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61. University Of North Texas chemistry software covering other chromatographic techniques is also Equipment,instrumentation for demonstrations, and lab space are supplied by Prof. http://www.unt.edu/cdl/funding_opps/twt_grants2001/2001_proposals/golden.htm | |
62. Hood College: Academics > Chemistry And Physics laboratory experiments emphasize standard organic chemistry techniques and productanalysis using modern CHEM 434/534 Physical chemistry lab II http://www.hood.edu/academic/chemistry_physics/index.cfm?pid=_chem_courses.htm |
63. Marshall University - Chemistry Introduction to basic biochemical laboratory techniques including chromatography, CHM 463 2, 4 lab - Nuclear chemistry and Physics laboratory http://www.marshall.edu/chemistry/courses.asp | |
64. USF Department Of Chemistry - Course Descriptions A physical chemistry laboratory with emphasis on modern techniques and instruments.lab. Back to Top. CHM 3610 Intermediate Inorganic chemistry (3) http://www.cas.usf.edu/chemistry/new/courseinfo/course_descr.php3?page=descr |
65. Chemistry - Undergraduate - Loyola University New Orleans CHEM A421 Inorganic chemistry lab 2 crs. Introduction to lab techniques forsynthesis and characterization of inorganic coordination compounds and http://www.loyno.edu/bulletin/undergraduate/1997/Courses/chemistry.html |
66. Chemistry Course Descriptions Organic chemistry lab II for Majors (2). Prerequisites CHEM 230, CHEM - 232.Experimental course emphasizing advanced laboratory techniques and concepts http://www.usfca.edu/acadserv/catalog/chemistry_ug_courses.html | |
67. MIT OpenCourseWare | Chemistry | 5.301 Chemistry Laboratory Techniques, January Practical training in basic chemistry laboratory techniques. Intended to providefreshmen with the skills necessary to undertake original research projects http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Chemistry/5-301January--IAP-2004/CourseHome/ | |
68. ChemLab - Logistics - General Information Dartmouth College s chemistry 3/5 6 online laboratories with information onlogistics, safety, experiments, and techniques. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chemlab/info/logistics/info.html | |
69. Introduction To Chemistry Class To be successful in chemistry lab, you must use the lab Keys to plan what you chemistry labs can be very dangerous. For this reason, the student must http://www.howe.k12.ok.us/~jimaskew/chem/cintro1.htm |
70. Refractometry: Introduction Chem lab techniques. Refractometry. Refractometry. Introduction. Theory Anatomy of a Refractometer SOP Bausch Lomb Abbe3L Refractometer http://www.ups.edu/faculty/hanson/labtechniques/refractometry/intro.htm | |
71. "Upper Division Courses" Laboratory study of the methods, techniques, syntheses, (1 lecture, 6 labhours)* 139. chemistry and the Consumer (3) Prerequisite Chem 3B, 8, or 128A. http://www.csufresno.edu/Chemistry/welcome/upper_division.html | |
72. CHEMISTRY to enhance the student s knowledge of chemistry laboratory techniques, An introduction to modern and classical organic laboratory techniques of http://www.lsus.edu/catalogs/catalog9899/catchem.htm | |
73. Catalog For Academic Year 2005-2006 - Louisiana State University In Shreveport CHEM 106L Introductory chemistry Laboratory 1 cr. An introduction to modernand classical organic laboratory techniques of purification and http://www.lsus.edu/catalogs/current/courses_chem.asp | |
74. CMIL-mainframe Organic chemistry Laboratory techniques Each of these nine videos covers theessential theory and procedures for a particular technique, stressing safety http://ucmedia1.ucxonline.berkeley.edu/sales/science06/scimain2.html | |
75. Department Of Chemistry » Academics » Course Descriptions General Inorganic chemistry Laboratory I. (CHEM 1111) 1(04) A laboratorycourse on the techniques and apparatus used in the measurement of properties http://www.tamuk.edu/chemistry/academics/courses.shtml | |
76. METU - Department Of Chemistry / General Info Nuclear analytical techniques, fundamental aspects of nuclear chemistry, developmentof analytical methods for occupational hygiene and safety are also http://www.chem.metu.edu.tr/general.html | |
77. METU - Department Of Chemistry / Courses / Descriptions Of Undergraduate Courses Applications of general organic chemistry laboratory techniques. Safety andbasic techniques in inorganic chemistry laboratory, synthesis and http://www.chem.metu.edu.tr/ug_descrp.html | |
78. CHEMISTRY CHEM 1112 General chemistry II Laboratory Continuation of CHEM 1111, Basic laboratory techniques; identification and purification of substances; http://www.uttyler.edu/web cat/chem_under.htm | |
79. Chemistry: Courses Prerequisite An advanced undergraduate inorganic chemistry course or an CHEM 79001 Basic Laboratory techniques for Research in Analytical, http://web.gc.cuny.edu/Chemistry/courses/spring2004.htm | |
80. CHEM 286 - Experiments Of The Organic Chemistry Laboratory Course Organic chemistry laboratory 2. Last update May 5th, 2003 lab techniqueslearned. General organic reaction methods; Reflux as a synthetic method http://www.sfu.ca/chemistry/students/courses/chem286/experiments.htm | |
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