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Chemistry Lab Techniques: more books (34) | ||||||
41. THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY - Course Desriptions Experiments give the student exposure to basic laboratory techniques and lab Fee $10.00; CHEM 126 chemistry in Modern Times (3) Analogous to 125 for http://arts-sciences.cua.edu/chem/courses.html | |
42. Xavier University Registrar CHEM421 INORGANIC chemistry lab (1.00) laboratory techniques and practice insynthetic inorganic chemistry. Prerequisite CHEM 420 http://www.xavier.edu/registrar/course/chem.html | |
43. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results This course website (5.301 chemistry laboratory techniques, January (IAP) It includes a collection of videos from the Digital lab techniques Manual http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psibrowse.pl?limit=0&toplevel=chemistry&s |
44. SU Chemistry | Chemistry Courses Applications of modern chemical laboratory techniques. lab experiments inpreparation of macromolecules samples and biophysical measurements with visits http://www-che.syr.edu/courses.html | |
45. Organic Chemistry Lab Program Dr. Lois M. Browne, Organic chemistry laboratory Coordinator to the CourseHome Page, Visit the Videos on techniques, Visit the lab techniques Handbook http://www.chem.ualberta.ca/~orglabs/ | |
46. APC MEMO Experiments include proper and safe laboratory techniques, chemical and physicalproperties of matter, 314,315 Physical chemistry I and II lab (1,1) http://www.unca.edu/chem/curriculum/courses.htm | |
47. Undergraduate Chemistry At Emory University -- Course Desriptions 355L Inorganic lab An introduction to experimental techniques commonly usedin synthetic Inorganic chemistry research labs. Coordination chemistry and http://www.chemistry.emory.edu/undergrad/descriptions.html | |
48. Southern State Community College CHEM 211 Organic chemistry lab I To be taken concurrently with CHEM 201 2 creditsA study of organic chemistry laboratory techniques. http://www.sscc.edu/Academics/course_desc/chemistry.htm | |
49. Chemistry & Biochemistry Course Descriptions CHEM 231L Introduction to Organic chemistry laboratory techniques (1) Theories One hour of credit will be awarded for each 45 lab hours completed. http://www.cofc.edu/~chem/advising/courses.html | |
51. Chemistry This course is a continuation of CHEM 315 and uses the same techniques. ADVANCED PHYSICAL chemistry lab (1) A three hour per week laboratory course that http://www.shepherd.edu/pub_info/catalog/chemistrycourse.html |
52. Chemistry A laboratory course in which the techniques used in the synthesis and In lab,an emphasis is on advanced methods of synthesis and structural http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/chem.shtm | |
53. Course Descriptions Introduction to the laboratory practice of organic chemistry; techniques andseparations. CHE 396 Practicum chemistry lab (1,0,1) http://www.nku.edu/~chemistry/che3.html | |
54. Rhodes: Chemistry: Courses: All Course Descriptions Two lectures and one lab per week. Prerequisite One year of high school Emphasis is placed upon synthesis and the common laboratory techniques http://www.rhodes.edu/public/2_0-Academics/2_1_6-Chemistry/2_1_6_2-Courses/2_1_6 | |
55. Chemistry (Chem)—Morris Catalog Development of lab techniques in organic chemistry; experimental problem solving.(3 hrs lab). Chem 2312s. Organic chemistry lab II. (1 cr; prereq 2311, http://www.catalogs.umn.edu/morris/div/mr05.html | |
56. National Vehicle And Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL) - Chemistry Lab Methods - These chemistry methods are used by the EPA NVFEL to perform analysis testing Test Procedures chemistry Methods lab techniques Dyno Driver s Aid http://www.epa.gov/otaq/labchem.htm | |
57. Lynchburg College: Chemistry: Courses Unknowns and a final lab exam are required. 127 THE chemistry OF LIFE (4) FS An introduction to the laboratory techniques of organic chemistry. http://www.lynchburg.edu/academic/chemistry/CHEMCRSE.HTM | |
58. Enouri Omar | People | Department Of Chemistry CHEM 303 lab Organic chemistry laboratory I (chemistry majors) This involvesperforming experimental techniques and understanding the principles and http://www.isu.edu/departments/chem/fac_omar.shtml | |
59. Chemistry CHE 384 Intermediate Synthetic and Spectroscopic laboratory techniques or CHE 141, 142 Honors chemistry; CHE 133, 134 General chemistry lab http://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/Bulletin/ubdeptsspring04.nsf/pages/che | |
60. Wisconsin Lutheran College:Chemistry Course Descriptions 1 lec., 6 hrs. lab. Prereq CHE 162. CHE 221 Organic chemistry 1. 3 cr. CHE 410 Advanced Analytical chemistry. 3 cr. Advanced techniques and theory of http://www.wlc.edu/academics/che/che_courses.html | |
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