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41. Costs Of Chemistry Journals Email Chat Call/Visit Home Chemistry Library Cost of Information (Print and electronic journals, standing orders), $440000. Databases http://www.lib.utexas.edu/chem/costs.html | |
42. BUBL LINK: Chemistry Research Resource type index; chemistry journals Links to numerous chemistry journals and journal Subjects chemistry research, electronic journal production, http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/chemistryresearch.htm | |
43. Leddy Library - Journal Articles & Databases - Chemistry & Biochemistry Royal Society of chemistry journals (Fulltext) Annual Reviews (Fulltext) Biomedical key science journals (fulltext) Journal of Biological Chemistry http://www.uwindsor.ca/units/leddy/2002.nsf/JournalDatabasesBySubjectChemistry?O |
44. UCL Library Services -- Subject Guides - Find Chemistry Journals chemistry journals post1991 are part of the PHYSICAL SCIENCES PERIODICALS chemistry journals pre-1991 may be kept in one of two places in an http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Library/guides/subjchemjnls.shtml | |
45. UCL Library Services -- Subject Guides - Chemistry Science journals post1991 are kept in subject sequences. Most of the post-1991 chemistry journals are kept in the PHYSICAL SCIENCES PERIODICALS section on http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Library/guides/subjchem.shtml | |
46. Chemistry Journals Publisher Elsevier Science; Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry in Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers; Journal of Physical Chemistry A http://www.ktf-split.hr/periodni/en/abc/journal.html | |
47. Martindale's Chemistry Center: Chemistry Journals ROYAL SOCIETY OF chemistry journals Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Burlington House, INDEX OF ORGANIC chemistry journals - Author K. Van Aken, http://www.martindalecenter.com/GradChemistry_1_J.html | |
48. CSU Libraries: Chemistry Journals In Electronic Format Click here to view the dynamic list of electronic journals in chemistry. Some publishers of chemistry journals. Academic Press Chemistry Chemical http://lib.colostate.edu/research/chem/chemjs.html | |
49. Chemistry Journals Chemistry electronic journals Lists chemistry electronic journals Chemistry printonly journals Lists current chemistry journals held only in print http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/sci/Chemistry/ejournals.html | |
50. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results A list of links to chemistry journals and magazines, in alphabetical order, The RSC publishes over 30 journals covering many areas of chemistry. http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psibrowse.pl?limit=0&toplevel=chemistry&s |
51. Organic Chemistry Journals This page provides links to organic chemistry journalsprovided by the Division of Organic Chemistry, ACS. http://organicdivision.org/organic_journals.html | |
52. Chemistry Journals Synopses. Journal of chemical research. Miniprint. Journal of materials chemistry. Journal of organic chemistry. journal of physical chemistry. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/cbl/smith/che/chejournals.html | |
53. Library News: Scheduled Outage For Royal Society Of Chemistry Journals Collectio The Royal Society of chemistry journals collection will be unavailable for server maintenance between Friday, April 1 at 500 pm and Sunday, April 3 at 500 http://blog.uwinnipeg.ca/InfoResources/archives/000910.html | |
54. Forward Page Latest news about chemistry meetings, journals, business, education, environment, food and agriculture, health and medicine, materials and technology. http://center.acs.org/applications/ccs/application/ | |
55. Alphabetical List (June 2005); Internet Journal of Science Biological chemistry Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy IOP electronic journals Page http://www.ch.cam.ac.uk/c2k/cj/alpha.html | |
56. Wiley-VCH - European Journal Of Organic Chemistry Publishes full papers, short communications, and microreviews from the entire spectrum of synthetic organic, bioorganic and physicalorganic chemistry. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2046/ | |
57. Error Page http//www.rsc.org/is/journals/current/ejs.htm The home page of the Royal Society of chemistry website. RSC journals Homepage RSC Databases Home http://www.rsc.org/is/journals/current/ejs.htm | |
58. NRC Research Press: Canadian Journal Of Chemistry Publishes outstanding research articles and comprehensive reviews by international contributors in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physicaltheoretical chemistry. Articles on electrochemistry, surface chemistry, theoretical chemistry, bio-synthesis, physical organic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and nuclear magnetic resonance also appear. http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjc |
59. Journal Home Impact Factors for journals published by the RSC have increased over 10%. Figures for The Analyst, Chem Soc Rev, Green chemistry, Lab on a Chip and NJC have http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/Index.asp | |
60. American Chemical Society Publications: The Journal Of Organic Chemistry Home Pa Full Articles, Notes and rapid Communications reporting novel, important findings across the breadth of organic chemistry. http://pubs.acs.org/journals/joceah/ | |
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