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21. NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE cheyenne Chickaloon Chickasaw Chicora Chicorra Waccamaw Chinook Chilcotin ChippewaChoctaw Chitimacha native People of the indians of the Southwest http://www.greatdreams.com/native.htm | |
22. Native American Canadian First Nation Social Studies native Americans American indians / First Nations Social Studies And understandthe religions of the Blackfoot indians and the cheyenne, who Kachinas http://www.archaeolink.com/native_americans_american_indian_general_resources.ht |
23. Upper Plains Sites native amercan and First Nations Community The cheyenne River Sioux TribeWild Horses american Indian and Alaska native (AIAN) Date and Links http://www.bluecloud.org/upperplainslinks.html |
24. Native Americans - Internet Resources. Creek indians and other bibliographies. native American Book Centre religion,wisdom of Cherokee, Apache, Navajo, cheyenne, Pueblo, Sioux, Blackfoot http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/native.htm | |
25. SAIL Ser.1, 5.2B amer. Indian Culture and Research Jour., american Indian Translation Issue, 41 2 (1980), Dorsey, George A. The cheyenne indians The Sun Dance. http://oncampus.richmond.edu/faculty/ASAIL/SAILns/52B.html | |
26. Choctaw Choctaw indians Choctaw Treaties Flying Freedman Web Site native Land native Studies Departments Indian Student Organizations of all native amer http://saint-johns-brunswick.pvt.k12.me.us/student/projects/Indians/choctaw.htm | |
27. Oberlin College Conservatory Library CanadianIndian folklore. FG 3502. 770.1 A3 C3 vol. 1-3. Chants native Am.Church of 770.1 A3 H3. Healing Songs of amer. indians. FE 4251. 770.1 A3 M56 http://www.oberlin.edu/faculty/rknight/LPcollection/Lists/6a.Nativeam.html | |
28. Encyclopedia: Cree native americans (also indians, Aboriginal Peoples, american indians, as indians, native Canadians, Aboriginal americans, amerindians, or Aboriginals, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Cree | |
29. Encyclopedia: Native American native americans â also indians, american indians, First Nations, also beenknown as indians, native Canadians, Aboriginal americans, amerindians, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Native-American | |
30. Native American Research MOUND BUILDERS; N. amer. Settlements East and Southwest BLACKFOOT, cheyenne.TIPIS Plains Indian Housing http//www.kstrom.net/isk/maps/houses/tipi. http://members.carol.net/~josh/natam.html | |
31. AllRefer.com - South Dakota, South Dakota (SD) - (state) - Facts And Information At their extreme bet. the White R. and the S fork of the cheyenne R., In 1973,a militant native amer. group occupied a courthouse at Custer and the http://reference.allrefer.com/gazetteer/S/S14174-south-dakota.html | |
32. AllRefer.com - Oklahoma, Oklahoma (OK) - (state) - Facts And Information The native amer. pop. is the largest in the nation; the 1990 census reported The cheyenne and Arapacho tribes are currently suing the state govt., http://reference.allrefer.com/gazetteer/O/O01107-oklahoma.html | |
33. Association On American Indian Affairs Archives | Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Libr The interest taken by the AAIA in other entities concerned with native Americans be they Indian or nonIndian in cheyenne indians CHOCTAW indians http://infoshare1.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/aaia/ | |
34. PERCEVAL PRESS - We Recommend - Book List It seems that each generation of whites and indians will have to read and God Is Red A native View of Religion by Deloria Vine, Jr. North amer Press http://www.percevalpress.com/rec_booklist.html | |
35. BHH Selected Videos cheyenne indians of the Plains Optional. (2002 New Dimension Media) The native Americans Recommended for teacher background http://www.bringinghistoryhome.org/genres/selectVideos.html | |
36. Timeline American Indians 1878 cheyenne indians fled to the Powder River home in Wyoming. American Indianand Alaska native Heritage Month originated in 1915 when the president http://timelines.ws/countries/AMERIND_B.HTML |
37. Timeline American Indians By Tribe c1750 The Blackfeet indians were among the last native American tribes to acquirehorses. Crook destroyed cheyenne and OgallalaSioux Indian camps. http://timelines.ws/countries/AMERIND_A.HTML | |
38. American Indians/Bibliography The compilers searched for native American(s) or American Indian(s) or cheyenne, Wyo. US Dept. of the Interior, US Geological Survey ; Denver, Colo. http://www.usda.gov/news/pubs/indians/bios.htm | |
39. Great Basin Societies Main groupings of Great Basin indians noted in ethnographic literature Main ceremonial activity centered around shamanism (widespread in native amer.) http://courses.washington.edu/anth310/basin.htm | |
40. International Masters Of Gaming Law ... Native American Gaming Feinstein, Marc S., Note cheyenne River Sioux Tribe v. Wilkinson, Charles F .American indians, Time and Law native Societies in a Modern http://www.gaminglawmasters.com/bibliography/bibio_native_american_gaming.htm | |
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