apply for child care assistance (sometimes called a ÂsubsidyÂ) at a State or http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ccb/providers/provider_access.htm | |
46. Huron County Human Services/Childcare Program/Providers/Wakeman, Ohio Provides a listing of child care providers in the area. http://www.huroncochildcare.com/parents/inhome/wakeman.htm | |
47. Illinois Network Of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies - Welcome! Illinois CCR Rs work in partnership with parents, business leaders, government officials and child care providers to make high quality child care available to Illinois families. http://www.ilchildcare.org/ | |
48. Caregivers' Korner - For Child Care Providers Starting A Daycare, Early Childhoo Text book of choice for the St. Clair College course Home child care As A Business. caregiver Aids Business Forms for child care providers and parents http://childcare.net/caregivers.shtml | |
49. KidsVision, Inc. - Watch Your Children Online Directly From Your Child Care Prov KidsVision specializes in high quality, secure Internet video products and services developed specifically for parents and child care providers. http://www.kidsvision.com/ | |
50. P.E.T. - Massachusetts Child Care: Western Massachusetts Daycare Centers Non profit organization which helps parents find child care; assists home day care and child care centers with licensing and accreditation; and offers training to child care providers. http://www.preschoolenrichmentteam.org/ | |
51. Domain Name Renewal And Web Hosting From Network Solutions Site for child care resource and referral agency for parents and child care providers that contains tips and information about caring for children, child care searches, and local events and programs. http://www.butte4-cs.org | |
52. KCSOS : CCCC : child development and day care referral service. Includes information for parents, providers and list of services. http://kcsos.kern.org/cccc/ | |
53. CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Stop The Spread Of Germs: Actions For Schools Flu Home Preventing the Flu . Schools, childcare providers, and parents June 13, 2005 Flu recommendations for schools and child care providers http://www.cdc.gov/flu/school/ | |
54. Action For Children - Home Resource and referral agency that works with parents, child care providers, businesses, and community organizations to help promote the availability of quality child care services in the area. http://www.actionforchildren.org/ | |
55. Health Care Providers, Child Development - NCBDDD, CDC In some cases, the primary care provider might choose to refer the child and family to educate parents, health care professionals, child care providers, http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/child/screen_provider.htm | |
56. Child Care Source Dedicated to providing information and services for parents seeking child care as well as information on professional development opportunities for child care providers. http://www.childcaresource.org | |
57. Build The Out-of-School Time Network parents United for child care (PUCC) is an organization of low and moderate-income parents, child care providers, and other community residents committed http://www.pucc.com/ | |
58. Home Provides resources and referrals for providers and parents. Lists county affiliates, meetings and workshops, educational opportunities, and child care related links. http://www.geocities.com/coloradochildcare | |
59. Beansprout Networks | Helping Pediatricians Use The Web To Educate, Support, And Connects pediatricians, pediatric practices, and child care providers with parents. Also provides information about child and infant health and child care. http://www.beansprout.net | |
60. Welcome To The On-line Home Of Provider Appreciation Day Future City Planners State of Washington family child care provider wins the tireless efforts of providers who care for children of working parents. http://www.providersfirst.com/ | |
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