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101. Molecules From Chemistry Threedimensional images and structures (in Protein data Bank format) of molecules, sorted by name, empirical formula, and organic functional group. Listing by empirical formula also includes information on a compound's industrial and pharmaceutical uses. http://people.ouc.bc.ca/woodcock/molecule/molecule.html |
102. Science Experiments For Data Loggers And Oscilloscopes A library of physics, chemistry and biology experiments. Examples include measuring the speed of sound, pH of drinks, magnetic induction and the discharge of batteries. http://www.picotech.com/experiments/ | |
103. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) Globalchange data and information analysis for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Compiles and maintains extensive international data sets on atmospheric chemistry, particularly atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane other radiatively active gases. http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ | |
104. Home Electrochemistry product line includes pH electrodes, Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE 22 species), ORP electrodes, Conductivity (2, 4 Cells), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) electrodes and temperature sensors. Computerized lab equipment; meters (desktop, handheld and remote via PC), data loggers, electrodes, cells, probes, sensors, buffers. http://eidusa.com | |
105. MeasureNet: Network-Based Electronic Data Acquisition For Academic Science Labor Information on networked data collection systems, associated measurement tools, technical specifications, tutorials and sample experiments, for university and secondary school chemistry laboratories, from manufacturer in Cincinnati, OH. http://www.measurenet-tech.com/ | |
106. Clariant Services & Products - Exactly Your Chemistry - Data Per Share information Historical stock prices Symbol, listing and indices Shareholdingstructuredata per share Key Business Facts Environment, data Per Share http://www.clariant.com/corporate/internet.nsf/vwWebPagesByID/00C004DBCEBE34A2C1 | |
107. Computational Chemistry Consulting And Services Services provided in analytical chemistry, specializing in mass spectrometry. Services also include alternate energy system design, tutoring, forensics, training, data analysis, and computer programming http://www.dsbscience.com | |
108. Ecce: Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment Graphical user interface for Linux/Solaris/IRIX with visualization tools and a data management framework for setting up, submitting, and analyzing computational chemistry calculations. http://ecce.emsl.pnl.gov/ | |
109. The Wooden Periodic Table Table Basic data Based on a wooden 'periodic table' table. Contains photographs of over 200 element samples, with descriptions, experiments, and stories about many of them. Winner of the 2002 Ig Nobel prize in chemistry. http://theodoregray.com/PeriodicTable | |
110. High School Chemistry Resources On The Web data. National Institue of Standards chemistry Web Book Main Tables of Chemicaldata Plambeck Reference Tables for chemistry NYS Education Department http://www.chemistrycoach.com/high.htm | |
111. SpringerLink - Publication Publishes articles on Life Science Modeling (including QSAR, data mining/bioinformatics, structure and substructure search), Materials Modeling, New Methods, and Computational chemistry in an interdisciplinary manner and within very short publication times. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00894/tocs.htm | |
112. Amino Acids Useful table with structures, and data of AA's. http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/bio/amino-acids_en.html | |
113. ChemSW Chemistry Software For Windows chemistry Software for Windows. Includes structure drawing, MSDS management, chemical inventories, quality control, databases, data analysis, and education and training. Online purchasing available. http://www.chemsw.com | |
114. IUPAC Nomenclature Home Page Department of chemistry, Queen Mary University of London, If you are interestedin being informed when additional IUPAC data is available from this Web http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iupac/ | |
115. Jürgen Lobert's World Of Science & Arts A site for atmospheric chemistry and earth science. J.M. Lobert's projects, publications, data and personal information and links for further studies. http://www.jurgenlobert.net/ | |
116. AKos Consulting & Solutions GmbH (AKosGmbH) Markets for several companies and offers a variety of software and services. Provides data and tools to manage information for scientists in chemistry and material science. http://akosgmbh.de/ | |
117. Hematological Values For SPLA2 Microinjected Mice Blood chemistry and Hematology data for sPLA2 Microinjected Mice and C57BL/6NTacControl Mice. Test Parameters for sPLA2 Microinjected Mice and C57BL/6NTac http://www.taconic.com/healthr/hematology/spla2heme.htm | |
118. Periodic Table Very basic data Includes oxidation states and electronegativity. http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/periodic_table/ |
119. Hematological Values For K6ODC Microinjected Mice Blood chemistry and Hematology data for K6/ODC Microinjected Mice and C57BL/6NTacControl Mice. Test Parameters for K6/ODC Microinjected Mice and http://www.taconic.com/healthr/hematology/K6odcheme.htm | |
120. Chemistry.org: American Chemical Society - ACS HomePage USA. Membership organization for chemists, chemical engineers and technicians, promoting the public's perception and understanding of chemistry and chemical science. ChemCenter is the society's official web site. Free, online registration provides access to chemical data bases, technical library, articles and links to companies, research institutes and companies. http://www.acs.org/ | |
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