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41. Annual Report 2002 Editorial Heavy elements Surface chemistry Analytical chemistry Radwaste HW Gäggeler, Z. Qin, S. Soverna, R. Dressler, L. Tobler, D. Piguet http://lch.web.psi.ch/pdf/anrep02/abstract02.html |
42. Chemistry 1911 (18671934) 1911 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of radium. First person to win two nobel prizes. France, Sorbonne University, Paris, France. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1911/ | |
43. Dr. Thomas Wiese inorganic chemistry The branch of chemistry dealing with elements other than A B C DEF G HIJ KL MN OP QR ST UV WX YZ. joule The SI unit of energy. http://www.fhsu.edu/chemistry/twiese/glossary/chemglossary.htm | |
44. Â Mr.Bright's Chemistry Home Page Contains links to an interactive Periodic Table of elements, a summary of molecular shapes and electron pair geometry, as well as animations on molecular models. http://mrbright.8m.com/ | |
45. Chemistry Of Nonmetals Contains extensive information regarding nonmetallic elements. PDF Format http://www38.homepage.villanova.edu/scott.kassel/pdf_files/nonmetals.pdf |
46. Chemistry 1911 1911 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of radium. First person to win two nobel prizes. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1911/index.html | |
47. Chemistry Additional Problems The power of red laser (l = 630 nm) is 1.00 W. How many photons per second does Is the same trend in first ionization energies for elements Z=5 to Z=10 http://www.wwnorton.com/nrl/chem/chemsci/CHEMSCInewprobs3.htm | |
48. Periodic Table Of Elements Detailed Includes general information about an element, atomic number and weight, shells and filling orbital, melting and boiling point, covalent and atomic radius, and lots of other parameters. http://atlas.chemistry.uoc.gr/ptoe/ | |
49. Chemistry 1951 (1912 1999) 1951 Nobel Prize in chemistry joint discovery in the chemistry of the transuranium elements with Edwin Mattison McMillan. USA, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1951/index.html | |
50. Named Things In Chemistry & Physics Named Concepts in chemistry (L Z) Named Laboratory Apparatus ScientificReferences for Discoveries of elements of Periodic Table http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/Homepage.html | |
51. Chemistry, Interactive And Printable Periodic Table Of The Elements Printable Interactive periodic table of the elements, chemistry data tables and pictures of elements. http://profmokeur.ca/chemistry/ |
52. VL-chemistry11 chemistry elements - L - Z chemistry - Encyclopedia References chemistry -Formulas chemistry - General Resources chemistry - History http://www.yalesecondarylibrary.com/subjectliststudents/*subject library(old Con | |
53. Chemistry 1935 (1900 1958) Discovered artificial radioactivity, i.e., new radioactive elements produced by the bombardment of non-radioactive elements with particles or neutrons. Prize shared with his wife Ir¨ne Joliot-Curie. France, Institut du Radium, Paris, France. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1935/index.html | |
54. Crystal Chemistry Atoms make up the chemical elements. Each chemical element has nearly identical There are 3 different types of p orbitals, designated px, py, and pz. http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens211/crystal_chemistry.htm |
56. Indexnet Basic An interactive period chart of the elements. http://www.karlazone.com/chemistry/ |
57. NUS: Department Of Chemistry L. Y. Goh, WK Leong, PH Leung, Z. Weng, I. Haiduc, J. Organomet. Polyatomic molecules and aggregates of main group 15/16 elements in organochromium http://www.chemistry.nus.edu.sg/ourpeople/academic_staff/gohly.htm | |
58. Chemistry Bookstore - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Schaum s Outline of College chemistry by Jerome L. Rosenberg, Lawrence M. Epstein Exploring Chemical elements and Their Compounds by David L. Heiserman http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/materials/ChemistryBooks.htm | |
59. Chemicals - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Chemical experiments with compounds and elements. For AP chemistry teens.Each week get a new handout and exercise to do. Chemicals Around the House http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/chemicals.htm | |
60. Earth Scientist's Periodic Table of the elements and Their Ions. by L. Bruce Railsback Accompanying Figure 3shows patterns in the chemistry of simple oxysalt minerals. http://www.gly.uga.edu/railsback/PT.html | |
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