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21. 2002 POWWOWS 3rd Intertribal native amer. Gathering Shellman City Park Shellman, Georgia Chikamakacherokee Indian Festival Grundy County Fair Grounds http://www.manataka.org/page82.html | |
22. A Guide To Native American Genealogy Genealogy and native american web rings amer. Indian Link Exchange, Family cherokee Indian Census 1835 Preparatory to the Removal 1838 (In what would http://geneasearch.com/ethnic/nativeam.htm | |
23. NATIVE AMER. LOOKUPS cherokee BY BLOOD compiled by Jerry Wright Jordan, Heritage Books, Inc. (19061910) REGISTER OF ENLISTMENTS OF INDIAN SCOUTS 1866-1877 Partial-National http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/1390/lookup.htm | |
24. Amer. Indian History,recipes,links cherokee Bread Pudding. Ingredients. 2 1/2 c. toasted bread cubes 2 1/2 c. scaled milk Here is an interesting native amer. indian website to visit. http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/9520/indian.html | |
25. PAL:Elias Boudinot (Buck Watie, Cherokee) (1802?-1839) Elias Boudinot, cherokee Editor The Father of american Indian Journalism; Proc. of Conf. on native amer. Press in Wisconsin the Nation, Apr. 2223, http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap3/boudinot.html | |
26. Encyclopedia: Native American native americans â also indians, american indians, First Nations, also been known as indians, native Canadians, Aboriginal americans, amerindians, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Native-American | |
27. Encyclopedia: Native Americans native americans (also indians, Aboriginal Peoples, american indians, also been known as indians, native Canadians, Aboriginal americans, amerindians, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Native-Americans | |
28. Cherokee Roll Links Pitter s cherokee Trails Other cherokee native american Indian Links Genealogy Shoppe native american native amer. LOOKUPS http://www.wvi.com/~wb/Cherokee_roll_links.html | |
29. REL Links: Native American Encyclopedia Mythica native American mythology Old Indian Legends North Georgia s cherokee indians History of the cherokee White Indian s http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/dept/d34/rel/links-native.html | |
30. ENGL 6350: NATIVE AMERICAN LITERATURES Krupat, Ethnocriticism Ânative amer. Autobiog. and the Synedochic Self Museum of the cherokee Indian (828497-3481), PO Box 1599, cherokee NC 28719 http://oncampus.richmond.edu/faculty/ASAIL/syll/ea.g1.htm | |
31. Native Americans - Internet Resources. Creek indians and other bibliographies. native American Book Centre cherokee indians Pages A page of links, including history, images and maps, legends http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/native.htm | |
32. Category Lot Description Supplier Cost Suggested Price Sale Sold native amer. 422, Handmade cherokee Indian Spear w/Genuine Deerskin native amer. 429, cherokee Indian Knife Handmade w/Deer Hoof Handle Doeskin Case http://www.a-archive.com/auction/Inventory.htm | |
33. NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE THE cherokee. History of the cherokee indians The Disappearance of the Hohokam native People of the indians of the Southwest http://www.greatdreams.com/native.htm | |
34. Native American Genealogy & History Indian Territory and nativeAmericans in the Civil War Message Board cherokee Heritage Center Dissertation what it means to be a cherokee http://members.aol.com/USgenealogy/igen/amer-ind.html | |
35. LINKS cherokee Links, with links to cherokee translations, Syllabary, native american Genealogy, cherokee Syllabary Robert Ward amer. Indian Law Scientist http://members.aol.com/RuninFox/LINKS.html | |
36. Clayton Library Finding Aids SEE BIA FACT SHEET ON cherokee RESEARCH, native AMERICAN MICROPRINT VERTICAL FILE. GA THE 1835 (CENSUS ROLL) OF THE cherokee indians EAST OF THE http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/clayton/clmct2.html | |
37. AllRefer.com - Oklahoma, Oklahoma (OK) - (state) - Facts And Information The native amer. pop. is the largest in the nation; the 1990 census reported 252420 native The cherokee particularly had a highly Europeanized culture, http://reference.allrefer.com/gazetteer/O/O01107-oklahoma.html | |
38. Lenape Legends cherokee Indian Legends The Delaware Tribes or Lenape once lived in the West native language of the Lenni Lenape indians, with links to Lenape http://www.logoi.com/links/nativeamericans/lenape_legends.html | |
39. Directory Of Native American & Craft Related Sites - Native-American-Art Guthrie Indian Art Studios native american Art cherokee Indian art history american arts and crafts as well as information on various native amer http://www.greattradingpath.com/links/native-american-art.html | |
40. Directory Of Native American & Craft Related Sites - Native-American-Crafts of beautiful native american arts and crafts as well as information on various native amer. The cherokee Store american Indian Fine Arts Crafts. http://www.greattradingpath.com/links/native-american-crafts.html | |
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