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Chemistry Data: more books (100) |
141. MolData, Chemical Data On The Web Physical chemistry This index also includes data from chemical physics, atomicphysics, and particle physics. We wish to draw your attention to Biology http://pages.pomona.edu/~wsteinmetz/moldata.html | |
142. Chemical Data University of Cambridge Home chemistry Department Home, Chemical data Cambridge Crystallographic data Centre chemistry 2000 university chemistry http://www.ch.cam.ac.uk/c2k/data.html | |
143. Material Removed Dr. Plambeck has retired. Dr. Plambeck has retired, and the material you werelooking for has been removed. Department of chemistry. http://www.chem.ualberta.ca/plambeckmaterial.html | |
144. International Critical Tables Of Numerical Data, Physics The most comprehensive and reliable source of scientific and engineering informationonline. Engineers and scientists will be able to find technical http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/Toc.jsp?BookID=735 |
145. NYSDEC - Acid Deposition Monitoring Data Summaries Acid deposition monitoring data is analyzed, reviewed, and validated prior toentry into computer database. http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dar/baqs/acidrain/data.html | |
146. BioMedNet Your data and Alerting Services Gateways News (including the Magazine) JournalCollection (including personal Trends and Current Opinion subscriptions) http://www.bmn.com/ | |
147. Book Does Not Exist Knovel® Library. The book associated with BookID null is not available. To viewa list of available titles, please click here. To notify Technical Support http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/Toc.jsp?SpaceID=10093 |
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