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61. Westgard QC, Inc.: All The QC Applications From Method Validation to Six Sigma More Real World chemistry data (Roche Integra400+) We recently received a set of data for a chemistry analyzer. http://www.westgard.com/qcapp.htm | |
62. Home Page Of Jasminko Karanjac Software combines a relational data base and a Ground Water Information System (GWIS). Applications include mapping, well logs, aquifer test analysis, and plotting of water chemistry data. http://www.geocities.com/karanjac/ | |
63. Chemistry Server S Output Radiation chemistry data Center, Notre Dame Radiation Lab http//www.rcdc.nd.edu/index.html NDRL Radiation chemistry data Center, Notre Dame U http://macedonia.chem.demokritos.gr/chem/show.pl?select=01-340-15 |
64. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results The Radiation chemistry data Centre at Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory hosts aseries of databases covering kinetic, spectroscopic and thermodynamic data http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psibrowse.pl?limit=0&toplevel=chemistry&s |
65. DECHEMA Gesellschaft Für Chemische Technik Und Biotechnologie E.V. Translate this page chemistry data Series. Die Serie bringt bewertete physikalische Daten vonReinstoffen und Gemischen für den fluiden Zustand heraus. http://www.dechema.de/CDS-design-1.html | |
66. Validata Chemical Services - (770) 232-0130 Provides analytical chemistry data validation services. http://datavalidator.com/ |
67. Linux For Chemistry CDROM The packages on LfC represent the stateof-the-art in chemistry data processing,and are identical to the versions used on high end scientific workstations. http://www.randomfactory.com/lfc/intro.html | |
68. American Chemical Society: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Chemical & Enginee Physicalchemistry data of the Puy de Dome top station - Translate this page Physical-chemistry data of the Puy de Dôme top station. Click on any month ingreen in order to get the list of the data measurement days for this month or http://pubs3.acs.org/acs/journals/toc.page?incoden=iecjc0 |
69. Chemistry Data Report NOTE When Selecting A Specific Analyte And chemistry data Report. NOTE When selecting a specific analyte and suite, makesure they are in agreement. Field Matrix http://wqdbworld.lanl.gov/dev60cgi/rwcgi60.exe?tabchem |
70. NIST Chemistry WebBook database of organic chemistry compounds, organized by species. Contains chemicaland physical property data on over 30000 compounds. http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ | |
71. Data Tables: Index data for General, Organic and Physical chemistry, including NMR tables. http://wulfenite.fandm.edu/Data /Data.html | |
72. ACS Periodic Table Comprehensive Interactive periodic table which includes enthalpy of fusion, vaporisation and molar heat capacity. Diagrams of electronic configurations and data graphs. http://chemistry.org/periodic_table.html | |
73. Periodic Table - Chooser Detailed data, writeups, basic listing of nuclides The Royal Society of chemistry's (in the UK) contribution to chemistry on the web. http://www.chemsoc.org/viselements/pages/periodic_table.html | |
74. Welcome To The NIST WebBook The NIST chemistry WebBook provides access to data compiled and You can searchfor data on specific compounds in the chemistry WebBook based on name, http://webbook.nist.gov/ | |
75. NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (Distributed Active Archive Center The NASA Langley Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) archives and distributes data relating to Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, and Troposheric chemistry. http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/ | |
76. CCL Home A resource for computational chemists. Discussions on chemistry software, data, conferences, jobs, quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, QSAR, molecular graphics, molecular modeling, and associated archives http://www.ccl.net/chemistry/ | |
77. The PathFinder Science Network For Student And Citizen Science Science education programs for students of all ages in biology, chemistry, and earth science. GIS and modeling technologies are used to study student collected data. http://pathfinderscience.net | |
78. Resources Includes an introduction to chemistry, lecture notes and quizzes for students, data tables, and molecular images. With NMR tables and information for the beginner. http://wulfenite.fandm.edu/wired.html | |
79. Chemical And Other Safety Information From The Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Ox Oxford University's chemistry safety information, which includes MSDS data. http://physchem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/ | |
80. Data And Reports On Acid Rain, Atmospheric Deposition And Precipitation Chemistr U.S. Geological Survey information resources on acidic deposition in the United States. http://bqs.usgs.gov/acidrain/ | |
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